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Divisive Princess

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Everything posted by Divisive Princess

  1. I have her notifications on and I read the comments immediately after she posts, and I swear the haters have her notifications on, too. How are you leaving Karen comments 2 seconds after she posts...
  2. Sorry, totally off topic, but I clicked on the Facebook video in #2 and my mom was one of the likes? What???? Also, it actually sounds like she's talking about Josh. They dated when they were young but there was also photos of them later, like roughly 2011 or so?
  3. I hate the idea that no one can post ANYTHING other than tragedy. As a black woman, I've been having a hard time mentally and have had to take several social media breaks because every time I'm on them, I see black people dying/hurt and police brutality and NOTHING else. It's extremely traumatic. Obviously, I think people should be talking about it and posting resources, but the idea that you can only post about BLM and the riots or else you're a bad person is actually pretty harmful, imo. The way people are policing (no pun intended??) social media right now is scaring me.
  4. People can't actually find anything wrong with what she said this time so all of the comments are "Open your purse" "That's not enough. We need more" "This doesn't make up for what you did". But if she actually did post some proof that she donated something, people would accuse her of being performative and still call her racist. They'd probably say at this point she was bullied into doing it. Now she's more or less doing everything right and people are still going to bully and still ignore the fact that she was protesting. I don't care anymore.
  5. I don't think her Instagram story with George Floyd was directly related to the looting. Before I got on Twitter and saw the mess, I just assumed it was to shed George Floyd in a positive light. I've seen a lot of people repost that video (myself included), and no one is calling them out. The impression that I've gotten from it from the jump is that it's mostly saying "Aht, aht! Don't even try to paint him in a violent, 'criminal' light. He was clearly against it".
  6. God this is so frustrating. I don't think she deserves half the hate she's getting today. The video sucked and she took it down. But she is out PROTESTING. There are celebrities saying stupid shit and only posting BLM "tag 10 people" chains and they're attacking her?? So much of it is just bullying at this point. And I am not one to defend her every move but it's like... come on. She is out walking the walk.
  7. Also, I REALLY wish Kehlani and Tinashe would've just messaged her or something. Obviously Lana didn't have bad intentions, but by tweeting that, it brought a lot of unnecessary hate towards her. And when I say unnecessary, I'm not saying no one should be angry about the video, but people are saying nasty, unrelated things. Not to mention that tweeting it out like that is just bringing attention to the video with the looter's faces...
  8. Glad she deleted the video without saying a word. It shows that she realizes her mistake and is willing to listen to criticism. Although I can't believe that people are dismissing the fact that she's out there protesting. They're still finding ways to call her anti-black while she's at at BLM protest. Oh well. I hope she posts a donation link and keeps it pushing.
  9. Ok I can't defend her for this one. The looting video is so weird. It's not empowering or moving in any way. I WANT to believe that her intentions were good, but how can you be so dense? Especially right on the heels of a race scandal and dating a cop in the first place. She just needs to THINK.
  10. Lana getting dragged on the tl AGAIN?? Omg..
  11. Can someone post groupielover's screenshots? I'm blocked.
  12. Another mini heart attack
  13. Thinking about it now, I'm actually super shocked that the Israel thing didn't get brought up at all (that I saw) when everyone was bringing up old, problematic things. I'm not complaining... just surprised.
  14. I'm actually so disappointed in this whole situation. Doja was one of my favorite artists and I wish I could separate her from her music, but this whole thing just disturbs me on a deep level. Like it's different than other celebs getting "exposed" for me. Nothing about it sits right.
  15. Well groupielover pretty much confirmed this and the fact that they're refusing to post what their friend said... hmm.
  16. I think they were talking shit in a gc Lana was added in and didn't expect her to see
  17. Yeah I need to see the full conversation. They're saying there was some "back and forth" but aren't posting it. And I feel like either way, if random strangers were in my DMs talking about my mental health, I'd get pissed, too. Just because they're fans doesn't mean boundaries don't exist.
  18. The more I read on Twitter, the more it seems like most of the hate is coming from people that already hated her and are using this as in excuse to go all in. She'll be fine.
  19. Anyways, my final thoughts are this- Regardless of what anyone thinks she didn't or didn't mean, I think this will blow over in about a week if it even takes that long. People get all worked up over her and then go back to not caring. Controversy has always surrounded her, yet has never seemed to affect her career as a whole. And I don't think that a lot of the people mad are people that listened to her music in the first place.
  20. You're really showing your ass here. Black people have been enslaved, brutalized, victims of hate crimes, etc etc for hundreds of years. What have white people experienced that even come CLOSE to that? Being called a cracker? And don't say the Holocaust because while what happened was horrible, it wasn't because of the color of their skin. Instead of continuing to double down, why not just acknowledge that maybe you're wrong and speaking on things way out of your league? Just use this as a learning experience because I'm literally talking to you as a black person living in America and you've repeatedly shut down my opinions on race.
  21. You really quoted my (a black woman's) post with paragraphs explaining how you can, in fact, be racist towards white people. And you're still wrong. Yikes...
  22. Also, I hate that everyone is trying to undermine Lana's experience. Maybe they weren't around for the early days, but everything she said is so true. The amount of criticism she got for having lip fillers and singing about her pussy.. If all of that had happened in recent years, it would be a much different story and people would probably be eating it up. And I think that's her entire point.
  23. Well we know that she's friends with at least Ariana and Beyonce. I do think her choice of names was on purpose, but not for the reason everyone is saying it is. I'm not going to get into everything she said, but it's clear that she's not dragging anyone down. I read it as more of a solidarity thing. The problem is that the fans of the people she named are missing the point and are mad at Lana for "attacking" their fave. I would love to see Ariana or whoever else stick up for her. Again, people are forgetting that Lana is friends with some of these people and her intentions aren't to insult them. Either way, there were some other things wrong with her letter, and this isn't going to end well for her. There are already people on Twitter writing racial think pieces... You can't be racist towards white people.
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