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Everything posted by HunterSThompson

  1. It made me like the song more! The chorus is still terribly produced and nothing can save that, but, I keep finding more meaning to the song which makes me listen to it now and then!
  2. A better setlist I really think Cruel World would be a crazy closer... imagine the outro! Imagine the drums around 6:20 - 6:29 of the song (you can hear them if you turn up the volume loud enough and/or listen closely) as the final sounds of the show. It would be so cool.
  3. Setlist: 13 Beaches Diet Mountain Dew Cherry Shades of Cool Chelsea Hotel #2 Pretty When You Cry (Live debut) Blue Jeans Born To Die White Mustang Lust for Life Music to Watch Boys To Change Ride Love Video Games Summertime Sadness Off to the Races
  4. 2:03 - 2:22 is incredible. Those vocals... her emotion... I just Favorite type of weather?
  5. Probably Yosemite (@salvatore heh) I went a few months back during a snowstorm and it was beautiful. Favorite collaboration on LFL?
  6. Well I guess the 2018 tour will be this trash set list minus DMD... yikes And yet, I'm still paying hundreds of dollars to see her at 3 shows. #GroupieLove Can we petition to get her to scrap Blue Jeans and OTTR? Good songs but overdone. I'd rather have two UV, HM or LFL songs instead
  7. It's such bullshit that some of you are assuming Lana/Harvey relations are true. We don't know if it is, and we certainly won't find out through Lana's niche for ambiguous lyricism. We shouldn't pretend to be detectives using unreliable and circumstantial evidence to find out the intricacies of their relationship and whether or not it was abusive. Hopefully Lana will clear it up soon, but in the meantime let's not assume it's true? It's one thing to discuss this controversy but it's another to claim something as true when it has not proven to be. There are so many victims in this mess and it's all so horrible, so let's not count Lana in just yet?
  8. So far my favorites are Los Ageless, Masseduction, Fear The Future, Savior, New York and Smoking Section. Sugarboy, Pills and Hang On Me are other good tracks, I just haven't fallen in love with them as much as the others! I hope she plays most of the album at future shows... it's all really good.
  9. Oh wow, thanks for the info @@salvatore I wouldn't know half of the things I know about anything Lana-related if it weren't for this site<3
  10. I feel like Change would fit this kind of album, too, even though it was the last song produced (and even an acoustic version of Coachella... I'm sure there was one made)
  11. What's Smile and what is this version of TNC you're talking about?! I don't remember her talking about organ instrumentals
  12. I JUST SCREAMED, you're SO right on this. Once you hear it you can't un-hear it
  13. HunterSThompson


    Leak Good Fights
  14. HunterSThompson


    Thank you for this! Saved! To be honest, I like this better than half of Melodrama. It's what I expected her new stuff to sound like -- a little darker in sound, slightly more produced than PH but still sparse. This song is so Lorde This goes really nice between The Louvre and Liability, actually
  15. The fact that we have the exact same taste.... thank god for you, legend
  16. I would take at least half of that time to talk about her song Heroin. I would not only love to know the true lyrical/anecdotal meaning but also how they came up with that beautiful production
  17. I cry at almost all of the lyrics of Heroin but "Life rocked me, like Motley Grabbed me by the ribbons in my hair..." is one of my favorites because she sings those words so soft and quietly even though they depict a scene of violence and chaos.
  18. If you don't get information from the news where else would you get it? The news showed the press conferences with city officials who knew details of the case. The news had experts who knew how to dissect a tragedy like this and analyze it. The news had policy experts who gave facts on why the gunman even had that military-styled weapon. Sorry to tell you, but the U.S. was founded on multiple things, one of which being the press. Journalists do an incredible job in the US. Sure, there are a few bad journalists and media outlets that withhold information and disseminate lies, but the majority is good. Learn to trust the news and it'll make you a smarter person and a better citizen (if you're from the US). So, if you were watching the news or maybe reading from a media outlet, you would know who the shooter was and where he was from. Go look it up. We live in the fucking generation of technology and information. Not trusting "the news" is going to stunt your intellectual growth while your peers are taking advantage of this wonderful era of information. Edit: I take your point though, and I kind of understand where you're coming from. We do, still, live in an era of "fake news." But it's so easy to point that BS out. Get your news from a reliable source like the New Yorker, The New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN or another trusted outlet. They aren't fake news.
  19. I've kept my cool on this site since I've joined but.. Fuck off. Seriously. There's no logic in that statement. None. There's no prior precedent for that. None. This is an act of gun violence, an epidemic rampant in the U.S. as a result of the fetishization of weaponry and the ease of access to it. The debate on gun violence ended when Americans decided they cared about their guns more than their children. This is not a government conspiracy. This is America. This is its citizens. Don't be like this, @@Terrence Loves Me. We have no time for baseless conspiracy theories and heartless comments at a time like this.
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