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Everything posted by CatchTheBreeze

  1. CatchTheBreeze


    I think the album is quite okay - some songs are good (Interweb, My Style), some songs are just terrible for my taste (Moshi Moshi, Software Upgrade). Poppy's voice sounds pretty thin in lot of the tracks which is a shame since she had a decent voice in her early songs (pre-Titanic).
  2. It was GA, yes but a very good seat near the stage. (And I was lucky and could buy the ticket for half the price from a couple who had one spare ticket
  3. Last time she played in Hamburg (2013) it was around 50 €. Will they really double or triple the price this time? I don't hope so...
  4. I doubt ticket prices in Europe will be on the same level as in the USA - it would be pretty unusual to demand a price above 100 € for an artist of her status. I'd probably go to one of her shows even at 150 € (since I know her concerts are phantastic) but it would lessen the fun a bit... I expect prices to be around 70 to 80 € (in Germany; if she's coming to Berlin or Hamburg). Depending on the venues she's booking because big venues are always expensive.
  5. Just take a look... http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/9469-lana-del-rey-cut-her-hair/
  6. I'm sorry. But I found out that the album works best for me when I cut it down to a 12 track record (and have the other 4 as bonus tracks). Don't really know why since I do like all of the 4 skipped tracks individually – just not in the usual order.
  7. For me it's different – I noticed that LFL really helps me when I'm in a bad mood; at the end of the album, after "Get free", I feel truly free and happy. That's something I haven't had with any other Lana album so LFL is different from the rest of her work to date (for me). (But tbh I cut out 4 songs when listening to LFL – GL, IMF, BPBP and TNC; I treat those like bonus track I listen from time to time but not in the original track order of the album.)
  8. I think it was in the long one with Pitchfork. She said that she has about 700 song- and lyrics-ideas on her iphone.
  9. You can see the no. in the upper right corner of every posting; just left of this symbol with two lines and three points.
  10. Maybe because she's performing live later this evening in San Francisco...?
  11. I'm really glad that the audience at last years Montreux Jazz Festival was completely silent when Lana sang her short Salvatore accappella version. That was a truly magical moment. https://youtu.be/lxpW54mihXw
  12. But that's not the net amount of money Lana gets for that show - it's the total of sales (price per ticket * no. of people)...?
  13. Lana's concert at the Montreux Jazz Festival last year was approx. 90 mins, so she definetely can do it.
  14. I don't like Taylor's new song. There are a few nice bits in it here and there but overall I'm annoyed by it...
  15. Yes! I hate that too! I don't take pictures or film at a show since I'd miss out on the actual live experience. Problem is - if you drink you have to go to the toilet at some time and then you lose your place in the crowd... (But I'd rather drink and watch the concert from a few rows behind than dehydrating and suffering.)
  16. For me the chorus has always been the weakest part of the song. It would be so interesting to listen to the originally planned version (the "Bladerunner" sound...).
  17. I'm still listening to it regularly (but not on a daily basis). Last sunday I woke up really depressed but after listening to LFL I felt so happy and relieved, it cleansed my soul. But I nowadays skip tracks 7 & 8 and 12 & 13 which makes the album a lot better for me. Although I do like the skipped tracks individually.
  18. Actually I think Lana did quite well in this interview and came across as a woman who is interested in a lot of things like metaphyics and modern technology – something a lot of people probably wouldn't expect from her if they only know Lana's image, videos etc.
  19. Yes – why should I read an entire page of "she's fake" in 2017 when all of this was already crappy journalism back in 2011/2012 and has been proven wrong ever since by Lana doing what she does... Even though the MusikExpress guy didn't think that Lana is fake but that's a really annoying way to start an article with.
  20. Hopefully she'll come back to Germany at least for one date. It's been quite a while (3 years)... The newly build Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg would be perfect for her music. (The National will be playing there too f.ex.)
  21. LFL is #16 this week in Germany, down 2 places. Still holding up quite well.
  22. For me it's "Summer bummer". It has really grown on me. A lot.
  23. In Germany LFL debuted at #8 and now is at #14. (#12 at Amazon.de)
  24. I like the song but it's not one of my favourites on the album too. It just doesn't really sound like a Lana song, more like a "normal", almost radio friendly guitar song. Which is okay but a bit subpar for Lana standards. (imho) Same with TNC...
  25. It wasn't just someone, Rick Nowels himself said it in a Pitchfork interview. Actually I'm glad we got this stripped down version of the song – there are 15 other songs on the record with beats etc. so having one song without any further instrumentation and production is a gift imho.
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