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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. Uhmm, what are you talking about? We are all attractive people over here
  2. This is so cool, a classy singer for a classy awards show I wonder if she had an actual set or just performed 1-2 songs....
  3. I'm happy to hear that actually! I mean Beyonce has an okay voice but other than that I'm not that interested in her. Damn I'll have to look at that mess moar... Oh well, I'll live, at least the content of your posts is more pleasant to look at
  4. Oh so cool I'm not the only one doing this! I did it with playing American when Bel Air starts, and it fits really well, it even ends when the video ends, the only weird part is when Lana sings "Your skin so golden brown"
  5. Hate your sig I'm waiting for the day when your Beyonce or whatever else basic bitch love kicks in and change both tbh. But whatevs, this isn't my biggest problem, you know Well hopefully I don't have to for much longer...you know....Royals is going down...Lorde is going nowhere with that personality.....soon she'll be just somebody we used to know So it's okay, I'm just happy sitting over here rooting for that decay
  6. I wonder about this too. She said in a really old interview in 2012 that she does what SHE wants in the studio and simply doesn't work with people who interfere with her vision because she has very precise ideas about what she wants the songs to be like. And also there is that video where she yells at someone while she is with fans like: "Leave me alone I'm fucking signing things! Let me do it" Or something along those lines and she comes on really strong. So I think she has a tough side we just don't see it often. Apparently, Chuck and Daddy Grant told some fans that she is well-along with the record. There was a thread about this before the Tropico release, maybe about 2 weeks ago or something like that...the same thread in which it was mentioned that Lana has a habit of sleeping a lot
  7. It's true though....nothing until mid-year, and it's not even 2014 yet....this thread will probably die and then be resurrected from the ashes when the time comes.
  8. Creyk

    So Legit

    Oh, that's all? Thank for the info, I better go check it out then
  9. Creyk

    So Legit

    Ooh, wild ^^ I wonder what the page 99 thread was about...
  10. Couldn't agree more! If I could I would drag and beat up that bitch, even her music stinks like what the fuck, even the avatars and sigs with her annoy me like she is so fugly. But oh well, rant over cuz I know others like her here so I don't wanna hurt their stan-feelings. (but she sucks)
  11. Of course she would be. Lorde did nothing but say hurtful words about her
  12. Lana cares about presenting herself sonically in an organized way, she even said that she likes to base a record around 1 song. So I'm sure we'll get an unique mixture of sounds with this album too.
  13. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    Gods and Monsters Vs Try Tonight
  14. Well yeah that was pretty weird, so many parts were released! I listened the shit out of all of them tho :creepna2:
  15. Do you think that when the album release date is close, we will get a snippet-video like we did with the Paradise edition? That video is so great I still watch it and the imagery is beautiful as well. It would be great to have one like that for this album too
  16. Creyk

    So Legit

    I already tried but found nothing tbh
  17. Oh well if he is responsible for Y&B then I am sold, I'm still obsessively listening to that song, it's so perfect
  18. Noir is a fab song to listen to when you are angry, I rough scream the words like Lana does tbh
  19. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    Body Electric Vs Heart Shaped Box (cover)
  20. How cool would it be if Breaking my Heart was on the new album? That song is a babe, hot and sexy, never gets boring :sluttybunny: Also, Lana did say that some of her unreleased material was meant for later use, and that they are just demos. How cool a reworked Velvet Crowbar would be
  21. Lol how we get info from all these random people Kind of exciting. I'm sure he only helped Lana with some lines though. Just remember, Lana is more of a writer than a singer, as she said. She must be really good at it. And it's not wrong to get some help sometimes, if it gets us awesome songs like AFFA. Just please, make sure he did not write the bridge....
  22. Hmm....OTTR is really good, but TIWMUG could have better production...I remain indifferent. If Lana is in it it will be flawless anyway.
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