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Everything posted by loleetah

  1. LFL had 55 members participate, this one had 58, so the results will be comparable- LFL came in with an overall average of 7.3, and UV at about 8.1. So UV was a lot higher! Coachella (LFL's lowest score) was 5.3 and G&R was only a few points ahead of that. I figured UV would be a lot higher. However I do wish more members would participate in these rates so they're as accurate as possible!! Sometime this week!
  2. Um she posted pictures of two lyrics tattoos on her ig a few days ago? Idk if she'd do that if she disliked them She does hate her own tats tho
  3. Honestly this is true, I know mother! was polarizing but wow she really did THAT. I didn't think much of her as an actress before that her performance wowed me
  4. So, I watched this yesterday for the first time. I have to say although the acting and cinematography were beautiful I was having a hard time being convinced of Elio and Oliver's relationship. It felt purely fueled by lust to me, with small moments of emotion. So i didn't come away with it feeling crushed like a lot of others have. I've heard that the book provides more context so I'm going to give that a try. The final scene though is going to stick with me. Even though there were no words spoken I knew exactly what Elio was thinking and feeling and it was so powerful. That final shot at the end where he looks at the camera caught me off guard but there was something really profound about it. As if he knew that we'd been watching the whole time, and was now looking to us like we were included in the relationship. Bravo Timothee!
  5. Yeah I agree, like I don't think I would ask her to sign a copy of AKA because we don't know how she feels about the fact that people even have it. She's like barely ever acknowledged it besides Yayo. And the fact that she's talked a lot about having a hard life before fame I feel like there could be some sour memories associated with AKA for her. Obviously I don't know that for sure But besides all that i would never have an artist sign something of theirs that I downloaded illegitimately like ??
  6. She has...the ghost of Lizzy Grant I wonder what she thinks about AKA now, if she's embarrassed of it at all (not that she should be because it's great, but she's grown A LOT since then). It must seem like a past life to her, I wonder if she's made uncomfortable by fans bringing it up to her
  7. The results are in!! And here they are, out of 58 responses: Cruel World: 8.4 Ultra violence: 8.3 Shades Of Cool: 8.9 Brooklyn Baby: 8.8 West Coast: 9.0 Sad Girl: 7.6 Pretty When You Cry: 8.5 Money Power Glory: 7.7 Fucked My Way Up To The Top: 7.3 Old Money: 8.9 The Other Woman: 6.7 Black Beauty: 8.9 Guns And Roses: 5.7 Florida Kilos: 7.8 Is This Happiness: 8.3 Flipside: 8.4 Thanks for rating! I hope you guys are enjoying these. The next rate will be for Honeymoon!
  8. She's been saying that for years sadly, I remember her in a recent interview saying she wants them removed
  9. Postponing this by a day bc I'm too tired to do math. So keep on rating
  10. Yeah the venue scanned/did bag check and metal detectors. I'm not sure if they ended up just getting rid of the line or what, bc it looked like I was in the only line being let into the venue, and we weren't even at the front of it. It seemed like the only people in front of me were the VIP people, I skipped right up to the second row on the floor. So i'm not even really sure what happened to the rest of the line it wasn't VIP! PM away
  11. This isn't necessarily true. At my location I went in 20 minutes before the doors opened and got barricade. You just have to be smart.
  12. Come on girls! Only a few hours left!
  14. loleetah

    Billie Eilish

    Every other caption or tweet is like "choke on my dick bitch I'm a fucking SAVAGE lol" thats cute to you......worst taste inDEED
  15. loleetah

    Billie Eilish

    Party Favor is her worst song Also she's still embarrassing on social media
  16. If it was like a 2.5 minute long song maybe
  17. The LFL rate was successful and really fun! So here's the next rate thread, this time for Ultraviolence! The rules are simple, rate EACH track from Ultraviolence out of 1-10. After about a week or so I'll average out all the scores to reveal how each song ranks according to the members of LB. To make things more interesting, you can give ONE song a 0 and ONE song an 11. Those numbers are to be reserved for when you really love or really hate a song. If you give more than one song either of those scores, your rate won't be counted. If you'd like you can provide explanations for your rates, but it's not necessary. Please feel free to discuss your rates with other members in this thread but try not to argue too much The more members contribute to this rate the more accurate it will be so join in! Cruel World: 8 Ultraviolence: 7 Shades Of Cool: 10 Brooklyn Baby: 9 West Coast: 8 Sad Girl: 7 Pretty When You Cry: 9 Money Power Glory: 7 Fucked My Way Up To The Top: 6.5 Old Money: 9 The Other Woman: 5 Black Beauty: 7.5 Guns And Roses: 5 Florida Kilos: 7 Is This Happiness: 8 Flipside: 6
  18. Okay, here's my experience: I got to the venue about 10 mins before doors opened and was able to get to the barricade. Not exactly sure why, or where the line went, lol. Lana went onstage on time and threw in some very cute adlibs ("You know you're special to me, singninf blues for you will never be old." during Ride). She didn't come down to the pit during the show, only after OTTR. She spent a lot of time on the right side and I was on the left, so she rushed my section a bit. I got s hug but no picture sadly . Yayo with the guitar was an awesome surprise. Overall it was so amazing. But tbh I am so glad I didn't up for VIP. I got there late and was right next to people who payed 300, lol
  19. Before Yayo: "Sometimes I like to sing songs from, like, 10 years ago."
  20. WHEW I HAVE A LOT TO SAY. I got to the barricade and a hug from Lana. I'm on my way home now but I have plenty of pics to share and info as soon as I collect myself
  21. Yes thank you and please keep me updated! I want a good spot but I don't wanna line up all day if it'll be pointless
  22. Is anyone else going tonight? I'm unsure of what time to get to the line
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