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Everything posted by HunterSThompson

  1. I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING but I was too scared to say it
  2. Her vocals this show have been amazing until............now
  4. "Like your copyrights!" - fan "That's right!" - Lana OMG
  5. Well I'm saying that it probably won't be performed live since her band doesn't know it
  6. Now that I'm thinking of it, her band probably hasn't learned Yosemite or Heroin or any of the songs we want to hear.
  7. Still haven't watched the movie and still haven't finished the book (only like 20-30 pages left I think) because I don't want to be emotionally traumatized x
  8. Chicago - please, please, please request Heroin. Thank you.
  9. Use that gif one more time and I am taking back all of the times I voted for you in the Lipster Awards
  10. My thoughts on this: I think people are trying to make this a Donald Trump issue when it's really an American issue. Liberals, conservatives, independents, etc. think the same thing, Trump just verbalized it and had it plastered on the news. Many Americans believe that African, Caribbean, Middle Eastern, South American, et al. countries are "shitholes," even subconsciously, so I hate how people are trying to be on some sort of moral high ground about it.
  11. Yes -- I've always thought of it to be so beautiful. Do you agree that a universal basic income is a good policy idea? (This kind of public policy differs... commonly, it's when a govt. taxes a public harm, such as oil drilling, and gives those taxes back to the people as a "basic income." Basically, it's taking money from harmful corporations and giving it to citizens.)
  12. The gays need to be reminded of this FACT everyday. Thank you @salvatore.
  13. I'm confused as to which question I'm answering @@reputation since all I see are quotes above and Terrence Loves Me didn't really ask a question or answer one.... BUT I'll answer the adultery question (that's a good one, reputation!) No, I don't believe that adultery should be illegal. That's an invasion of privacy by the government that serves no justifiable means. Again, good question! Do you agree that you don't need religion in order to be a moral person?
  14. HunterSThompson


    So where's the Homemade Dynamite video
  15. HunterSThompson

    Taylor Swift

    Unpopular opinion (maybe?) but So It Goes... and Dancing With Our Hands Tied are some of the best songs on the album
  16. So I listened to the whole record and I am slightly disappointed but it's still really good! Seeing him live in February!! Thoughts: Man and We Don't Care are really good alt-rock bops Iceberg is super interesting Tension deserves to be a full track Blue Madonna > God Save Our Young Blood though the latter is still really good Supernatural is one of my favorites Second Night Of Summer is good but not great. The strings are cool though Overall, this record feels very 80s inspired. Not obsessed with it like I hoped I would be, but still good nonetheless
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