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Everything posted by slang

  1. One of the more minor LDR enigmas (for me) is why she didn't fully cover Big Spender either before or after Smiler's use of her quoting it (or -- gasp -- are there rumors she actually did cover the full song?). Other than Shirley Bassey, Peggy Lee and Chaka Kahn also covered it. Freddy Mercury on Youtube does some of it. It's a powerhouse diva song, and it sounds like she's really nails her part (or is it just autotune?). So I've always thought her releasing a full version of Big Spender would have gone a far ways in promoting her as a singer.
  2. 'Girl in a Coma' have opened for Morrissey twice and recently got on Spotify, so they're not unknown, but whenever I listen to their (3) albums, I always think they should be a lot bigger than they are. I have a super infatuation with Nina Diaz's voice (and her look as well). This song is fairly representative of the band's writing skill. studio "control": live "control": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girl_in_a_Coma
  3. Ran across this on @LanaDReyOnline (twitter). Looks like LDR thanked theGrammys about 6hrs ago, but as it doesn't show up on LDR's twitter as a tweet, so she did it as a DM? I won't believe she got a grammy til she does a selfie with it. BTW, who one best remix classical? LOL? https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey/status/428840552851709953
  4. Doesn't For K, pt. 2 on ... AKA Lizzy Grant support the idea that For K, pt. 1 is a real title (or real title change)? I haven't heard the non-overlapping content, but would those who have say the songs left out of Sirens were relatively weaker? Just treating everything as historical events and leaving everything alone within its respective event (option 3), at least preserves info so it can be revisited later. It's also the least painful. People must have DM'd LDR before on this, so I would assume a history of not responding on this topic on her part? I'm hoping "May Jailer.... Sirens" is a real title (not fan created) as it seems very LDR to me (i.e., the colliding worlds idea on the double meaning of Sirens, with "Jailer" at least having a relation to the cop meaning of sirens).
  5. She should really tweet the Surgeon General's warning about smoking just to offset the number of candids of her smoking, LOL. Just an idea. I agree she looks sexy (and angry) AF. Ah well ... in my preferred parallel universe she attended the grammys in the outfit of @@radiodasirius signature block (disney T-shirt, backwards ball cap -- she would've had a good reason to wear all of it). As my posts tend to be educational: http://jonimitchell.com/library/view.cfm?id=2503 But seriously, I hope the smoking thing for LDR never becomes serious.
  6. Not a joke, but error-prone. I think I remember Imagine Dragons saying on the red carpet it would be a "travesty" if they won over their competition (so they didn't have to write a victory speech). I've got to watch the thing on DVR to see what they said.
  7. LDR had a shit-ton amount of stuff to talk about had somebody actually stopped her on the red carpet, and she wouldn't have had to worry about looking nice (of course). So like many others, I was disappointed when she didn't show. While I respect her introversion, the clearest way to show you "don't care" about an awards ceremony is to show up and actually not care (e.g., promote oneself, enjoy the show, observe the competition). As it is, it's sort of ambiguous. Maybe she really does care? I doubt anybody's surprised LDR didn't win best pop vocal album. Bruno winning pop album still sends a clear message that she (and Lorde) were nominated because their work is respected enough to be nominated. Adele winning for skyfall (again) also sends a message (nothing succeeds like success, perhaps?). I'm still wrapping my head around what the remix win means, or how LDR views it. I'm disappointed the Grammy voting population didn't award LDR more directly on her work. However, it's well known that the Grammys are not very good at awarding for talent or impact of a musical artist. I think of the Grammy "Lifetime achievment" award as a retroactive correction for this (as they do too). You can explore past winners of Grammys at: http://www.grammy.com/nominees/search?artist=Jewel&field_nominee_work_value=&year=All&genre=All So try "David Bowie" "Led Zeppelin" "David Byrne" "Talking Heads" "Elvis Costello" "Depeche Mode" "Roxy Music" see what pops up (it doesn't have the 2014 results yet). Does what they win for (when they win anything at all) actually reflect the merit of their work?
  8. Bummer, of course. But on the upside no distractions for Ultraviolence (like live performances in front of several hundred million people). If LDR persists in her cinematic ambitions, whatever they are, she'll get there (but hopefully she'll stay a rocker). BTW, DelReyLane (on twitter) https://twitter.com/DelReyLane retweets keith_caulfield on an interesting theory for why no song from the Great Gatsby got a nomination.
  9. @@mauve says "Basically, any unreleased song that strikes me as something negative at any time is likely to become a firm favourite" What I think you are saying is that LDR is stretching your appreciation of what pop music can be. That is, you don't (too much) cite the fact that you think that the odd songs are cliche (as in a bunch of pop stars do stuff like that). In my case, I remember first hearing "Stoplite Delite" and thinking "oh man, the youtube blocker got to it first", and then she started singing to the bizarre instruments, and I thought "oh no, what the heck is this". But when I experienced the song and finally understood the quality of its parts (over multiple listens), I think it's one of her great songs (i.e., should be on a "leaked sessions" vol. x cd). I guess I had a similar experience with "Delicious", "Je Moi joue (?)" "Axl Rose Husband", which are completely different songs. Sirens (album -1, where ... AKA Lizzy Grant is album 0) is another interesting case. A lot of LDR fans might not like it (still, but I wonder if they listen to it multiple times), but a lot of others (like myself) have grown to love it. here's another quote: @@mauve "if some pop person like Selena Gomez came up with a song like Noir, I would absolutely preach hate against it xD No just kidding, but I really wouldn't like it." I don't know S.G.'s work, but assuming you don't like that, I think what you would actually say is "I don't like S.G., except for this one song...". Or if S.G. could have created Noir, maybe you would like S.G. (i.e., the rest of her songs would have been different too). BTW PJ Harvey, Chelsea Wolfe, or Fiona Apple might have written a song like Noir, but they wouldn't have written a song like Big Bad Wolf, or Without You. So maybe it's the range of LDR's personality you like (the range of her musical style) and not her exposed personality while singing (which I think is fine). I can't speak for you, but that's the case for me.
  10. Wonderful thread. I'll be overlapping with others, but it seems important that if one were actually asking LDR questions (and conceive of her actually answering) exact wording would be important. BTW, I think she'd walk from an interview with questions like these, but I don't think that automatically makes them bad questions. I attempted to thematically cluster questions. Anyway, this is stuff I wonder about. 1) What do you think of your leaks/unreleased? What proportion do you consider "throwaways" and what proportion album worthy? What are your ultimate plans for the leaks/unreleased? Do you think the leaks/unreleased ultimately help or hurt you and why? 2) What's the motivation for keeping AKA Lizzy Grant unreleased? What about Sirens? Why was there never a Princess-Superstar-produced EP? How important is meeting the expectations of a fanbase for releasing music? What weight does the record label have in making these decisions? 3) Can you still sing as high as you did on Pretty Baby (on Sirens)? I chose that particular song, as it's debatable you got all the notes as intended (though maybe that was just the way you intended to sing it). How would you sound on that song now? Better or worse? Would you ever play guitar again as you sing? Are you getting better at guitar? 4) Any collaborations with Barrie in the future? Does the label encourage or discourage this? Do you jam (guitarwise) with Barrie as much as you date (and other relationshipy things)? What's Barrie's opinion of your leaks/unrealsed both in terms of their quality and what you should do about them? 5) What's wrong with the music industry? What's right with it? What do you see as your role in it? 300 years from now, what LIVING pop/rock/other stars do you think will be remembered? Same question but now consider the dead stars. 6) You made the Saturday Night Live HD Vevo performances private (I'm assuming) but you did this only after surpassing any other SNL youtube performance in viewcounts at the time (I guess this is true, I think Lady Gaga was the record holder at the time). As at least as many people liked your SNL performances as not (I think the split was close to 60/40 in favor on the likes/dislikes), why did you do this? Do you have significant influence on what stays up or goes away on Youtube with respect to your leaks/unreleased presented there?
  11. I agree with everyone about the wonderful company she keeps on this "flop" list. As to whether or not Tropico makes sense as a career move, whether you like the video or not, it's hard to believe Tropico will hurt her relative to her accomplished grammy nominations or her oscar consideration (keeping fingers crossed). The short film seems well timed for those and hopefully it will help.
  12. ^ LDR is kind of a magpie collagist, so the only thing we really know for sure about her use of the poem is that she likes it. BTW John Wayne, actually does recite this, see below. If I had to commit to a meaning for the America poem, I'd say it relates more to the Marilyn quote: "Sex is a part of nature; I go along with nature", though it could also be cited as an instance of "rah rah rah America shit", but maybe it's a viewer's choice on this. So, for instance, the poem could also be a way of representing Eden reasserting itself at about the time of the paradise ascension.
  13. Hopefully somebody else in the artist world will write an opposing viewpoint. The great thing about the site is you must have a musician cred to write a review. Artist's perceptions of other artists is just so fascinating to me; it almost doesn't matter if the review is good or bad, because, if it's a crapily executed review, you learn something about the artist (i.e., reviewer). I wonder if LDR will ever stan for (or trash) somebody there in the future. The Tropico review was not good because readers do not want a bunch of opinions about what it was all about (as @@PrettyBaby suggested), but a review that might let them know what type of person would like it. What she said (minimally) in that regard is that if you're expecting music videos you won't like it as much (which is not really news): "But why bother presenting a trinity of promo clips, which would stand fine alone, as a film? Why not schedule a half-hour MTV Takeover?" Well, yeah, if you can't see the bother, you really haven't attempted to understand the "short film". But I really recommend this site, for instance: Lou Reed on Yeezus (excellent example of a good music review). Moby on R. Kelly Amanda Palmer on Janelle Monáe (there's also an LDR shade in that one unfortunately, but it's still fascinating to know she doesn't "believe" in LDR songs, regardless of whether I do; just search for "lana del rey", if you don't want to read the review and just see the shade).
  14. Interesting negative review from Sadie Dupuis (Speedy Ortiz) of Tropico. Anyone hear of the group? She's somebody who went to Kent with LDR but is obviously not a fan (or bothered to listen to Paradise on Spotify very much, although she indicates she might revisit the video because she likes the songs). Very interesting site (musicians talk music). Hope more LDR reviews coming from there someday (if they aren't there already). http://thetalkhouse.com/features/view/sadie-dupuis-lana-del-reys-short-film-tropico
  15. The problem of comparing female artists to each other more often than males or groups to each other is an old one. I have nothing against Lorde (think she's pretty and like her music) but can't stand it when a critic or music journalist forces a comparison to LDR, especially in non-musical terms. It seems like it's done with the same motivation that one takes a stick to an anthill (as @ suggests). I suppose the most you should say (as music journalist) is something like: "if you like Lorde's music, you might like LDR's, and vice versa" and maybe give a few concrete examples about why, but that's about it.
  16. I agree totally that the Satellites and Golden Globes are simply awards and nominations based on opinion of a non-artistic population. These opinions can be (and probably are) influenced for reasons other than quality. However, the Satellites might be more valid (as an opinion of the Press) if more people vote in the IPA and their population is less specialized (HFPA excludes the US, by definition). Unfortunately, I can't find IPA voting numbers, so maybe it's a sham organization. However, I'm under the impression that the GGs only reflect the voting of 90 foreign-press members. WTF. Why should their opinion matter much? How did they get so much (supposed) validity attached to them? Just asking. Why would the Oscar voting even be influenced by it?
  17. The Golden Globes award is bestowed by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association which is composed of 90 members from around the world (they have a base of operations in L.A.). Granted these are entertainment journalists, but there are so few of them. So why such a keen interest in these nominations and awards? Just asking! I wouldn't dream of snubbing them. It's their awards, they can nominate who they like. http://www.hfpa.org/members/ With regard to LDR getting snubbed. The fact that HFPA are journalists is consistent with an interesting LDR polarization I have imagined seeing, namely: critics/journalists tend to dislike her, but artists (e.g., the Grammy voting population) tend to like her. However, the Satellite Award is also of journalist's, and apparently there's more members than in the HFPA, and they did nominate her. So why are the Satellite awards not prestigious? http://www.pressacademy.com/members/ Unlike HFPA, the International Press Academy includes US press. I think LDR's biggest Oscar competition (that I know of, at least) is Florence (and for Gatsby too!). If LDR doesn't get nominated, Florence may, but hopefully, both will get nominated. If I were the Oscar's voting population, I might consider LDR's artistic interest in videos and movies as a factor. It may seem like a silly factor, but if all the songs are considered to be equally good, things like that should matter in a voting population like the Oscar one.
  18. She tweeted (or retweeted) about the "godparticle" being confirmed (i think it was back in 3/12), and that may be related broadly to her interest here (as speculation, also as suggested by @@parkin link to info one of the prize winners). At any rate this is nice interesting press for her. Wonder if it were spur of the moment or planned by her for some time.
  19. I remember seeing a youtube video for Break My Fall that listed EG as "writer" and commenting about that in a forum. So he may have contacted that uploader as he did @ with the same request. That particular video was taken down (I suppose, not sure, can't find it). I just wanted to say, he's not listed on BMF at ASCAP (note the *RAY* spelling, which is why I think it doesn't show up under Lana Del Rey). https://www.ascap.com/Home/ace-title-search/index.aspx 23.BREAK MY FALL Work ID: 882356340 ISWC: Not Assigned WritersIPI #Current Affiliation COOPER MIRANDA DEL RAY LANA WHITING ANTHONY EDWARD295440645PRS Publishers / AdministratorsIPI #Current Affiliation 269137346 PRS * SONY/ATV MUSIC PUBLISHING (UK) LIMITED * Refer to About ACE - Notice of Limitations I'd say the amount of negative evidence well exceeds the positive (an understatement). @ could also say to EG, UMG was emailed and the response indicated he was unknown there. If there's no evidence for him anywhere in songwriting creds, that would be suspicious. Topic switch: For those thinking it would be bad form for LDR to release an album with older songs, let me just say, aside from better production of the songs, older material would have a chance for some kind of impact on pop music. As @ suggests, the best case scenario (for a music consumer, like me) is doing both leaked session vols. simultaneously with new releases. It would be a really ballsy thing to do (i.e., how many artists do you know could do that?). Here's another random thought about "Ultraviolence". What would Kurt do (and what did he actually do)? An album called Incesticide was released after the *wildly* popular Nevermind. This has been described as "retrospective" and "a compilation of out-takes, doodles, and unreleased tracks from the BBC sessions". The quotes are from Sanford (1995, pg. 74, pg. 262 respectively), the biography that most Cobain fans hate. So if LDR has liner notes that are abstractly similar to these (I have Incesticide and verified it), I'd be a little worried: http://www.livenirvana.com/digitalnirvana/discography/nirvana/incesticide_note.html INB4U? (if that's the way you use that expression).
  20. While the record companies submit for consideration of nominations, it's the voting members that determine who is nominated and later who wins. The voting members are determined by eligibility (look for that info synopsized on the second column of the 2nd page) and whether they join and pay the dues, so this document tells who will determine if LDR wins anything. The pre concert TV show said at the end that about 12000 can vote, but voters are encouraged only to vote in their categories of expertise and it's quality that supposed to determine their vote (they have a limited number of votes to spread over the specific categories). http://www2.grammy.com/PDFs/Members/naras_app.pdf I'm hoping LDR will be pleased even if she doesn't win anything. It's great being nominated.
  21. Like some others, I have some problems with slowness and dependence on pretty looks in parts (e.g., the Bel Air sequence), and it is as much a poetry video as a music video, which is to say she may be more interested in the poems and visuals than the music. Still I've watched 3 times and not really bored by it. The strongest, I think, is the Body Electric intro and sequence, which to me is just brilliant (and not just because of the snake scene). In a universe where John Wayne is God, Lana being Eve is perfectly sensible. I predict criticism will be coming for putting Jesus in the context of pop culture icons, but that's just Lana (and the BE song tbh). The monologue after the Body Electric sequence is derived from Walt Witman's Body Electric, not surprisingly. Although I couldn't find it in the credits. Maybe an oversight on her part, or maybe we're all assumed at this point to know that Whitman's gonna happen there. I'm particularly struck by these lines (in fact at the end scroll all the way down): The thin red jellies within you, or within me—the bones, and the marrow in the bones, The exquisite realization of health; O I say, these are not the parts and poems of the Body only, but of the Soul, O I say now these are the Soul! This is profoundly unChristian, of course, yet she is Christian (of course). As the monolog happens after corruption (via the apple), it's uncertain (for me) whether @@Ultraviolence attribution to Whitman-- "Man will then be reborn through this glorification of his body, for the human body is as sacred as the spirit."-- actually applies to the video meaning. But my point is not to say that he's wrong but just that the interpretation is uncertain for me. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. On the idea that the body monologue is an effect of biting the apple, LDR and SR could be dead at the end (aka beautiful spirits) and going to heaven, so Bel Air would actually be a song about dieing (and a fundamentally Christian song). Wouldn't be the first time characters died in an LDR video.
  22. It's interesting that she has enough leaks/unreleased that could fit an album with that title e.g.: kind of outta luck serial killer scarface noir push me down you can be the boss hundred dollar bill she's not me catch and release golden grille velvet crowbar tired of singing the blues But I'm sure nobody thinks she's gonna do that.
  23. The more records she sells the more awkward it will be (for the music industry) for her not to get awards or nominations. So lets hope she sells a lot of records while keeping her artistic integrity. YAB can win something, if Skyfall can, and if not, all she has to do is persist at being incredible, and she'll win something eventually. Anyway, the article below had some comic relief for me. http://www.cracked.com/article_15856_the-7-most-unforgivable-grammy-award-snubs-all-time.html I mostly agree with them (Steely Dan being the one exception).
  24. I'll assume this is the Barrie video thread. He's got another, and it's pretty awesome, though you have to wonder at the ending...
  25. Maybe she's going to do her own version of this? http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/07/22/a-clockwork-orange-the-musical-yes-its-happening/ http://www.spin.com/articles/my-fair-droogs-introducing-clockwork-orange-musical/ Also, this was a Youtube comment of hers? I went back to try to find it but think she may have deleted it. So she might have changed her mind (about what I'm not sure). Or perhaps she wanted to call her next album "The Ocean" and her label (unwisely) said no.
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