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Everything posted by surfnoirswing

  1. why are they waiting a whole month to send it to radios ??
  2. what plans ? As of what I know she didn't have any different plans for the Honeymoon Era. Maybe you're referring to the original UV video ?
  3. I love how every era has a different director to represent the visuals of the music in the best way. BTD had Woodkid Paradise Anthony Mandler UV Jake Nava/Vincent Haycock and now for LDR5 Lana seems to have chosen Rich Lee (i skipped HM on purpose because, to me, it's not cohesive visually while all the others eras had an apparent common theme)
  4. After hearing BAR I understand the title and love the track but I'm still hoping the album itself isn't called Best American Record, since apparently it isn't even referred to Lana but to another person's work (Barrie) so it wouldn't really make sense to me
  5. oh please why the hell are we even giving this person any kind of attention
  6. surfnoirswing

    Dua Lipa

    because Last Dance is her worst song
  7. being out late at night in silence, just walking through the city streets ( ) or travelling on an empty bus
  8. surfnoirswing


    sounds pretty terrible to me sorry we don't need a Chained to the bottom of the Charts 2.0
  9. I'm still convinced Lana only posted that pictrure multiple times on instagram because Gagie looks like a monster
  10. omg this is genius. I've never thought of Fine China being directed to a woman that's different because Lana and Gagie weren't friends
  11. Omg everyone attacking me, I'm using the term b!tch in the meaning of like shady lmaoo I love Lana with all my heart, this is just a joke how she might not be exactly what we think she is. yeah they've made up. She's often quoting her on twitter and stuff
  12. Ok so, random thought. I've seen many people close to Lana call her out for being kind of a b!tch in recent years and I was wondering if you had any more information. Most recently Azealia Banks tweeted that after all of the drama of last year Lana stopped replying to her calls and texts and AB felt let down since they had been friends for many years. I understand Lana's position here, AB was using homophobic and racist slurs against everybody, from Zayn to Iggy etc. and she probably didn't want to be associated with that anymore/was ashamed of her but let's be honest, Azealia Banks is, at least slightly, mentally ill/unstable. Lana should've at least kept in touch. Another artist close to Lana in the beginning is Yoann Lemoine (aka Woodkid, director of bot the music videos for BTD and Blue Jeans). They were very close and Lana said multiple time he was her favorite director, they hang out also out of set and performed together. However when asked if he would work with Lana again in 2015 on Facebook he replied saying he would love to but Lana hadn't responded to any of him emails in ages and the two just weren't apparently in touch. Just to mention: remember Jamie King ? Lana and the actress were very close back in 2012/13 but it seemed like they were in some sort of feud back in 2014 and Jamie kept shading her on twitter and insta. We don't really know what went down but from the little hints she gave years ago it seemed to me like she was convinced it was Lana's fault. Who knows. PS: also the whole breakup with Barrie thing ? They didn't talk for weeks and suddenly she announced her breakup with him in an interview without him knowing ? that's some kind of fuked up sht What do you think ? Our sweet girl Lana is actually a mean b!tch ? Do you have any more stories to add to this thread ?
  13. I think nobody has said anything about this probably because it's not supposed to be a single thus they won't release it. Anyways I love the whole lizzy/acoustic vibe, i just hope it's a demo and it will be a little bit more clear. Also finally we're getting dem good lyrics it's not a poetic masterpiece but I love the song as a whole, also lyrically
  14. oh wow these are her first #1s on those two charts !
  15. what the hell, who the fk would post this. Anyways looks a few years old, not from now. Her lips don't look like that now idk
  16. I love Mimi, I just feel like she's been ruining lately her legacy but it's ok. She's still a legend but there's too much drama surrounding her right now and nobody takes her seriously anymore. The same happened with Madonna when she turned 50 and Britney after the meltdown.
  17. oh please All I Want For Christmas and Fantasy are iconic daaaaahlin
  18. On a good note, Love is predicted to rise on the UK charts next week and reach #33 I know yall dont wanna talk about sales but I want to change the subject of this thread
  19. At least with Love Lana's team tried to close the different links of the leak, the same site has kept up BAR for the last 12 hours
  20. I would be 99% sure this is about Barrie if he wasn't still living in a basement smoking cigarettes all day lol I know this must've been discussed a lot, but who is this person she's always talking about that got famous ??
  21. I'm not 100% sure Eclipse was referring to BAR when he said that but to me the song sounds quite unfinished, her vocals are very clear and stuff. It's a beautiful song, but hopefully it's just a demo
  22. Ok but how do we know it's not the demo. Eclipse said he had only heard the demo of the song ?
  23. Well anyways, I'm very late but didnt Eclipse confirm Lana told him this was just a demo ?
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