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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. homewrecker - marina and the diamonds
  2. Mileena

    i said this a year ago and it's still true, sorry.
  3. idk about y'all but i'll always love this one
  4. hell, you learn something new every day!
  5. haha, i love her, but sometimes she really needs to get her head out of her ass you know.
  6. thank you so much. i now know what i will spend tomorrow doing!
  7. i hope barrie and lana don't write an album together, i might die from their unique talent, after all, they are the only real musicians left in the world. how will a simple non-musical person like me even begin to understand it?
  8. lol same, i only liked it because they were meant to be an opening act in manchester, but then baz had to have dental surgery
  9. tbh idc much about kassidy at all or barrie really. i wouldn't be surprised if barrie is leaving though, can't blame him for wanting to spend some more time with lana.
  10. thanks! i'll check 'em out. i could do with some good anime/manga.
  11. i was a huge fan of naruto for a lot of years but lost interest 'cause i thought shippuden kind of sucked. can anyone recommend something nice and dark?
  12. i can't help but make fun of them tbh! it's a shame though because i like vodka i suppose i'm too fabulous for russia
  13. coney island queen is brill! thank you(: i had one months ago called trailer park heaven but it was messier than russia tbh
  14. a nice one i discovered last night was: 1) Methamphetamines 2) Axl Rose Husband 3) Disco 4) Let My Hair Down 5) Get Drunk 6) Fordham Road 7) Money Hunny 8) Elvis 9) So Legit 10) You're Gonna Love Me 11) 1949 12) Jimmy Gnecco 13) Your Band Is All The Rage i have no name for it though, at the moment it's a 'disc' on my massive unreleased album.
  15. I wanted Maha and Daytona Meth. I don't mind what else leaks, we have more than enough.
  16. omg, it's obviously a farewell to the end of the project and the paradise era. 'farewell' doesn't mean 'omg i am quitting music 4eva fuck u fans'. i think she will be still making more music
  17. come when you call me america slays. js
  18. i'll give you my soul for all of them?
  19. my way - frank sinatra i don't want lana played at my funeral but ok blue velvet i'm a funeral director in training, this is my kind of thing
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