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Everything posted by readyforheavensgates

  1. Yes Do you own a Paradise Tour poster?
  2. I have to confess that I listen to her unreleased songs. There's always one of them that explains how you're feeling at the moment, but I'll not listen to the new leaks 'til the album comes out. I want to hear the songs the way she wants me to hear them.
  3. Wow, thank you for the link! This brought me almost back to 31th May
  4. She said she's sober for almost ten years and I believe her She just seems to be very nervous.
  5. You know sometimes I think God's playing a little game with me. Looking down from Heaven, laughing, trying to see how much I can take. Because the way things go, it's like a joke. Nobody's had more shots at the moon and missed than me
  6. It's sexual 'Life is death when blow is life & Sold my soul to make it nice', love these lyrics
  7. No, the Carmen video is so important Let us hope that the video will come back
  8. Tout Va Bien - If you go away/ Ne me quitte pas (Jacques Brel cover)
  9. Lana Del Rey told fans in Lebanon that her new short film/music video is going to be a story about Adam (played by Shaun Ross) and Eve (played by LDR) based around the plot of them both finding their way back to their “innocence". The video starts at the beginning of time when God created the first humans (Adam & Eve) and she eats the apple and then goes down to earth where they both go through hell and return to innocence (heaven). This comes from a reliable source on tumblr.Thank you lizzydelgrant
  10. I admire BTD and the Paradise Edition. It has a special place in my heart. I listen to this album several times a day. It's so perfect and inspiring. BTD helped me to understand the world and my own feelings. When things got more difficult, it helped me out. I'm Lana thankful for the rest of my life. BTD and the Paradise Edition are masterpieces and I'll love them for ever.
  11. I'm reading Pale Fire. It's a sort of poem from Vladimir Nabokov and it's great.
  12. I'm already in love with the video. It's going to be a new masterpiece.
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