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Everything posted by HunterSThompson

  1. Saw Borns in Philly and WOW we stan a king. Artists need to perform whole albums more often, it was incredible
  2. Everyone is posting their terrible LFL opinions so here's mine: Get Free is overrated bye
  3. Let's be delusional for a second and envision a Cherry video with Lana and a girl gang of Lana's faves like Marina, Courtney, Stevie etc. and they all go kidnap their ex-lovers or something crazy
  4. Honeymoon: 8 Music To Watch Boys To: 7 Terrence Loves You: 8 God Knows I Tried: 8 High By The Beach: 8 Freak: 8 Art Deco: 10 Religion: 8 Salvatore: 9 The Blackest Day: 11 24: 6 Swan Song: 7 Don't Let Me Be Understood: 5
  5. HunterSThompson

    Charli XCX

    Seeing Chorli for my birthday in NYC. Can anyone link me to good fanmade merch? She doesn't have any Pop 2 merch, right? And the N1A stuff isn't available anymore, right?
  6. HunterSThompson


    She played Altadena? That's one of my favorites. I thought she never played that track?!!
  7. https://www.npr.org/sections/world-cafe/2018/02/16/586059115/lana-del-rey-on-world-cafe Interview transcript is up on NPR! They took out the part on Harvey Weinstein and Cola...
  8. THIS VIDEO JUST F'D ME UP She really needs to start performing the full song live.
  9. Banned for having such a beautiful man as your avatar @@Clampigirl @@HANGINGFROOT I'm sorry you guys had a bad day/week </3
  10. HunterSThompson

    Charli XCX

    Can someone link me to the White Mercedes snippet?
  11. Unpopular opinion but I enjoyed this interview. This interviewer/journalist was very smart and clearly knew more than the average journalist about Lana. She had some really good insights to Lana's work that Lana herself was surprised about and agreed with. I think this fanbase keeps forgetting that interviews aren't for niche topics that only internet stans know about. It's for general conversation about recent projects and stuff. World Cafe is an NPR radio show, do we really expect casual listeners to care about niche topics that we want to hear about? I think we keep forgetting that general promo is not for the fans, it's for the GP
  12. Wait what's the tea on this? What did I miss?
  13. Groupie Love would be the perfect song to go down to the barricade to. Imagine her meeting fans and singing GL...
  14. I hope there are more songs like Sadderdaze on the new record
  15. https://twitter.com/thenbhd/status/964363761900388352 New self-titled album coming March 9th. New single "Void" out now!
  16. I don't have a polaroid camera/don't have any photos from one and I've never thrift shopped </3 Next person do @@white gold and not me! Sorry for messing up the flow
  17. @UltraHeroin Best taste in your friend group Probably loves old cars Listens to a lot of alternative music Wears a leather jacket but it doesn't look extra it just looks good Pretty smart but isn't obnoxious about it
  18. Everyone's arguing about LFL's genre label and Honeymoon remains unbothered as Lana's most cohesive album yet (Obviously UV and BTD tie in a close second)
  19. Last night I had a dream that I was at a Lana show and she performed Yosemite Can we please get the gays at the next show to request it? Forget Paradise, Serial Killer, MDM, these new TLY live snippets and Old Money. We need Yosemite. I will never understand why y'all like to keep hearing these same tired songs over and over again, let's get something new
  20. Banned for no longer having that iconic Vroom Vroom pic of Ms. Choli as your avatar like you did for a while
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