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Paris Hilton

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Posts posted by Paris Hilton

  1. I want this tattooed... :trisha:



    38 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    Okay I spent a LOT OF FUCKING TIME making this. It is a Born To Die themed isometric room and I've included as many references to the era as I could pack in. It isn't perf, but I'm proud of it, so please lavish me with attention and also follow my IG because I deserve https://www.instagram.com/crying_crustacean/

    Thank you to my friends for giving feedback (you know who you are and you're probably sick of looking at this) and a special thanks to Mr Mouns for letting me use his pixelated art on the computer monitor.

    See how many references you can find - some are obvious, some not so much. Some are probably so crackheaded that they only make sense to me :oic2: I think you can tap and open in new tab to get the maximum resolution, or I have close-ups of various sections in my IG post

    I will put a list of references in a spoiler underneath shortly

    And yes I am doing the other eras (including AKA)!




  2. 7 minutes ago, DemonMic2003 said:

    I just want to kick this shit off by saying, "Fuck y'all!"

    I ain't gotta clear my name on a motherfuckin' thang

    Every time I get mentioned

    One of y'all bitch ass pussies get 24 hours of attention

    I'm finna get this shit off my chest and lay it to rest

    Let's go



    We all saw that

    Shocked Gif - IceGif

  3. Hello girls! It's me ya girl RuPaul (Also known as 'Roop' in Italian and Vietnamese)

    I am honestly so happy to be back with everyone, except with THREE girls...


    @Daytona Beach Sparkler Why did you leave three anti-being a drag queen pems under my bed telling me to watch my back? Are you really going to forget that time @bia threw away your cherry coke flavored vape? I see right through you.


    @DemonMic2003 Porkchop. Jealousy is a disease. Feel better soon. X


    @TheBoss You NASTY girl! How dare you do the things you put me through. I already contacted RCA to look for you. Enjoy working with them for 20 years with NOTHING in return. I now own the masters for BB/ANG3L. I'd like to take the chance to announce my album RU/ANG3L! Give it up for RU/ANG3L you guys!


    I went through so much in this competition: The girls gave me LEAN; I was isolated from the group; Taylor Swift snatched my tuck and now ion even got it on me; Lana Del Rey punched me in the left side of my prosthetic breasts; and I was almost killed by THE JUDGES themselves after one of them served me uncooked fish. I mean I like them fishy but not like this!


    Top 10 Most Shocking Moments From RuPaul's Drag Race - THEGAYUK

  4. :oprah4::oprah4: I WON LANABOARD’S NEXT TOP MODEL????? :oprah4::oprah4:

    I can’t believe I am the first drag queen to serve in the North Korean army and to win LNTM at once. Thank you judges for seeing something beyond this beautiful snatch! And I’m not talking about the lack of wig on my head that I lost due to severe excitement. 

    My Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent is overflowing! 

    Thank you to the judges and Lindsay for this beautiful opportunity. To all my fellow models, you were so fun and talented! 

    After all the drama, you are all my girls! Except for some unsolved business I am going to address with one girl… Watch your Back.





  5. Backstage, moments before the final runway, the tension was palpable.

    RuPaul, still livid about her missing dress, confronted Mitski…

    — I know you took it, you weird freakzoid. I will dismember you… she accused, eyes blazing. Mitski, maintaining her calm, and sweetness retorted: —I didn’t touch your stupid dress, you stupid bald bitch. Stop blaming me for your Amnesia you old hag…

    Anya, AGAIN, caught in the middle, tried to defuse the situation, AGAIN… — Can we just focus on the show? This is our moment! We might serve in the North Korean army for 5 years!! Don’t forget it girls


    Kim Kardashian,  lieutenant of the south North Korean base stormed in, barking orders: —Enough! Get your fucking ass up and strut the runway. It seems like nobody wants to strut the runway these days


    As they moved to their positions, RuPaul leaned in to Anya, whispering: —Watch your back. Anya, exasperated, just shook her head.

    The models took their places for the second runway, the drama still simmering beneath the surface.





    As I step into the photoshoot set to give you all a HERstory lesson, I embody the essence of 18th-century French haute couture. This stunning gown pays homage to Rose Bertin, the trailblazer who dressed Donatella VERSACE 💜 Queen Marie Antoinette and introduced haute couture to France. The gold-embroidered bodice hugs my gorgina figure, while the dramatic puffed sleeves and flowing dress evoke the opulence of Versailles.



    Inspiration from the origins of Haute Couture during the XVIII century.



    Adorned with pearls and sparkling jewels, I channel the regal elegance of the era. This look is a tribute to the origins of haute couture, from Bertin to Charles Frederick Worth, who revolutionized fashion and inspired legendary houses like Chanel and Dior. In this outfit, I am wearing a piece of history, exuding timeless luxury and sophistication.



  7. 2 hours ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    Maybe it's just my mood but I find her comment and all of this discourse hilarious

    I am just sitting here lmao and I haven't even taken or smoked anything


  8. Just now, sjatib said:


    I mean, of course its my own perspective. This is a forum and I guess thats what that's about, creating a space to share perspectives.


    Yes, Nancy Drew! Therefore YOUR opinion on Lana's experience doesn't define her... Case closed.

  9. The girls start freaking out and start dispersing, heading to their rooms to gather their belongings. An air of excitement and nervous anticipation fills the house as they zip up suitcases.

    — What do you think we'll be doing there? asks Mitski as she folds her crusty panties into her suitcase.


    — I don't know... Cleaning maybe? DUH, Modeling! Maybe a photoshoot at some historic sites? or Maybe pose with Kim Jong-un? Or maybe SERVE in the military in a Top Model way?? I guess Charli XCX will finally get drafted, RuPaul suggests in excitement, tossing her lice-filled synthetic wig into her luggage.




    As the girls finish packing, a van arrives to take them to the airport. They pile in, buzzing with a mix of nerves and excitement. The journey to the airport is filled with chatter and laughter, but also moments of quiet reflection as they ponder the unique and possibly challenging experience ahead. At the airport, they board their flight, each girl lost in her thoughts as the plane takes off. Charli is the the toilet vaping, Anya is being mindful of why she was being invited to the section, RuPaul is knocked out after chugging a bottle of edibles, and Mitski is doing a protection spell for all the girls. They know that this adventure will be unlike any other, pushing them out of their comfort zones and into a world completely different from their own.


    As they soar through the skies, the models look around at each other, feeling a sense of camaraderie. Whatever awaits them in North Korea, they are in it together, ready to face whatever challenges and surprises Lindsay has in store.


    Touching down in Pyongyang, they step off the plane and are greeted by all the eliminated girls, who are waiting with a warm smile and an air of mystery.

    Welcome to North Korea, ladies, said all the eliminated girls...



  10. 35 minutes ago, sjatib said:

    There's tons and tons and tons of VERY problematic stuff in that social that I find quite more deserving of an angry response. Not to invalidate the fact that she's visibly offended by the post, but I just dont think it earns it.


    I see what you mean, but, AGAIN, you're talking from your OWN perspective and that's fine. However, you cannot say there is other stuff to get mad at because, again, it depends on the person. Some things that might be offensive to you might not be offensive to me, but that's you — and in this case — it is Lana. I mean, they're bringing up personal shit from her life. I would feel some type of way as well.


    You are confusing some "jokes" with someone being a cu*t to her for no reason. The user who posted that doesn't even give a fuck about what they did, so... it's more targeted than just a simple joke.

  11. 15 minutes ago, sjatib said:

    I mean I guess its not a funny thing for Lana to read but half of the Lana memes dont differ that much from this one. Like the ones with cigars as breakfast and all that stuff. I dont think she should take it as more than it is, thats not more than some unfortunate comment from a more than probable teenager.

    Joking about someone's experience on abuse and depression like that  Joking about having cigars/vapes for breakfast...


    Maybe it might not seem to be a big deal for us but it is for Lana. Who are we to judge that. 

  12. I was very humbled this week by Ms. Lohan… she told me I was her favorite ever and just like the rest she LIED. My heart is shattered in one trizillion pieces and I’m forever grateful for @Rorman Nockwell for teaching these girls a lesson on how to walk the runway… They were making me borderline suicidal! You’re truly our Miss Jay Alexander. 

    I spent my day in the ONLY bathroom in this house crying. I know the other girls are mad at me for using it for so long. I am sorry but my happiness and mental wellbeing comes first. I love you all girls so much.


    TOP 4!



  13. Confessional:


    Absolutely baffled and sick at Lindsay's critiques... Much to think about and not very much to say. Someone had to be the dyslexic main judge! How dares she criticize the queen of Drag. Next week things will change... FOR GOOD.


    On another note, I am shocked at tonight's placements. Seeing the other Kate being eliminated was crazy as well. We are all shaking, crying and throwing up. Happy for Anya and Mitski... but I need my third win NOW.


    Also, Lizzy! How could you not tell this is a collection from Christian Dior from the 60s! I guess you guys dont really have that in Trailer Parkland 

    Rupaul confessional


  14. 30 minutes ago, ultrabanisters said:


    the full story is not being shared here.


    i reached out to you - an olive branch of sorts - to reconcile and settle any differences we (you) had. i was unsure why you were so intent on stirring up drama that never existed in the first place. i then realised all you wanted was airtime, so i decided to give it to you


    the audience can see right through you. me and charli were and still are the best of friends, and i thought we were too. i explained to her at breakfast that i had to choose someone, and it was based on how people did in the challenge. she understood and moved on. you have shown your true colours today ru, and i hope the audience, judges and your yaks see that too


    also charli, i think all your toenails are beautiful ingrown or not <3 i’m sorry roop cant see that 

    As the tension thickened, Mitski’s words hung in the air. RuPaul's eyes narrowed:

    You think this is about airtime? You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You have no idea what it's like to fight for recognition. Maybe you're too comfortable to understand that.


    Charli, caught in the middle, tried to calm things down...

    We don’t need to do this. We’re supposed to be besties and do heroin together.


    Mitski steadied herself...

    Ru, this is about respect. We all have our struggles, but undermining each other isn't the way.


    RuPaul's expression softened briefly..

    Respect? Respect is earned. Maybe you should step down from your high horse.


    The girls heard the three girls fighitng and immediately went to the living rome, sensing more drama to come. Charli attempted to mediate.

    Can we at least agree that we all have something special to offer? We have Charisma Uniqueness Nerve and Talent together.


    Mitski nodded, the fire in her eyes dimming.

    —Fine. But if you want a fight, Ru... YOU know the addy — pull up, but if i were you, i wouldnt... Also, I'd rather us all shine without dragging each other down.


    RuPaul smiled faintly.

    Oh, honey, this isn't over. But maybe you're right. Let's focus on what really matters... To erradicate the use of sorphonic acid as a  reflux of climate change in Antartica and Japan affecting cross-border exportations!!...




    This is just the beginning. If we can't work together, this competition might tear us apart. But it’s going to be one hell of a ride



    i just took a fat edible so appreciate the effort

  15. Confessional



    Look how the tables have turned today. Mitski and Charli XCX were trying to get close with each other just for Mitski to stab her in the back. I was called an "instigator" and a "drama stirrer" but I guess someone else snatched that title away from me... I knew there was something malicious behind Mitski's aura.


    Rupaul confessional


    Who are you to insult my beautiful fracking ranch. I have done nothing but contribute to the environment... I see right through you Mitski. You are an evil woman and you will soon see my wrath! I've been warning you, she has the devil within and satan got her soul. I really thought you wear my friend.


    Mitski attacks Rupaul. Charli XCX intervenes but gets her ingrown nail injured






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