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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. I can't wait for her first post after the album release. I think she's going to be really happy and it's nice that it will be on the honeymoon account (unless she decides to reactivate )
  2. Lets enjoy it before she lashes out at another little fucker again
  3. I am a fan of the way it's filmed. This one and the second Arcadia video are finally something that is homemade but not just random clips. I like the style and it's really getting me into the vibe of how she wants this album to feel. That look that she gives at the end of the video is the best part and definitely speaks of broken promises.
  4. I really hate getting the line "Jenny jumped into the pool. She was swimming with Nikki Lane" stuck in my head. Whyy is this the most memorable line in Blue Bannisters for me
  5. I agree and appreciate this comment. However, I think Lana has been totally capable of releasing records year after year in the past with BTD and Paradise 2012, then UV 2014 and Honeymoon 2015. She was actually inspired back then but because she's been in the same place with much of the same people from NFR, through CotCC and BB it's more of the same and repetitive very lacking production and as @Rorman Nockwell says perfectly, uninspired diary entry lyrics. She's simply not going to get another spark of inspiration if she stays in the same place that she's imagining leaving since 2019 (actually since 2015 if we count Prisoner with the Weeknd). I think her last three albums are very reflective of Lana "settling" in the wrong place. I don't wish her life to be crazy and unpredictable again, but I think she needs something other than LA to feel happier.
  6. In response to your spoilered text, that is what I feared the album would feel like. I haven't heard it yet but the older songs being the best part is what I expected. Kinda can't wait to see fans who hadn't heard the previous songs be saying "she still has it, [all the older songs] are her best work!" When it's like, yes because they weren't written alongside the creation of this album
  7. So for those who have heard the full album, did she really get her revenge on this album or is she exaggerating it again?
  8. I feel this way about Arcadia but is there another song like this?
  9. Couples don't just write and record a song like Riverside without realising they're in it together forever in one way or another
  10. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    She has so much better things to sing about that most of her released songs. I hope one day she won't feel so restrained by needing to make a theme for an album and stick to it no matter what. I guess After School was less restrained than Cry Baby and certainly K-12. I know artists hate it and get really upset when their material leaks, and I bet I'd feel that way too. But Melanie's leaks have always shown me that she's much more than a singer who likes vintage children aesthetics and metaphors that seem too in your face. Of course some of her unreleased leaks are like that too, but some songs really surprise me.
  11. I've always wanted lana to do this dark electro. I love this. It's like Mr Kitty and The Anix who I listen to.
  12. I only just realised this will be out before Halloween. That means I can play it on repeat during my 3 hour train ride to be with my sister for that weekend There and back
  13. Haven't been an Arcadia fan (the song, because the LB user here is iconic) but I do really want that instrumental. I think it's really sweet and reminds me a little of American. Just goes to show that despite my years of begging for it, cinematic production isn't going to be the fix-all for me.
  14. Use words like sonically, visually, melodically, cinematically, theatrically where is the lie?
  15. Thats really cool! I'd be happy with that. It reminds me of the time I set an alarm to 2am to listen to LFL (title track) live on radio for the first time. I didn't know the station was a few minutes behind, and when I tuned in, this really trippy gansta song started playing (can't remember what it was). I thought Lana's vocals sounded bland but I was sorta okay with the sound. I was so tired I didn't fully realise it wasn't LFL until it ended
  16. It absolutely does! I don't think I'll ever outgrow the sound or the emotional songs. It almost still seems like the peak of music to me- not in a way that describes my absolute favourite genre, but in a way that so much was going on. It's still like its own world.
  17. If anyone is looking for the deep lyrics and dreamy production that are like Ultraviolence + Honeymoon, there's an artist called Nostalghia who does this incredibly well. I'd suggest her EP B-Sides for the broken hearted. Be My Man and Slow Fade are most like Lana. They even have the cinematic production. But Starshine is very much like Lana's piano ballads.
  18. No but The Black Keys (Dan Auerbachs band) has a song called 10 Lovers from their 2014 album Turn Blue. I am absolutely sure the synth is what he brought over to West Coast.
  19. Sound-wise it would still hold up for me, but maybe only half the album (which is still a success imo). BTD, Blue Jeans, SS, Carmen, TIWMUG would still attract me like a magnet. Lyric-wise, I don't think she would get called an anti-feminist tbh, because I think now there is more of an understanding that women can be anything they want, and it's more about supporting other woman than "being that woman". So I don't think her heavy love songs would get that much criticism besides people simply saying it's not their taste. I think the songs that would get the most criticism would be maybe Million Dollar Man because of the whole rich man thing, and OTTR for much the same reason plus romanticising a toxic life. Then of course National Anthem because no one proudly sings of that any more. And Lolita for obvious reasons. I think people would also have more of an issue with her style inspiration from the 50s and 60s, and many would call her ignorant for romanticising it and not talking about the sexism, racism, etc from back then. Stuff that might get her a few cancel parties but I think she'd have more fans to defend her these days too. So yeah I think she could "happen" but maybe with a smaller crowd than before. I dearly hope I'd still be in that crowd! Even though I do admit I'd have some issues and would maybe ignore half the BTD album.
  20. Ultra Violet


    Yeah! Even the self titled album had massive replay value to me. The instrumentals are really powerful, not in the epic way that Fallen and TOD had, but it's got a great energy. TBT feels like it's missing something, despite all the songs being "good". It's strange. I also think the mixing is bad :/ as far as I know (reddit mainly and YouTube comments) it seems a lot of fans think so too.
  21. Ultra Violet


    I hate to say it but the only songs I've come back to on this album are Artifact/The Turn + Broken Pieces Shine. I am a sucker for transitions so I think that plays a big part.
  22. Ultra Violet

    Alice Glass

    I only really started listening to Mine this year, and wow, HITS HARD. I would even say it's one of my 'songs of the year' because of how on-theme it's been to me.
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