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Everything posted by HunterSThompson

  1. Why does this intro sound like it's straight out of a James Bond movie
  2. Setlist.fm will probably have it tomorrow or the next day!
  3. If she really sings Paradise and Heroin in the same set...... I just......... Heroin would look and sound so beautiful with that set up, as well as Get Free, UV tracks, TNC, etc. but could you imagine bubblegum-pop Paradise being sung next to her beach grass/rocky terrain inspired stage... it just wouldn't look right Hey I need to sell a ticket for DC! You should DM me (twitter would be best at @zaccolao but here is fine too)
  4. https://twitter.com/TrueLanaNews/status/949371176522059776 I just -
  5. I think every part of the song is beautiful...... when it's not together. The verses are good, but juxtaposed with the chorus it just sounds messy. The way the chorus is sung is too incongruent to the verses so it sounds a little off. Besides that, I still think it's a cute song. I actually don't mind that Lana is more in the background, although she should've had a solo part in the bridge I don't even think I want to read the pages preceding this one because I'm sure you guys are taking this out of proportion Girl I think we are going to the same show omg
  6. I want to watch the movie but I feel like I'll be an emotional wreck afterwards. I can't even finish the book (I'm at the part when they go to Rome together) because it's getting me too emotional.
  7. Confession time.. I could care less about these new Nicole Nodland photos. I'd prefer Chuck and Neil outtakes because they're more raw and I think those two depict the true Lana
  8. Um hi<3 if you have a twitter dm me at @zaccolao if not then I'll just DM you on here
  9. Do we have snippets of the album? Can someone link me if so
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