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Psychedelic Pussy

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Everything posted by Psychedelic Pussy

  1. honestly if people cared enough the bitch would already be at 2k. No one is interested in following some sloppy gay who's desperate for followers and is hoarding some stems. Drop them or don't drop them, ur twitter is flopping anyway! X
  3. It just occurred to me that if she hadn't re-done UV right at the end, it would've sounded more like Honeysnooze and not be the legendary record we know today. Honestly she needs to drop Rick so I can get a UV2 (I just accidentally posted this on a completely different thread by mistake LMAO)
  4. Edit: sorry mistake I'm baked and wrote up a post on the wrong thread somehow!..... iconic
  5. Psychedelic Pussy


    It's.... really good.... I'm shook
  6. I think where LFL falls flat is the kind of off-key blend of Lana trying to mature her songwriting & also trying to push out bops. It's an all over the place kinda album but I'm grateful for it
  7. LanaBoards thankyou for never letting me down, always serving up the freshest drama and tea. God bless
  8. Honestly tho she ain't lyin, Change is iconic. It may not have the best production, but it's from the heart, it's an affirmation for the future, it's intentional and raw. It's THAT song
  9. Ummm this is literally her best performance of shades of cool what the fuck? Oh my god. She sounds amazing? I'm deceased?
  10. Honestly I need her to start smoking weed, I can't stan this
  11. Honestly I'm here for a re-release of Cherry w a Marina verse , make it happen Lanz!
  12. Wow the money power glory / I'm not hungry anymore mashup is actually good
  13. THIS is homophobia. @@Elle ban her. Almostevery song, sonically and lyrically is a masterpiece Siegfried is THAT song, Ivy + Pink & White are side by side legends, Nights is FLAWLESS, Pretty Sweet genuinely revived me, Close To You is beautiful, I mean I could go on and on, there are so many incredible moments on that album, it's truly the most innovative, personal and best album of 2016 This album was there 4 me through some of the wildest points in my life, I'll defend ha to the death
  14. Put an ad up on Gumtree saying you're looking for tickets, and pay close attention to the event page in the weeks/days before the show bc there are ALWAYS people who find out last minute they can't go & suddenly need to sell tix. That's how I've managed to go to a LOT of concerts I missed out on tickets for
  15. Ugh that line actually sounds so good though even though Get Free is already iconic Out of the black Into the blue Waters of Malibuuuuu
  16. Honestly graham is serving extremist realness! I'm living!
  17. RBFY, Yosemite, Bartender, Sylvia... we know she has other tracks with ASAP Rocky too... she pretty much has the material for an EP ready, I hope she drops something in the next few months
  18. It's weird how Lana talked about a return to a BTD type of upbeat sound for LFL and we all missed them similarities till these instrumentals leaked! She really did go full circle, we don't give her enough credit
  19. Psychedelic Pussy


    WTFF I was so looking forward to new music
  20. Honestly I say one little thing to try and defend the depressed gay summer anthem of 2017 and I come back to see that I have been dragged viciously by my fellow lipsters: this is a homophobia-free zone, ladies, don't be a bummer!1!1!
  21. I don't get how people can trash talk summer bummer??? "Doesn't belong on the album" lmao okay... same with LFL, Cherry, White Mustang and Groupie Love? People seem to want to forget this is a Pop album
  22. So ready for Lust For Life - The Hollyweird Edition
  23. That vid of Lana legit has me in tears, I'm messy crying rn
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