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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    Catch & Release Vs Ooh Baby
  2. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    If she falls a little I'm sure she'll get a better team around herself so in about half a year she will do well again
  3. Wait so you actually expect her to have a photoshoot just for the album art&cover? I thought she was going to re-use some old picture from a magazine :lange:
  4. Good find then You have an interesting way of spending your downtime btw. I just look at funny things and
  5. Stop defending midgets, ok, K, thx, bye Enjoy Christmas
  6. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QzHNESAHKk Vs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBTp8QnXrt4
  7. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    Oh ok Marcmonster said it will be released today. I hope he's telling the truth this time, I mean it has to be released at some point...
  8. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    Hmm....I thought those were only rumors So are they going to re-shoot it with a low production? Or just leave it forever?
  9. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    Where is the DWUW video?
  10. WEIRD Edit: Oh wait, I just realized...the lyrics contain: "Desert road"
  11. Creyk


    Is there a studio version of Machine Gun Love or are there only live versions?
  12. Oh really, that song! I like it. I think I didn't listen to it even 10 times yet though....so many songs overshadow it. I'll go and catch up now For some reason that song makes me think of deserts...
  13. The more they talk about her the better, let Lana be a part of their mind, haunting them like she is haunted by K every time she closes her eyes (cuz you know, it's like a dark paradise :come2: )
  14. Rhenna does have her own style and cool looks, they just chose a weird picture here
  15. You're right both of them slay. For some reason I associate this one with Last Girl On Earth. Might be because they I got them around the same time and listened to them a lot after one another.
  16. I have that with Lolita. That "fruit punch lips" line at the start always makes me think of a guy who I'd rather forget forever
  17. Creyk

    Britney Spears

    Her dance instructor is really cute
  18. Flawless!!! Why is Beyonce on that list though, didn't she come back like a week ago?
  19. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    Dark Paradise Vs Maha Maha
  20. I thought they were for lyrics-themed conversations only? IDK, an admin should come and tell us tbh
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