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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. i'm the cunt who voted conservative btw. i'm an anarchist but i had to pick something and my parents are conservatives so whatever.
  2. Mileena


    i'll be lurking around in anticipation
  3. plague - crystal castles relating to that song so much like a sad emo cunt
  4. Mileena


    show me your best, i'm curious now :badbitch:
  5. Mileena


    mb you should write her songs
  6. i don't know every song she's ever done, but yeah i dig her music a lot.
  7. new list you & me (my new fave) hundred dollar bill come when you call me america playing dangerous kinda outta luck (the lyrics are fantastic but the shitty music kills it for me) delicious (yep i love that song)
  8. discuss siouxsie's godliness here. dizzy is beautiful and so underrated :mhm:
  9. fuckity fuck fucks. my dad works in london and he couldn't get me a damn paper!?
  10. these are all going on my 'about me' part of my facebook k
  11. my head...is going to explode :airplease: p.s: thanks for the shout outs guys
  12. i'm not sure she necessarily uses drugs, i just think that she is quite a weird and awkward person and i think she might have a bit of asberger's (i'm not entirely sure though) and maybe that's why she can come across like that? i don't know her personally though, but i have a friend with asberger's and she has the same kind of mannerisms as lana.
  13. oh wow me and liz have matching forehead lines
  14. to a point, but idk. i guess some people care about her life more than i do. i'd just rather not pick apart her private life personally, i don't mind analysing songs, but idk, i don't feel right about going through someone's details.
  15. but really why does everyone care? just enjoy her music for what it is and stop trying to come up with something for every single song.
  16. you know, everyone's saying about banning guns, right? well, it's not the gun that causes damage. and even if they're banned, people will still get them. i live near brighton and i can gaurentee that if i were to ask around, i could get a gun no problem and in england it's difficult to get a license.
  17. fainting spells - crystal castles
  18. hey, ever heard of irony, sarcasm? i don't know, i don't care either. all i know is, i love her lyrics and i relate to a fair amount of them but i don't use drugs...well not much :badbitch:
  19. smh at this whole thread. she's not perfect but seriously, what the fuck is going down?
  20. always hated ts, her music makes me want to gauge my eardrums out with a spork. yes, it's that bad. but seriously girl, ripping lana off is just...ew.
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