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Everything posted by Flowerbomb

  1. Rorman is simply defending themselves, they're not the main instigator of drama in this thread. Anyways I'm expecting a short snippet this week or maybe a single cover? Typically three singles get released before the album itself (spread over 2-3 months, I think?) and COCC comes out in 35 days so really Lana needs to get the ball rolling and promote what she can
  2. Omg that album is so good, I remember when it first came out
  3. I feel so bad for all these girls. It’s a fucked up thing to have gone through
  4. Flowerbomb

    Azealia Banks

    Imagine feeling empowered by cheating on someone you're supposed to love. Couldn't be me. Let's not celebrate cheating under the guise of empowerment, that ain't it.
  5. Flowerbomb

    Azealia Banks

    I have no sympathy for overly narcissistic, fame hungry trolls who relish in being absolutely scummy to people who don't even acknowledge her. Let her talk.
  6. Lana looks like how she did during Honeymoon, it's nice (except now she has blonde hair)
  7. Unfortunately I've come across this one earlier...which isn't so nice :/ https://twitter.com/lanasmysoulmate/status/1288301020347539456?s=20
  8. This is probably because I'm a wrestling fan, but I'd love for Lana to go into the women's division at WWE omg can you imagine?
  9. I don't think so. Lana seems to go up and down with her weight frequently (I'm the same tbh). She still looks good and healthy though imo
  10. The cap reminds me of something those old dudes wear on the show Duck Dynasty or something like that
  11. They say I came from money and I didn't Lana. Sweetie.
  12. My friends tell me to stop calling 911 on the culture Karen teas Also I think the 'friends' telling her stop was Ariana Grande because didn't she tell Lana about why she was being problematic? Damn
  13. I don't condone child abuse but jeez some of these trolls should have be smacked left and right by their parents then maybe they would think twice before running their mouths and thinking it's okay to say these things without consequence. The comments Lana received is the exact reason why I'm terrified of growing older as a women. Men age and get called silver foxes, sugar daddies etc meanwhile women get called old hags, dusty, expired etc. I hate it so much.
  14. Just sad how some stans don't realise they're contributing to ageism as well. Lana looks perfectly fine for a woman her age. They wonder why she gets fillers and things and then they say messed up stuff like what's not clicking for them???
  15. #WeLoveYouLana is now trending on Twitter. So many toxic stans are literally calling her disgusting things then preach about mental health awareness the next day. Scum.
  16. She's in Tulsa to be with Sean, obviously. Why else would she be there?
  17. Why do gay men think that being gay gives them a pass to be misogynistic towards her? Also I know some of them are girls but gay men can be vicious af
  18. Oh wow her hair looks really luscious. I'm kinda glad she didn't dye it brown. It's nice to see some authentic Lizzy for once, especially now that her new album is on the way
  19. Taylor has a more simplistic approach to lyricism than Lana. Lana tends to reference a lot, makes her own little play on words, and has very complex lines that makes you wonder what she's truly trying to say. I feel like Taylor is more upfront about what she wants to write about. I like Taylor, she's a solid artist and her albums Fearless and Speak Now were superb, but I can't say her songwriting as a whole trumps Lana's, but this is just a personal opinion. At the end of the day, they're both very different women and have a different way of writing. Their art isn't really on the same wavelength so comparing them isn't really something that we should do.
  20. Lana lowkey looks like Britney Spears in her story, I can't explain it
  21. Honestly I'm expecting something next week, maybe Tulsa Jesus Freak as a first single/teaser for the album. Like what she did with MAC and VB releasing two songs at once so fans get a general idea of the sound
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