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About tropicobaby

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  1. if we don't get album info from lana soon i WILL lose my shit
  2. The song is beautiful but I still wish she hadn't ditched Neil.. his visuals could have saved this era but no.. we got a picsart edited selfie
  3. too focused on being a baddie to release anything on the 9th
  4. the rest is right but i think it says 6 instead of B because summer bummer is #6 on the tracklist but i'm not sure
  5. what does lana's story say? in the orange text?
  6. Didn't Lana say that the title was "God Bless America - And All The Beautiful Women In It" (not just GBA) in an interview? I don't know why people are acting like she screwed up the title when it's been like that since she announced the song.
  7. FFFFF i was referring to that hollyweirdhotline acc drama
  8. i don't know if this is the right topic or not, but am i the only one pissed off by those accounts that act vague? AKA put an X and the end of every sentence, say "soon" when nothing's coming soon, etc. It seems like a lot of people trust them when they clearly don't know anything. edit: instagram accounts not LB accounts
  9. idk it didn't play/load, but someone on insta said it was just a lady on the radio talking about being dedicated to the people or something like that. lana was just in her car
  10. uhh did anyone see the thing on lanas story? i think it was a video. as soon as i clicked it and exited it said she didn't have a story anymore so idk if i'm going crazy or what
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