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Everything posted by greymillenium

  1. magical girl it's starts off light then gets dark
  2. I'm a 90s kid so I grew up on the groundbreaking and iconic Sailor Moon. I watched the anime first then read the manga in elementary school. I've sticked to that shojo vein as the genre that I gravitate towards. Puella Magi Madoka Magica took the magical girl genre at turned it on it's head and spit it out so that is highly recommended. My favorite studio is Clamp because of their art style and the emotional resonance that they can put in their work. Wish is my favorite title from them although Cardcaptor Sakura and Kobato. come in really close. I go through my periods where I'll watch some anime then stop. Attack of the Titans has been recommended to me multiple times but I fell asleep watching the first episode because I was tipsy.
  3. oh wow. I didn't know that she passed away rehab. Withdrawal is not a joke.
  4. I see Lana has another basic pressT. I'm actually over this girl. She's remarkable because of her age but her voice or sound doesn't really have much to it. I'd rather stan for Carlie Redd Sinclair source LDR rode that hype train on Video Games then Born close to 2 years ago and is still getting press especially when her name keeps coming out of this Childe's mouth. Childe is still at Kimbra status. So she keep can keep trying with her vermin infested cover art and her stare-into-the-camera-for-five-minutes music videos even Lana's low budget videos had multiple scenes thanks to Windows Movie Maker.
  5. he probably doesn't have a US automobile licence
  6. Sante Sangre - very surreal film involving a circus family and revenge Trick R' Treat - A horror anthology surrounding a town and all the eerie happenings that go on during Halloween A Tale of Two Sisters (Korean Film) - what the titles says and also very beautifully shot
  7. in sanskrit maha means great
  8. Can we get the option for the Paradise Tour theme again?
  9. art galleries or theatres where they play old films or universities...cultural center really anywhere. but for ride she used movie theatres
  10. mmm.... I'm not sure! It's hard to do a critical analysis before taking in the whole season! My mind jump to power struggles between the genders but there's not that many males in the cast. If this youth serum thing pans out maybe youth/aging/beauty might be a theme. I'm not sure how the witchcraft is going to be developed and how it will be shown in the show. In paganism the triple goddess in the form of the maiden, mother, and crone are common figures so maybe that will play out. But if we are talking about New Orleans Witchcraft then that would be more Voodoo. I'm excited for the new season either way!
  11. ugh, I detest Emma Roberts, only because she's with my man! can she act, I haven't seen any of her work Season 1 had a better setting [the haunted house where anything could happen], but Season 2 had better characters [look at the development of Lana, Sister Jude, and Sister Mary Eunice]. Season 1 was interesting because it was a modern setting and it had parallels of our reality: adultery, bullying in school, school shootings, financial problems, death. And then flashbacks to other periods were sprinkled in. Enter Jessica Lange who is amazing to watch on screen. She just chews through her other castmates like a tornado in the scenes. She adds the layer of the horror of being an older actress in Hollywood. Season 2 was the opposite where it was mostly in another time period and then the modern day scenes were scattered throughout the season. I think Season 2 was more concerned about the nature of evil- asking questions like why are people evil? Is it because they are misunderstood like the aliens? Or evil because they come from fucked up families? Or are they evil because of the devil? Or evil because society dictates that they are evil. Ryan Murphy's problem is that he likes to have so much go on in each season that sometimes those narratives are underdeveloped.
  12. OMG! What if she has handouts like she did with RIDE? :worship:
  13. The Numero shoot then. I like these photos: http://24.media.tumblr.com/66fbe4696e4ea68c940c92a332ab8efb/tumblr_mhkk1xjf3q1rfxft6o3_1280.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/aabe8fe0f0f6b1fe4818d7e2b3330d87/tumblr_mhkk1xjf3q1rfxft6o4_1280.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/422e16a9af57eebc60dce8254f735707/tumblr_mhkk1xjf3q1rfxft6o7_1280.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/5d260578730933ca6dbf51a8fd0c3791/tumblr_mhkk1xjf3q1rfxft6o5_1280.jpg I am a huge fan of the coloring of this shoot too, so maybe you can keep the color palette?
  14. What if Lenny is the studio guitarist for one of Lana tracks?
  15. Request please! Type of Graphic: Signature Image(s) to be used: (Use as many as you want and if the photos are too different I can pick a photo shoot) http://lanaboards.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=343 http://www.up.98ia.com/images/g23w7lkd4lg714h70d0j.jpg http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/28500000/Lana-Singing-at-Saturday-Night-Live-Jan-14-lana-del-rey-28511205-1698-2560.jpg http://i.imgur.com/iFJH8q4.jpg Text: no text Dimensions: 500 x 500 Mood: Vintage // Glamour Border: not rounded, but whatever you think is appropriate Other Details: Can you please incorporate the old LDR logo too? http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/028/8/6/lana_del_rey_logo_by_dontcallmeeve-d4nwkmg.png
  16. Lana's trailers slay! I don't know how she would do a trailer for Tropico though.
  17. omg. that guy is fiiiiiiine! he could beat that cola up!
  18. I don't get the use of this Leona Lewis gif? what is this? but I think that the linked article does a great job discussing some talking points, but I wonder what @ZZZzzziper realized? Did they listen to the AKA album and hear Put Me in a Movie? The affluent and sometimes older man is a motif in Lana work fo sho. But I think Lana's statements has more do with the wrongness and exploitation in a relationship (infidelity or exhange of money/services/connections for her company) and not blatant pedophilia.
  19. the everythingLana tumblr has a Radio instrumental on their playlist that I've never heard before. where is that from?
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