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  1. Macintosh Manhattan liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Which songs off Ultraviolence deserve a music video the most?   
    At this point I'll be satisfied if we get that homemade PWYC video
  2. kitschqueen liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana's Grammy Submissions 2014   
    This doesn't seem so important considering that even if she will be nominated, she won't attend, and she would never perform there.
    Remember what happened last year?
  3. GangstaBoy liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Which songs off Ultraviolence deserve a music video the most?   
    At this point I'll be satisfied if we get that homemade PWYC video
  4. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Which songs off Ultraviolence deserve a music video the most?   
    At this point I'll be satisfied if we get that homemade PWYC video
  5. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Creyk in UV abandoned?   
    Somebody quick leak something!
    Distract everyone from this mess
  6. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Profanities   
    My young relatives do so regularly
    Sorry but if I'm watching them, they WILL listen to what I want to
    It's okay tho, I made them love a couple of songs
  7. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by Creyk in UV abandoned?   
    Somebody quick leak something!
    Distract everyone from this mess
  8. kitschqueen liked a post in a topic by Creyk in UV abandoned?   
    Somebody quick leak something!
    Distract everyone from this mess
  9. MahaMaha liked a post in a topic by Creyk in UV abandoned?   
    Somebody quick leak something!
    Distract everyone from this mess
  10. BENTLEY liked a post in a topic by Creyk in UV abandoned?   
    Somebody quick leak something!
    Distract everyone from this mess
  11. GangstaBoy liked a post in a topic by Creyk in UV abandoned?   
    Somebody quick leak something!
    Distract everyone from this mess
  12. Viva liked a post in a topic by Creyk in UV abandoned?   
    Somebody quick leak something!
    Distract everyone from this mess
  13. tropicunt liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana's Future Project: Autobiography/Book Or Documentary?   
    But did she really have a wild life, or did she make it up?
    I don't think she wants anyone to know about what her past was like, so she wouldn't do something like this
    If she did though,

  14. Viva liked a post in a topic by Creyk in UV abandoned?   
    UV sold just fine considering the promotion it got.
    An album needs continual support to keep selling for a long time.
    Look at Beyonce's latest album, that was out of the top 200 relatively soon after the album came out, since there was nothing to keep it alive, no singles to keep the cycle going.
    As for the record company, they can't do much since Lana owns the rights to the songs now, so they can't even pull a SS 2.0.
  15. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Creyk in UV abandoned?   
    I wouldn't be surprised if this happened.
    Although a bit strange, she did say that there is an UV tour in the plans for 2015
    Maybe we just got the album super early because she didn't want to sit on it, but things are planned for later in time
    (although this is probably not true, we can hope)
  16. PARADIXO liked a post in a topic by Creyk in UV abandoned?   
    I wouldn't be surprised if this happened.
    Although a bit strange, she did say that there is an UV tour in the plans for 2015
    Maybe we just got the album super early because she didn't want to sit on it, but things are planned for later in time
    (although this is probably not true, we can hope)
  17. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    They could, since Interscope actually owns the rights for those songs XD
    But they are really relentless about hating Paradise for some reason...which is too bad, song already has a music video made, they could just extract it from Tropico and put it on her Vevo as a standalone piece (which should have been done with all 3 videos anyway, for free effortless promo)
  18. Arzi liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    The way she pronounces the words is horrendous, that accent
    The effect on her voice makes her sound like she sings out of an old radio
    The lyrical changes are awful
    This did not make me inclined to watch the show
    "looking to get hit hard?" Like, seriously?
  19. strange weather liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana to perform at Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles Oct 17 and 18   
    Well I don't know if it's better, but it's definitely a great song
    I am surprised at how many people criticized it in this thread, I mean come on it's a standard BTD song with all the Lana trademarks on it. Just listen to this flawless performance. It's something different
  20. Creyk liked a post in a topic by Honeymooner in Lana to perform at Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles Oct 17 and 18   
    Here's my recording of her singing "Old Money."  Sorry it's kinda shaky; I was on maximum zoom.  Also, she kept disappearing behind that stupid column and the barrier at the left of the stage, but at least you can hear her the whole time.  Interesting how she changed one of the lyrics from "those summer nights" to "those Jersey nights..."

  21. Creyk liked a post in a topic by Honeymooner in Lana to perform at Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles Oct 17 and 18   
    Hey everyone,

    We just got back from Lana's concert at Hollywood Forever on Friday, October 17. So, for whoever may be interested, here's my report on the concert.
    Before I go farther, here's the set list:
    Cruel World (the entire song, not just the intro)
    Body Electric
    Blue Jeans
    West Coast
    Born To Die
    Old Money (my favorite of the set.. it was just gorgeous!)
    Summertime Sadness
    Million Dollar Man
    Video Games
    National Anthem
    13 songs, and the concert lasted about 70 minutes.

    First, let me say that I came away with mixed emotions. The music was great, Lana sang beautifully, and was gorgeous as always. We managed to get a spot at the front, but it was way off to the stage left side, so when Lana came down to greet people during "National Anthem," she didn't get down to where we were. That left me bummed, and I was also hoping we'd see her after the show, but that didn't happen, either. So, while I thoroughly enjoyed the show overall, I was disappointed about those two things. Perhaps I had set my expectations too high and set myself up for disappointment. But I'm not sorry we went.

    Second, it has hit home that the Paradise Tour days are definitely over. As many of you may already know, I've only been an LDR fan for less than 5 months. I've been watching all of these old Paradise tour videos on YouTube from last year, and was half-expecting a repeat of those performances, including the live string quartet. Well, no live strings tonight, of course, and I've finally had to accept the fact that Lana has moved on from that era of music. While she still performs a lot of Born To Die/Paradise songs, they're performed differently now than they were back then. Makes me wish I'd been a fan 3 years ago.

    Anyway, here's the rest of the report.

    First off, I got a reminder e-mail this morning from TicketFly, which alerted me to something that had not been made apparent before: The gates opened at 6, but Lana wasn't scheduled to come on stage until about 8. With that in mind, and since the venue *seemed* to be adamant about the "no lining up before 5 PM" rule, we left home in San Diego around noon, stopped in Huntington Beach to have lunch with a long-time friend, then continued up to LA. We arrived in the vicinity at about 4:30. Even though we had bought the on-site parking, we didn't use it because of something else in the TicketFly e-mail: They said the on-site parking wouldn't be opening until 6, and that off-site parking in another garage would be opening at 5:30. I wanted to be in line by 5:00, so we parked several blocks away and just walked to the venue. It took about 20 minutes.

    As we walked up Gower St., the street that intersects Santa Monica Blvd., we saw what appeared to be the end of the line. This was at 4:50 PM. So much for no lining up before 5!  This is what it looked like at 5 PM:

    Shortly after 5 PM, though, the line started moving.  I didn't know why, but it was moving and kept moving!  Finally, as we approached the cemetery's front lawn, I saw why:  Apparently, they had set up some wooden stakes with yellow "caution" tape to act as one of those switchback-like things that they use in amusement park lines (the name escapes me at the moment, as it's after 1 AM as I'm writing this), and were having people line up inside that.  We were about halfway back.  We stood there and waited until 6 PM, and then the gates opened.
    As soon as the gates opened, there were screams, and suddenly the entire crowd just surged towards the gate, paying no need whatsoever to the wooden stakes with their "caution" tape, simply trampling them down.  We were pretty much sucked in.  It didn't surge very far, though, as we were funneled into a single entry line, which eventually became 2.  That took about half an hour or so.  Once we were through the gates, we walked (the security guards kept yelling "DO NOT RUN!!!") down toward the lawn by the stage.  We had ended up pretty far back in the entry crowd, yet it seemed that not everyone wanted to be at the front of the stage.  A lot of people brought blankets and picnic stuff and were sitting pretty far back.  So, we actually got a spot in the front row!!  But, we were way off to the stage left side.  The viewing angle wasn't too good, as there was a column right where our view of Lana was half of the time as she moved back and forth across the stage.
    So, we stood there from 6:45 on, and Lana came out on stage at about 8:05.  She was wearing a red, long-sleeved dress with a short skirt, showing off those beautiful legs. She came down the stairs briefly to greet the front row during "Cruel World," but only stayed down long enough to greet a few people before going back up.
    During "West Coast," my wife said she couldn't take the noise anymore (we were very close to the speakers) and wanted to move farther back.  We moved back, but I went back and forth a couple of times between where she was, and where we had been at the front.  I stayed with her during "Ultraviolence," and then went back up for a bit.  Just in time, since the next song was "Old Money," so I could get the whole thing recorded from close up.  I stayed up there for "Summertime Sadness," then went back to where my wife was for the rest of the show until Lana announced that her next song would be "National Anthem," and that she would be coming down to greet her fans.  At that point, we both went back up to the front, though this time, we were even farther stage left than before, since someone else had taken the spots we had vacated.  Lana had earlier requested that the "house front" speakers be turned down, so it was more bearable when we went back up for "National Anthem."  Lana did come down off the stage to greet fans and take selfies, but she didn't get all the way over to where we were -- not by a longshot.  That was somewhat disappointing, since I've seen videos of previous shows where she would go from end to end.  Oh well, win some, lose some.
    After the show was over, we hung around for a while to see if perhaps she would come out to greet the fans or sign autographs or something.  No such luck, I'm afraid; she was gone.    So, we made our way back out of the cemetery, walked 20 minutes back to our car, and made the 2.5-hour drive home in about 2.25 hours.
    And there you have it, folks!
    My suggestion to anyone going on Saturday:  If you want to be in front, get there at 4 PM!
  22. BENTLEY liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Favourite Lana Live Performances   
    The shouting at 3:03
    The way she pronounces the "I'll follow you anywhere, anywhere" at 2:38  is just amazing, that was stuck in my head for a while
    Also, even though most of us probably saw this performance plenty of times,
    it's just so cool. That moment at  2:06, the way she pronounces the words ("I was so confused as a little child, trying to take what I could get, scared that I'll never find"), her voice is so soft and amazing.
    It's a segment I went back to over and over again for a long time.
  23. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by Creyk in "66 Seconds" Short Film   
    Some creep is probably hoarding the videos and touches himself inappropriately  while watching her perform over and over again

  24. Creyk liked a post in a topic by GodBlessMe in Answer a Q with a Song Title   
    Daddy Issues
    What does your pussy taste like?
  25. fessle liked a post in a topic by Creyk in October 3-5 & 10-12 Austin City Limits Festival   
    The best thing about the live version are the verses. Specially the part where she talks about her parents, "my mother's glamor lives on and ooooonnnnn""" The way she holds the notes there is just so amazing
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