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Everything posted by Harmonia

  1. Harmonia


    Been snatched by Heaven in Hiding; finally got the whole thing as well...
  2. Harmonia


    classic ATRL. edit: Halsey fans really are scared young teenagers, aren't they? This might be the first time I've seen an album surface early but not leak online.
  3. Harmonia


    That account waited over half an hour after the posted leak time to say they'll leak it when they hit 100 followers, lol like seriously what is the point when people will just take the leak and unfollow if its legit. I'm just gonna wait until the actual release at this point, people are dumb.
  4. Harmonia


    what purpose does faking leaks serve for anyone?
  5. Harmonia


    Halsey is not worth spending my whole day refreshing forums and Twitter searches, gonna go do shit and it better be leaked by the time I get home
  6. Harmonia


    WHERE are the tumblr gays with this. I expected her fanbase to be the messiest with leaks but maybe it hasn't surfaced because she actually has no base
  7. Harmonia


    too bad its only a 1:41 interlude, still probably gonna end up being my favorite off the album
  8. Harmonia


    I've got nothing better to do today so I'm seriously sitting on my bed eating mac n' cheese while perched for a Halsey leak. Not sure about the state of my life atm, hurry up tumblr gays.
  9. Harmonia


    Walls Could Talk is definitely the best song so far but I've heard it's also an interlude so ??
  10. well honestly same, but one of my biggest pet peeves with albums is when they have 18+ tracks but filled with interludes, I've noticed that's more of an R&B/rap thing but still when I see that many tracks I get a bit weary. Tinashe's Aquarius is one of the biggest offenders.
  11. imagine waking up one day and deciding "I'm giving the stans 18 tracks", can't relate to the talent
  12. There was a leak? Surely the forum would've been in hysterics especially in the status sidebar (that's how I find out all my news tbh )
  13. Harmonia

    Katy Perry

    Swish Swish remains that bop of the album so far. I don't care for CTTR or BA in the slightest.
  14. Harmonia

    Troye Sivan

    I'm not really a fan of it unfortunately if anyone wanted to know what came of my album listen my wig was sent into an emotional orbit by Talk Me Down and Blue and I'm not sure I've recovered yet
  15. Nadia Oh is beginning her musical comeback
  16. @elle take the site back down to finish the theme
  17. so as to avoid the pre-release thread since its in full meltdown mode; what reason do people have to believe she was hacked other than May 26th ppl being in denial?
  18. well that's one way to mitigate the oncoming meltdowns I guess LOL
  19. I know this is a general thread but maybe keep the politics out of it cuz it's lowkey disrespectful, this is about Manchester over anything else right now imo
  20. Not this messy argument. How did it even become about France?
  21. The fact that it was a suicide bomber hurts my heart so much. Not like it would be any less of a tragedy if it was a prop accident as some early reports claimed but just knowing that some sick, mentally fucked up person targeted a concert of one of the biggest pop stars in the world with intent to harm people, even more than he did, is just unthinkable for me. Especially when the majority of Ariana's fanbase are children/young teenagers or LGBT. I'm not one to speak out much about tragedies like this but because it was related to something so close to my heart - pop music - it affects me just that little bit more to push me over the edge and get angry and sad. I really can't stop thinking about it and expressing my feelings. It was even hard for me to listen to Ariana's music after I heard the news. Really settled into my mind today that shit can happen at any time. And that fucking terrifies me. I'm glad to live in a country where these things rarely (if ever) happen but the looming feeling that something could happen to me, even in my safest escapes, will affect me a lot especially after this. It's a type of fear I wouldn't want even those I hate most to feel; the fear of losing your life while escaping to your happiest place. RIP to the 22 confirmed (and any unconfirmed, but hopefully not!!) dead and best wishes to all who were injured and towards safe, quick recoveries.
  22. Harmonia

    Ariana Grande

    Nothing has been confirmed yet and I doubt we'll have a concrete story for another couple hours.
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