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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. Don't lose hope people! It's coming on Christmas morning like a present under the tree.
  2. Tbh I was kind of worried about her singing Chemtrails live anyways because I want that to be an ambitious song that takes us on a psychedelic journey, not something that would be easy to perform live. LMLYLAW is a safer choice but it'll be gorgeous and it's a good sign that she's promoting the album rather than doing Summertime or You'll Never Walk Alone.
  3. DCooper

    Taylor Swift

    I love Bon Iver in general but I hate his feature on Evermore. His vocals seem like he's borderline parodying his own style and they didn't introduce him well into the song at all, which is unfortunate because I think the first half is lovely and was shaping up to be a strong closer. Tolerate It is the album highlight for me, along with Cowboy Like Me. Some of her writing can be too forced but Tolerate It hits hard and feels authentic.
  4. I don't personally support any Summertime slander because it's amazing but to each their own. I still think the covers album is coming by Christmas.
  5. Excuse you. The people care. We better get that covers album, it's going to be transcendent and glorious and the perfect thing to leave on repeat at my mom's place over the holidays.
  6. DCooper

    Taylor Swift

    After two listens my first thought is that Folklore is much better, but this is still good and has some great moments. Overall it rehashes Folklore a bit too much and also lets some of her more annoying tendencies slip through, which Folklore didn't at all. I'm sure it will grow on me though, Folklore was good at first and became great.
  7. Agreeed. Let's not pretend that "I drive fast, radio blares, have to touch myself to pretend you're there" is a more unique lyric than almost everything she wrote on NFR. People can say what they want about the production of NFR (which I strongly disagree with - I think it's perfect and deliberate and aging like fine wine) but I really don't understand how people can say NFR is lyrically safe or boring. It's some of her best and most unique songwriting, and the album will easily stand the test of time for good reason.
  8. How to Disappear is perfect and misunderstood. It's like a studio album's version of a laptop demo if that makes sense, and I mean that as a compliment. It's completely charming and meaningful and the more I hear it the more I love it.
  9. DCooper

    Taylor Swift

    I'm excited for this, loved Folklore way more than I expected to. Hate the title Evermore though.
  10. DCooper


    I was listening to Miss Anthropocene on repeat last night and I think it may have knocked The Ascension off the throne and become my favourite album of the year. It's sooo good.
  11. A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry
  12. DCooper

    Rina Sawayama

    Omg I had never heard her until this weekend, she's so good!
  13. There are so many great versions of the song but if you've gone this long with never hearing any I'd let Lana's be your first You can enjoy the rest later and then always associate the song with Lana!
  14. Soooo stunning. Her performance of Llorando in Mulholland Drive will forever be one of my favourite film scenes of all time.
  15. Omg I just stumbled across this album of lullaby versions of Lana songs LOL it's lowkey good...
  16. Omg this is exciting! We have no reason to doubt right? We need this win!! I truly love this song, one of my favourites, and though it's so often covered, it's a perfect fit for Lana and our first taste of this covers album! I wonder how much she'll make the instrumentals her own, or if she'll stick closely to the originals and let her voice carry the power.
  17. DCooper

    Song vs. Song

    Wayamaya vs Hey You
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