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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. I think we'll definitely get the first single by Coachella, she'll perform it there for sure.
  2. I really don't think Lana was upset with Taylor. She resisted the idea of going up on the stage obviously, but we've all been in situations where a friend drags us to something we don't want to do and we're happy about it when we're there. I think Lana looked nervous but moved while Taylor was talking about her on that stage, and while she was probably embarrassed to be given that attention right after losing, Taylor gave her the spotlight that she absolutely deserved with the highest compliments. There was nothing condescending about it in my opinion. It gives "the Grammys have done you wrong, so you're coming on this stage whether they like it or not because it's what you've earned." The overall outcome of the whole thing is a positive one. Some of you trying to spin "legacy artist" as a bad thing, like please. Obviously what Taylor meant was that Lana is an artist who is building a legacy that will last forever. She's a legend in her prime.
  3. Hopefully they don't just mean Blue Skies
  4. I've been listening to country music all afternoon, Lasso's power
  5. I'm still optimistic! Her announcing the Chemtrails date in a moment of rage was very different than announcing Lasso in front of a crowd at an industry event. If insiders have the date September 20th as a placeholder already, then actual conversations are taking place about the release date. I don't recall anyone backing up the September 5th date for Chemtrails. I suspect the album is mostly done and in the mixing and mastering stage if that user said there's no covers.
  6. omg wait I may have read it wrong, I thought they were replying to a sza comment right above but I don't think they were
  7. I think because no one was really expecting an album this year so September actually seems super soon in the grand scheme of things.
  8. They said that about SZA's album Lana, we are still winning
  9. Omg this is excellent news! Even if plans change a bit, this is our first confirmation of the album's existence and timeline other than Lana's speech
  10. I really think this album is going to be actually country, not Video Games country lolol. Her announcement indicated a switch in sound for her, not something that she's already been doing.
  11. I'm honestly so excited that this is a country album. I'm not even really a big country fan, I hate modern poppy country but classic country can be really gorgeous and I just know this album will be exactly what I need at this point in my life.
  12. If he's posting public information with a 24 hour delay there's literally no issue. I find safety concerns to be very unlikely for this lawsuit
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