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  1. fraises liked a post in a topic by merman in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Lana manages to describe exactly what feminism is and say she has no interest in it, yeah that’s real intellectual Lana
    “My idea of a true feminist  is a woman who feels free enough to do whatever she wants.”    
    Lana that is feminism, it's about being equal and free to do what you want as a female but you find it an uninteresting concept, oh okay don’t worry about the centuries of women that did have enough interest in the concept of equality and freedom for you to be where you are today to say and do the idiotic things you do           
    Oh the shame of the contradiction, oh the irony how embarrassing. It’s so bad it’s worse than Alanis Morissette’s ‘Ironic’              
    Now I’ll say something that makes me sound intelligent
    “I’m more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what’s going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities.”         
    But you already FAILED an intelligence question, this just makes you sound like an idiot
    “I’d been sick on tour for about two years with this medical anomaly that doctors couldn’t figure out,” she says, to my surprise. “That’s a big part of my life; I just feel really sick a lot of the time and can’t figure out why. It’s just heavy performing for people who really care about you, and you don’t really care that much about yourself sometimes. I thought it was sad. I thought my position was sad. I thought it was sad to be in Ireland singing for people who really cared when I wasn’t sure if I did.”
    Okay just drop the Kurt Cobain mimicking. This is a carbon copy of Kurt’s description of his unexplained illness
    "Choose your idol wisely; read books do what they did"
    FFS that doesn’t mean you literally have to mimic everything out of Heavier than Heaven, it's too much. This is just too embarrassing     
    Lizzy you have to get over your envy of Kurt Cobain, he was who he was but.... who are you 
  2. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by merman in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Lana manages to describe exactly what feminism is and say she has no interest in it, yeah that’s real intellectual Lana
    “My idea of a true feminist  is a woman who feels free enough to do whatever she wants.”    
    Lana that is feminism, it's about being equal and free to do what you want as a female but you find it an uninteresting concept, oh okay don’t worry about the centuries of women that did have enough interest in the concept of equality and freedom for you to be where you are today to say and do the idiotic things you do           
    Oh the shame of the contradiction, oh the irony how embarrassing. It’s so bad it’s worse than Alanis Morissette’s ‘Ironic’              
    Now I’ll say something that makes me sound intelligent
    “I’m more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what’s going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities.”         
    But you already FAILED an intelligence question, this just makes you sound like an idiot
    “I’d been sick on tour for about two years with this medical anomaly that doctors couldn’t figure out,” she says, to my surprise. “That’s a big part of my life; I just feel really sick a lot of the time and can’t figure out why. It’s just heavy performing for people who really care about you, and you don’t really care that much about yourself sometimes. I thought it was sad. I thought my position was sad. I thought it was sad to be in Ireland singing for people who really cared when I wasn’t sure if I did.”
    Okay just drop the Kurt Cobain mimicking. This is a carbon copy of Kurt’s description of his unexplained illness
    "Choose your idol wisely; read books do what they did"
    FFS that doesn’t mean you literally have to mimic everything out of Heavier than Heaven, it's too much. This is just too embarrassing     
    Lizzy you have to get over your envy of Kurt Cobain, he was who he was but.... who are you 
  3. merman liked a post in a topic by rubytuesday in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    my two cents
    What i find strangest about her apparent complete ignorance of what feminism actually is - or what it does for her and millions of other women - is that her early BTD era career was so effected by what could be explained by sexism. I don't see men being questioned for their legitimacy nearly as much as women. Much of it was about her appearance at first, too.  It's also a really selfish approach to say "I don't need feminism, I'm free enough, it's boring" because great! She's rich and middle class and feels that way, fine. But for millions upon millions of other women, that's not the case. It's like not backing something just because it doesn't benefit you, even though it benefits billions of other people (and has and does benefit her...).
    Having said that, I understand why she is disillusioned with feminism because she had some harsh, harsh criticisms from particularly feminist reviewers. Some of which, I also thought were unnecessarily harsh on her. Men get to write about these dark, inner thoughts and be called artistic, she does the same and gets huge backlash (because of the responsibility that gets placed on women in any kind of power). I understand it, but I also understand why she would take that to heart so personally and become jaded with the concept.
    Ultimately, I wish she didn't have such an insular, "me me me" view on it... or at least be smarter in how it effects other people reading it. She could have easily just not answered that question, or found a filler question to use, rather than so carelessly disregard something with a pseudo-intelligent "lol stars and big galaxies what about me". I do feel like there's something up with her at the moment though and hope she's doing okay. All her answers are so very calculatedly Cobain or Morrison.
  4. merman liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    am i not being PC? 
    ok, she's occasionally transparent and immature to the point of mental handicap. sorry 
  5. merman liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    lana is so retarded sometimes i can't even deal with this interview right now i have to sleep lmao 
  6. merman liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    I agree with this and would like to flop with you for your cohesive and true argument, I feel like she didn't handle the question properly at all.
  7. merman liked a post in a topic by viagra in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    she seems very ignorant
  8. merman liked a post in a topic by RiverPhoenix in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Just the fact that you quoted the idiot that is Shailene Woodley shows that you have absolutely no understanding of what feminism is… 
  9. Mister Hepburn liked a post in a topic by merman in Lana Del Rey Interview: XLSemanal   
    XL. It's also been said that you've undergone some aesthetic touch-ups. Does that bother you?
    L.R. Of course it bothers me! [laughs]. What I enjoy is seeming chameleon-like, but I can't stand lies.
  10. Thunder Revenant liked a post in a topic by merman in Lana Del Rey Interview: XLSemanal   
    XL. It's also been said that you've undergone some aesthetic touch-ups. Does that bother you?
    L.R. Of course it bothers me! [laughs]. What I enjoy is seeming chameleon-like, but I can't stand lies.
  11. merman liked a post in a topic by Zach in Lana Performs at Kim Kardashian's Pre-Wedding Party   
    I can officially say I'm not a fan of Lana anymore after this. She's a sellout - I can't believe she accepted any amount of money to perform for this trashy family. This is the final straw. I just don't think of her the same anymore. It's a joke that she says she's a fan of Kurt Cobain. Kurt would have never in a million years been associated with her. He hated shit like this. She's truly sold out for fame. Now I'm wondering if she was any different from the start. Maybe she wasn't. I guess if any opportunity arose, she would have taken anything. I'm not supporting her or buying any of her stuff anymore. I'm not gonna go around bashing her either, I just had to get that off my chest. I know I'm just one person and I don't matter to her or anyone but it is what it is. I'm sorry it took me too long to see right through her. 
  12. DominicMars liked a post in a topic by merman in Lana Del Rey Covers Nylon Magazine's November Issue   
    Don't you think that's an embarrassingly naive way to look at a multi billion-dollar industry? That's how it works there is an agreement made with the writers. Most pop today is determined by accountants and marketing people. There is very little creativity left as the majority of chart music is written by a small group of mostly male song writers who mostly write for female artists i.e. Katy Perry, Rihanna, Marina and the Diamonds etc...
    So who is the real writer? One really messed up example is the song ‘Somebody to love’ apparently written by Usher and Justin Bieber but then the writer Heather Bright stepped up saying how did Bieber get a writing credit on that song! She claims that this is how it works, this was in reaction to Britney Spears being attacked for not taking any song writing or co writing credits on her album Femme Fatale:
    "I would just like to address one thing! The media is talking trash about how Britney didn't write any of the songs on her album … HELLO! Wake up everybody! NONE OF THESE ARTISTS WRITE THEIR OWN SONGS!!!!!! (there are a few exceptions … lady gaga, will.i.am/BEP, chris brown is starting to write a lot of his own stuff … ummmm … and now I'm running out of artists). Anyway … here's my thing … and I feel VERY passionate about this issue. Britney could have come to me, like all these other A-list artists, and said …
    "Hey, you wanna be on my album? I'm gonna need writing credit for that song AND part of your publishing even though I didn't write anything! And then I'm gonna go on tour and gross $150 million in ticket sales and not give you any of that, even though I'm performing your song!"
    "I could rattle off a laundry list of artists who I've had that conversation with! And I'm on the other end like … "Oh okay … so you wanna rape me, but just with the tip?!" 
    Turns out she didn't write the song either and the original writer is suing  bieber and usher.
    You seem to be completely unaware that Lizzy has been in development for a long time, a close friend said she had been working with top producers and writers in Europe for several years, that's where all the early demos come from. I didn't say she didn't have any input she clearly does but not to the extent she makes out because there is enough information out there to contradict that. The comments about Justin Parker come from him so if you have an issue with him claiming rights to his creative input in the collaboration take it up with him but bear in mind she wouldn't exist without these people who she works with. You need to chill stan it's not a conspiracy just facts that are out there, it’s such a typical stan reaction “how dare you say that about THE QUEEN your opinion means NOTHING Lana could shit on my face and she’d still be THE QUEEN” why do I bother to comment when you get psycho stalker fans like you freaking out when anyone says anything slightly critical even when it’s true.

  13. radiodasirius liked a post in a topic by merman in Lana Del Rey Covers Nylon Magazine's November Issue   
    Don't you think that's an embarrassingly naive way to look at a multi billion-dollar industry? That's how it works there is an agreement made with the writers. Most pop today is determined by accountants and marketing people. There is very little creativity left as the majority of chart music is written by a small group of mostly male song writers who mostly write for female artists i.e. Katy Perry, Rihanna, Marina and the Diamonds etc...
    So who is the real writer? One really messed up example is the song ‘Somebody to love’ apparently written by Usher and Justin Bieber but then the writer Heather Bright stepped up saying how did Bieber get a writing credit on that song! She claims that this is how it works, this was in reaction to Britney Spears being attacked for not taking any song writing or co writing credits on her album Femme Fatale:
    "I would just like to address one thing! The media is talking trash about how Britney didn't write any of the songs on her album … HELLO! Wake up everybody! NONE OF THESE ARTISTS WRITE THEIR OWN SONGS!!!!!! (there are a few exceptions … lady gaga, will.i.am/BEP, chris brown is starting to write a lot of his own stuff … ummmm … and now I'm running out of artists). Anyway … here's my thing … and I feel VERY passionate about this issue. Britney could have come to me, like all these other A-list artists, and said …
    "Hey, you wanna be on my album? I'm gonna need writing credit for that song AND part of your publishing even though I didn't write anything! And then I'm gonna go on tour and gross $150 million in ticket sales and not give you any of that, even though I'm performing your song!"
    "I could rattle off a laundry list of artists who I've had that conversation with! And I'm on the other end like … "Oh okay … so you wanna rape me, but just with the tip?!" 
    Turns out she didn't write the song either and the original writer is suing  bieber and usher.
    You seem to be completely unaware that Lizzy has been in development for a long time, a close friend said she had been working with top producers and writers in Europe for several years, that's where all the early demos come from. I didn't say she didn't have any input she clearly does but not to the extent she makes out because there is enough information out there to contradict that. The comments about Justin Parker come from him so if you have an issue with him claiming rights to his creative input in the collaboration take it up with him but bear in mind she wouldn't exist without these people who she works with. You need to chill stan it's not a conspiracy just facts that are out there, it’s such a typical stan reaction “how dare you say that about THE QUEEN your opinion means NOTHING Lana could shit on my face and she’d still be THE QUEEN” why do I bother to comment when you get psycho stalker fans like you freaking out when anyone says anything slightly critical even when it’s true.

  14. merman liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana Del Rey Covers Nylon Magazine's November Issue   
    yeah every single one of those lyrics are so deep and personal only she could've possibly written them lol
  15. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by merman in Lana Del Rey Covers Nylon Magazine's November Issue   
    It was the KROQ radio interview. It's more than those two songs.
  16. Madrigal liked a post in a topic by merman in Lorde   
    what she actually said was: "But I think the way in which I assert myself as not being about that stuff is by writing about it in a way that’s a bit less obvious and less cloying. There are a couple songs on the record about relationship-y stuff, but I make sure to write about it in a way that you don’t know if it’s a friend or a relationship, because that’s something that’s personal to me"
    I think you have completely misunderstood her and what she was saying, she didn't even mention the word boyfriend. It's clever writing she's being subjective in a complex way she's not spelling it out for you, instead she's using metaphors and sarcasm; because it is personal to her. She basically isn't giving it all away in a really simple story that has a start/end and that rhymes throughout; she's using free verse to tell an allegory. That doesn't mean she's not being honest but ...she is being a very clever writer, which is what I and clearly a lot of other people want to hear, I guess you're just not picking up on that!
  17. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by merman in Lorde   
    what she actually said was: "But I think the way in which I assert myself as not being about that stuff is by writing about it in a way that’s a bit less obvious and less cloying. There are a couple songs on the record about relationship-y stuff, but I make sure to write about it in a way that you don’t know if it’s a friend or a relationship, because that’s something that’s personal to me"
    I think you have completely misunderstood her and what she was saying, she didn't even mention the word boyfriend. It's clever writing she's being subjective in a complex way she's not spelling it out for you, instead she's using metaphors and sarcasm; because it is personal to her. She basically isn't giving it all away in a really simple story that has a start/end and that rhymes throughout; she's using free verse to tell an allegory. That doesn't mean she's not being honest but ...she is being a very clever writer, which is what I and clearly a lot of other people want to hear, I guess you're just not picking up on that!
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