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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. All the new tracks once they're scrapped and replaced with the originally scrapped tracks
  2. DCooper

    Billie Eilish

    I like the album a lot overall! Lots of strong songs and the production is great throughout. I'm not a huge fan of her singing style and wish she would use her voice more but it is what it is and it mostly works. The second half of the title track is the best part of the album. Ending with Male Fantasy was the biggest misstep in my opinion. It's a nice song but nothing about it has closing track energy. I get her not wanting to end on an angry note but a softer song should still have more of an impact if it's going to end the album.
  3. I'm feeling the single end of August, album mid October. And then maybe the long-desired album of 25 unreleased tracks to celebrate Born To Die's 10 year anniversary
  4. Happy birthday to this misunderstood gem!! I've always thought it's lack of cohesion is what makes it narratively cohesive. It's like a journey across worlds, from one sound to another, as Lana transitioned into a new musical realm of her career. I think it's beautifully realized from start to finish. This album also came out ten days after my dad died and I was feeling really weird and not myself at all until I went to the beach and listened to the album for the first time. It truly brought me back to myself, and I'll never forget the sense of peace and relief I felt as the ocean sounds at the end of Get Free closed the album.
  5. Contemplating on Lana Boards what later later soonish could mean...
  6. I hope this album is the longest of all time
  7. This upcoming masterpiece is going to finally get Lana her first Grammy - Best Country Album
  8. Maybe the album is still called Blue Banisters but they're using a different working title to prevent leaks?
  9. I don't get why people hate Blue Banisters as an album title and think it's boring. It's random and strange and once you realize what they represent it's even better. Only Lana could make banisters so profound. That being said, I also love Good God and Rock Candy Sweet as album titles even though I don't understand what Rock Candy Sweet means LOL
  10. Boz just posted: On my side the album still has new title. Guess we will see eventually.
  11. Cherry Blossom is such a sweet and special song and I'm happy to have it on the album, but I do agree that I hope it's got new production.
  12. Omg I'm late to the party but I looove the cover, it's so pretty and I love Tex and Mex being by her side. Can't wait to hear the song it sounds gorgeous!! She's so funny saying "later later" and "soonish" LOL
  13. I'm sorry but commenting like that is just embarrassing, regardless of how upset you are. We can be frustrated and disappointed about the fake dates and lack of information and you can even express that to Lana and her management if you feel the need to, but throwing insults is just childish and reflects poorly on all of us. It's certainly not going to encourage them to treat the fans with more respect.
  14. It's amazing that Lana never mentions Yosemite in the song yet it's such a beautifully fitting title. That's really a testament to the strength of the writing and the energy that the song exudes. Feels like the park itself could be singing. This whole album is so special.
  15. At least we can try and enjoy our long weekends now without sitting on LanaBoards like we did on Christmas I really am curious about this album and the fact that she scrapped a bunch of it once it was already seemingly complete. I hope she hasn't abandoned her need for revenge because the media really has done her dirty so many times so I'd love to see how she responds, but regardless I can't wait to see what she's creating for us! Maybe a late summer release (and Dealer released July 4 as a surprise bonus)
  16. Weren't you just encouraging red dress lipstick prayer circles?? Don't manifest November just yet, we need you!
  17. I've decided that the album is still coming this weekend and that's that on that.
  18. Obviously an update from her would be nice, but let's not pretend that Lana fans are sweet patient angels who give her respect in return. A lot of Lana fans drag her for absolutely everything she does, harass and criticize her collaborators, friends, boyfriends, etc., repeatedly complain that her new songs are boring flops, and act completely entitled with no sensitivity to her feelings. Screaming that she needs to do better on all her posts isn't going to endear her to her fans, she's even implied in the past that there's a reason she doesn't interact with us anymore. At this point her fuck you energy isn't just to the press, it's to the fandom too, and it's not too surprising.
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