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Divisive Princess

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Everything posted by Divisive Princess

  1. Definitely email them! That's how I ended up with 2 UV boxsets in 2014
  2. Seeing other photos from this shoot makes me wonder why they went with the ones they did. Even the photos that are getting posted now?? There's so many better ones in that video Lana posted.
  3. Imagine something similar but with Priscilla Presley. Idk. A girl can dream
  4. The way Lana didn't promote this shoot AT ALL. Not even a peep
  5. The 'Hands on your knees' line is clearly about reverse cowgirl, right? Like can we all agree
  6. I feel like she probably just watches them and geeked out when she saw them. Lana's still a normal person even tho she's 37 and famous lol
  7. Ok next time I'll sell my rare merch for $60 when there's a bunch of other listings for $500+. Like what's the alternative here? How the FUCK do you guys think this works? Rare merch from any artist is going to sell at a higher price. If you're bitter you can just say that but idk what else to tell you
  8. I have to assume you're 12 years old or really fucking bitter if you're mad at someone for selling extremely rare merch for a lot of money. Girl bc I said that was the case before you told me you'd see me in hell
  9. Saying you're a communist and then shaming someone that was forced to sell one of their most prized possessions so that they could survive for a month... ok! See you there <3
  10. Pls I'm not a scalper I bought it when it was being sold when I was a teenager and had to sell it when I needed money. I didn't originally buy it just to sell. As if it didn't deeply pain me to have to sell it. Wtf are you people on...
  11. Because I was broke and sold rare merch I owned for a price it was selling for at the time? I'm not a charity lmao
  12. I will ctfu if they sell the heart vinyl because I sold mine not too long ago for $600
  13. Lowkey starting to believe the conspiracy theory that she leaks her own music sometimes. Jk.. unless ?
  14. There's a lot of this thread that's incorrect.
  15. I'm obsessed with this interlude and I don't understand the hate.
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