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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. I really do feel bad for the people who haven't listened yet and wish they still had a pre-release thread
  2. If they don't want to embarrass themselves, I think it could do super well. They can't go from praising NFR to trashing this album based on the music without sounding like idiots. If they choose to let her controversies influence the reviews though, that's a different story.
  3. I love that I don't have to worry about overplaying Lana's music because it literally never gets old for me
  4. Omg I can't believe it leaked already I haven't listened yet but I definitely don't have the strength to wait, I don't think my mental health would survive the next ten days knowing everyone had listened already. As soon as my work is done for the day I'll be going for a nice long sunset walk. See you guys later!
  5. That could/should also fall on Interscope or her managers though. And for me at least, her video on set of Chemtrails before Sept 5 was more than enough of an acknowledgement that the album wasn't coming Sept 5th, and then she did post a video early November explaining the further delays. Since then, she gave us one of her best videos ever and I think that alone is all the promo/hype I need to be super excited. The only thing that disappointed me was no acknowledgment of the covers album being delayed because we thought we were getting a Christmas gift and then Santa never came, but at least a couple days before that we got our first major glimpse of Chemtrails and we knew it was coming much sooner than expected at that point. Lana has never done promo or album rollouts in the traditional way that some people want from her, so at this point I think we're the chaotic messy ones for expecting otherwise. So many other artists doing it is irrelevant to me, Lana is Lana, not so many other artists. She'll always release her projects this way, but thankfully we get something major every year or two.
  6. I don't understand why people think she needs to promote the album. Sure it would be nice, but it's all just a bonus to the actual record. It's coming March 19th, we know that, and it's all we really need to know. If she wants it to be quiet release and let the music speak for itself, that's totally fine and her choice. I would probably want the same thing if I were her after the shit she's dealt with online this past year. You can blame her all you want for some of the controversy, but that doesn't mean she deserves the insane treatment that has come her way.
  7. That's fair! I personally love the softness of the production and the details that emerge, I think it fits really well with the vibe and themes, but I can see why others would prefer something a bit bolder as well.
  8. To each their own but Chemtrails is clearly about so much to a lot of us, so it's a little funny seeing people repeatedly tell us how basic it is when that's clearly not the case for a lot of people and it's resonating strongly. The title or themes of the song are not as complicated or abstract as some of you are pretending, it's pretty clear that it represents that chaotic turmoil and uncertainty that hovers over everyday life. It's creative and clever, her best album title by a long shot in my opinion. The astrology references aren't cheesy or meaningless either. I couldn't care less about astrology but they add to the lack of acceptance she feels from just being who she is. She wants to be cute and playful but is quickly rejected (you won't play, you're no fun.) She then revisits the line and ends the song with it, suggesting to me that it doesn't matter if people won't play and choose to reject her, she'll keep being her regardless of what people say. This idea is reinforced throughout the song (I don't care what they think, drag racing my little red sports car. I'm not unhinged or unhappy, I'm just wild.) The instrumentals build and build throughout the song and even start to drown her a bit at the end, which is true to the overwhelming nature of life at times. Then we're left with the lingering drum solo that makes you feel a little bit lost and unsure of what's to come. For me, everything about the song is extremely well thought out and means so much. It's manages to be both peaceful and unsettling at the same time.
  9. I personally think she loves the album and it's going to be her best, but with the way she's been treated online this year, can we blame her for being silent at this point?
  10. If today was supposed to be the release date, I wish we at least got White Dress
  11. Omg I left for a few hours and the pre-release thread is locked Glad I missed all the drama tbh but hopefully the thread is back soon and everyone remains calm(ish) so we can continue enjoying the excitement!
  12. And now I'm left wondering where to go from here? To Sonoma where the fires have just left? South Dakota? Would standing in front of Mount Rushmore feel like the great American homecoming I never had? Would the magnitude of the scale of the sculptures take the place of the warm embrace I've never got? Or should I just be here now, bare feet on linoleum... We're about to find out bbs
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