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Pink Champagne

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Everything posted by Pink Champagne

  1. (actually me because it’s sold out and I’m at work so I missed it)
  2. This photo made me a lesbian
  3. Girl I don’t know what the fuck she’s saying but I am living.
  4. Only took 7 months for something to be posted on the account, so it should be several more months before we hear anything else! We can do this ladies!
  5. Yes I think you nailed it! I still like all the music they’ve produced but I feel like it could have a little more oomph. To me it’s too compressed sounding, it’s hard to pick out individual instruments and everything blends together. He does nail it sometimes, like with White Dress, Venice Bitch, and A&W, but other times it’s a little bland. Rick, Emile, Paul Epworth, Dan, etc. really brought emotion to the production and it felt more atmospheric which suits her voice very well.
  6. What I really want is for the production to not sound so compressed
  7. This is stunning. Do we know who produced it?
  8. Do you care to elaborate
  9. I listened to the album in full (minus the Judah Smith interlude) while on a road trip and it really hit me for some reason like the whole thing finally clicked for me as a body of work It's an almost 10/10 album had the Judah Smith interlude been replaced with an actual song (perhaps the one that CN replaced?).
  10. Tik Tok stans are a curse I swear
  11. Who bought tickets for the tour
  12. The album is still lovely months later. I still haven't connected with Paris, Texas and Peppers so it will probably never happen but I love the rest!
  13. All the roses are red, and Jupiter too. I’m lying in my nightgown making confessions to you. It’s all over now, baby blue. And all my secrets are out, I told them all to you.
  14. Do I wait for the US store to possibly restock or do I order from Canada or UK store?
  15. I’ve seen parts of the performance and I feel a bit disappointed. The mic wasn’t good so all I heard was the crowd and instrumental. When she was dancing around and singing she didn’t sound great. When she sat still and sang like for Candy Necklace she sounded better. I was hoping there wouldn’t be the two backup dancers and now there are six… I don’t see how they fit with the songs.
  16. Right after I posted this, Apple sent me a notification about buying the song on iTunes
  17. This may have been discussed but why can’t I find this on iTunes to buy it?
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