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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. Mileena


    I've not really investigated her music that much, but one thing that is really bothering me is some people are basically saying that her opinions are irrelevant because she's young. I think she does have some interesting things to say, and of course interviewers do twist things around (the same happened with Lana a lot as we all know), so I don't think she is trying to bash Lana at every available opportunity. And people commenting on Lorde's looks is just ridiculous, what have they got to do with anything at all? Nothing. I think it's good that she's promoting feminism, but maybe interviewers are just making her seem like a bad guy (or bad girl?).
  2. hollywood's dead daytona meth maha maha i'm fucked trash magic noir florida dark (probably my ultimate fave) dark paradise body electric
  3. they don't. the writers haven't got a brain cell between them lol.
  4. hey billboard, i remember them. weren't they the ones who wrote a really bad review of her or something? and i disagree with her about y&b sorry.
  5. i 100% agree. it's sad that anybody would feel that way. but i guess if it makes her happier then it's up to her.
  6. i'm sure she had her nose and lips done, but not cheeks. sometimes cheeks can just bloat anyway or at least mine can idk. this sounds cliche, but i barely even pay any attention to her face. i don't care much for her personal life altogether (or any famous person for that matter). but i think she is very pretty, but if she doesn't think so, no one can change her mind
  7. that's rather uncalled for. i'm sure she's just having a bad time at the moment.
  8. interesting stuff actually. i was also quite curious to see how people from other countries would pronounce it too. it's a nice name.
  9. thank you. i know it was a dumb question but i was saying 'fer-ari-a' and i didn't think it was right
  10. how do you pronounce ferreira?
  11. Haha, that's really true. Nothing like blowing cartridges before you put them in
  12. Get an emulator and then try and look for a usb enabled SNES controller. Did that with the N64, best decision ever.
  13. 1) Daytona Meth 2) Tired Of Singing The Blues 3) Maha Maha 4) Hawaiian Tropic 5) Strange Love 6) Let My Hair Down / Dance Man / Whatever its name is 7) Catch and Release 8) Scarface 9) Golden Grill 10) True Love On The Side
  14. Funnily enough while using my N64 emulator today, I downloaded MK Trilogy. It's a really good game actually, the AI is awful though. I really like watching gameplay videos of the older games, it's interesting to see how it has completely evolved over 20 something years. But seriously, the looks of all the characters was just awful. I can't handle Mileena's greasy bun and Sonya's smelly baseball cap I do that with every game actually, I find having 1 or 2 mains always works best. For MK 9 I find Mileena and Sindel perfect, especially as a tag team. Ah yes, I think on MK Trilogy they have a challenge tower. The one on MK 9 has 300 challenges. Goro/Kintaro is still on MK 9 with his humongous arms, you can't play as him though, instead you get Sheeva.
  15. Mileena can finish me any day, mask or not Sindel is pretty damn smoking too, what a milf
  16. total drama is still funny, still think dawn should have stayed longer imho cartoons are amazing. i grew up with the weekenders, invader zim & the grim adventures of billy and mandy
  17. I only started playing it when Deadly Alliance came out roughly so I can't make a comment about MK 1, 2, 3, etc. Fatalities these days are really easy to execute actually, they even have a fatality tutorial mode. There's still a time limit but it's definitely easier. They also have these X-Ray moves which show your opponent's bones cracking and stuff which is very cool to pull off online. MK 9 was made with the intention of being the bloodiest, goriest and foulest MK game ever and it definitely is. If you've got a weak stomach, it's probably one to avoid lol. There's some great modes though, like Test Your Luck and the Challenge Tower. I love the challenge with teddy bears lol. In fact, I believe it got banned in Australia because it's rated M/18.
  18. (I know we have a gaming topic, but MK isn't just games...it's got everything you know.) Who else is a fan of this iconic game? I'm looking forward to MK Legacy II coming out very soon, and I believe it has been confirmed that they're currently making MK 10 which will be brilliant. Honestly, MK 9 blew me away. I have never played such a beautifully crafted game, everything about it is flawless. And it is so disgustingly gory
  19. come when you call me is actually my fave - that applies to both versions. as for ones i hate, i listen to them all, but i've always found butterflies 1& 2 a little boring. and er, i really don't like tv in black and white, i love the acapella but there's something about that song i just cannot get in to. and match made in heaven makes me want to remove my ear drums, i also wish bel air didn't exist - it makes me want to fall asleep.
  20. homewrecker - marina and the diamonds
  21. Mileena

    i said this a year ago and it's still true, sorry.
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