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Everything posted by FROGGO

  1. hola yo soy un hispano cría de foca de disquete :creep:
  2. Guys, we have to determine approximately how many of these 212 songs we have
  3. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
  4. Pre Born to Die, a part of the original SIN crew holla @@Trash Magic @@evilentity
  5. Whatever, the premise for the song just sounds as petty as fuck, just like So Legit. Hopefully she's exaggerating the content of the song and its limited to a single verse or something. And I honestly wouldn't put it past Lana to make a diss track about a 17 year old Lorde. Lana can be like petulant child sometimes, she just gets so butthurt.
  6. I know that, but it's still my favourite Lana song....
  7. This might just be my favourite Lana song, ever.
  8. For the love of God and for the sake of this forum, Lana needs to stop being asked questions about feminism.
  9. i particularly like the line "you should never come between a woman and her dreams, and a man who never knew his place"....
  10. Um, it'd be one thing if she said something like, "Feminism or lack thereof does not enter my consciousness when writing songs, nor should it have to. To be frank, I just don't have an interest in feminism. I also don't believe that art should have to adhere to ~socially correct~ conventions nor should it have to be ~progressive~. I write about my fucking personal experiences, and I'm not about to comprise my art to pacify those that don't respect how I chose to live my life with the person I loved during a time I felt happy and fulfilled." But no, she didn't. It's one thing to state a lack of engaged/active interest, it's another to DISMISS a social and political movement that has undoubtedly bettered the lives of countless women around the world, including HER. Christ. Cringing hardcore at the "LOLOL FEMINISM IS SILLY AND TRIVIAL IN COMPARISON TO SPACE AND SCIENCE I AM SMART". It just kills me when Lana does her faux-intellectual schtick (politics, metaphysics, etc), because she always comes out looking like a complete idiot.
  11. Not going to argue semantics with you, but okay. You definitely implied she was formerly a social worker.
  12. I'm sorry, but we have to stop with this "social worker" thing. It's a profession which requires years and years of schooling, in Canada, a 4-year degree. Point is, you have to reach certain qualifications and have certain certificates, and you undergo intense practicums and counsellor training. Lana is NOT a social worker. She did volunteer work, but is in no way a social worker. If you trip and fall and have a gash on your knee and your mom puts on a bandaid on, does that make her a doctor? NO. Your friend comes to you to confide and work out their problems. Does that make you a psychologist? NO. It's really not any different. Doctors work incredibly hard to meet their qualifications, as do social workers. It's disrespectful to their achievements and work when you undermine their profession by slapping a label onto anyone that does anything that vaguely resembles their career. Christ.
  13. let's hope this sentiment changes with a better translation....
  14. There's no 7th Gramma video! The original folder containing the AKA videos contained a duplicate, and the person that claimed there was 7 didn't account for the duplicate Source: Me, although I didn't make that original claim
  15. I wish artists still put out singles with B-sides that aren't songs already on the album.... *sadly flops*
  16. I'm REALLY happy that Lana worked with Dan for this record and chose a different director (can't recall his name, too lazy to look it up ). From the little we've seen, I'm positive that this will be a very successful era, with Lana winning the critics over and in turn, encouraging her NOT TO WORK WITH THE SAME PEOPLE ALL THE DAMN TIME because this floppy seal pup hates it. I understand that artists often have consistent / life-long collaborators but I couldn't handle any more of the same sounds. It'd be especially a pity if she stuck with "the same three guys" after being exposed to all the damn genres she can so effortlessly do YES I'M STILL HOPING FOR A COUNTRY ALBUM A STAN CAN DREAM OK
  17. TBH, I like all the tracks we've heard so far. I love the production and tempo changes of West Coast and Shades of Cool, and the psychedelic guitar accompanied by her ad-libbing/wailing on the latter is one of my favourite parts of any Lana song, ever. Ultraviolence (the title track, I mean) strikes me as one of those hypnotic songs and the spoken bridge is sexy, sexy, sexy. And finally, I don't hate Brooklyn Baby... to me, its just unremarkable, but I mean, we've heard like a teeny tiny bit of it so the capacity for it to grow on me is still there. It does have a good vibe/mood to it, I have to say, so I do kinda like it. I'm very happy with Dan as a producer and I feel like Lana is finally making the music I wanted her to make, that I didn't know I wanted, if that makes any sense? haha :3 I like the aesthetic this era, from the grunge-inspired look to the black and white of promo videos and artwork. I'm hopeful that Lana can get the critics in her favour, because I think it would really increase her confidence and it would mean a lot to her. I'm excited for her and I'm excited for us, as a fanbase! *flops*
  18. A) I haven't seen anyone in this thread saying that someone's opinion is WRONG. B) I don't know, it strikes me as kind of selfish when you try to dictate an already on-topic conversation on a forum because you don't like what's being said.
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