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Everything posted by Flowerbomb

  1. She's wearing different outfits though Now I'm confused
  2. Yes and many users as such as myself have brought up our concerns many times before. I can't recall myself ever being quiet about her driving. Just because the road she's on seems empty, accidents can still happen regardless.
  3. Honestly a better question to ask is WHY do you have such a grudge against people who are showing concern for reckless driving in general? You can say were overreacting but it is what it is. Lana is a reckless driver. I really do wonder if you have this same nonchalant attitude towards people who have actually been involved in collisions or know someone who has. I mean if someone said to you right now "actually I lost my sister/brother because someone crashed into them while texting" what would you say to them? Be honest.
  4. How about no? If you're over the age of 30 then at least take responsibility on the road. It's one thing to be empowered but it's another to endanger the lives of others. Call it what you want and say people's concerns are fake but you don't know if people here have lost people close to them because someone else can't drive properly. God you're so embarrassing being all like "YASS KWEEN XX"
  5. What does being a prude have to do with it? I dare you to say this to someone who lost a family member because some twat behind the wheel wasn't driving properly
  6. Nah the way she drives actually angers me so much because what if some mother is in a car with her baby and collision happens just because a 30 year old woman is trying to be edgy on Instagram I know it seems harmless to some of you but reckless driving isn't a joke
  7. Her reckless driving ain't cute like she thinks it is. 16 year old girls who drink Bacardi breezers drive like that
  8. This was a good interview. I love how Lana and I both prefer baths lmao Also I’m still laughing at y'all who thought it would contain a snippet from COCC but maybe we’ll get a snippet today?
  9. To be fair, I personally believe it's best if people think very carefully about having kids if they do have mental disorders (I myself have plenty and choose not to have children for that reason), BUT we really don't know Lana, so it's unfair to say that she shouldn't have kids. I know Lana has some bumps, but overall I do feel like she's a well put together woman. She has a successful career, friends, a house, a family etc. She's self sufficient and loving. Can we not make such harsh judgements about her without actually knowing her as a person? We as fans only get a peek of what she's truly like and what she desires in life, and it seems foolish to pin a disorder on her
  10. I'm just gonna speak up on one more thing regarding this arrogance shambles, and this post isn't directed at any specific person. I also want to mention that I don't think Lana was that arrogant with what she said, and I don't have a huge problem with how this interview went, but anyway... The thing with a person having confidence is good, but it's so easy for that person to cross that line into arrogance and egotism, and unfortunately I know many people who don't realise they're being big headed. It's one thing to feel confident and speak with confidence, but it's another to portray that confidence in a cocky way. Lots of times people act like a self conceited dick under the guise of self confidence - (and I want to strongly clarify that this isn't what I think Lana herself is doing). I know some of you don't care about your faves having cockiness, and that were living in a "YASS KWEEN!" era where it's pretty much celebrated, but at the end of the day, it really does depend if you're the type of person who values egotism over humility and vice versa. So really, were going around and around with this discussion. Personally I don't mind arrogance in music, because music is often an exaggeration of many things (sounds, lyricism etc), so I don't care. But obviously in a personal and intimate setting, the arrogance (based on what you value more in a person's personality), can be pretty affected and how you then view this person as a whole. I don't think it's misogynistic or even hypocritical that some here are somewhat turned off by arrogance, because arrogance is a reflection of what some people don't want to be associated with, friendship/relationship wise. There's a reason why lots of people don't like certain artists (ya'll know exactly who), and that's because sometimes it is off putting, based on what you value in people. That's literally it. Lots of things are already being blown out of proportion and people are putting words in each other's mouths on here. I don't think this interview means people should tear Lana down to shreds, because it is unfair and most of what she said what pretty tame in comparison to what other artists talk about. But don't get mad if people find her words off putting, because like I said, it's all about what we value in people. If you like Lana's arrogance, then that's fine. If you don't, then that's also fine!
  11. You would have been attacked because you constantly make passive aggressive jabs at everyone on here. It's perfectly normal to have criticism and stan the person at the same time, it's not a hard concept to pick up on
  12. I think ultimately it's a matter of knowing where the line is drawn with having self confidence and stepping over that line into arrogance. It's hard to tell sometimes. I get what you're saying though, and I do think it's true to say that Lana hasn't had an easy ride with criticism.
  13. Egotism and misogyny are very different though so I don't know why it's being compared in this way. No one is saying Lana can't be proud of her work, but she's not doing herself a favour in this interview. I would have the exact same amount of disappointment regarding egotism with men and women, and I'm sure the same can be said for lots of people here too. Having a big ego is an unattractive quality no matter what's in between your legs
  14. I think it's more cringy than funny because they obviously have this idea built in their heads that they're these Anton LaVey type of characters who hold satanic rituals in their houses when they're just like every other person in LA who wears yoga pants and Sketchers, looking for the freshest roses to put on their $5,000 solid oak dining room table
  15. White Dress/Waitress Dealer (?) Told yall she would give us new titles oof this is exciting and the pics looks gorgeous as always
  16. I think you're thinking of Complex magazine. They only do digital releases now
  17. Reminds me of this shoot she did last year (I think?) The warm pink tones are gorgeous
  18. LANA HAS DONE IT AGAIN Let's hope they put the real release date in the interview, someone find it Also, isn't this the first magazine cover where she's blonde? Apart from the Billboard cover she did back in 2011/2012? Also I love how her bottom lashes are very 60's
  19. Why is #WeLoveYouMarina trending on Twitter?
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