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Doll Harlow

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Everything posted by Doll Harlow

  1. Doll Harlow

    Song vs. Song

    Venice Bitch vs. Mermaid Motel (demo)
  2. Yee haw. Jk, this sounds really good. I imagine the studio version will be a serve. Lana's voice matches so many genres.
  3. Obviously we don't know for sure if they broke up, but if they did, it follows her cycle of breaking up with a guy around the time she releases something (Barry with UV, Francesco with HM, G-Eazy with LFL, Chase with NFR, Sean with Violet). I want her to just find someone to settle down with because it seems like that's what she truly wants
  4. Agree with everything! Except I'm getting more of a track 3 or 4 vibe for whatever reason.
  5. Normally I wouldn't like a video like this but this was such a Video Games/Lizzy Grant hybrid vibe. It also matches this song and era in a strange way.
  6. Personally I'm getting major ~classic Lana~ vibes from this. I thought it would sound like a NFR but it's a bit different to me. The instrumentals are mellow but still quite nice. I'm glad she's doing less of the talk-singing she was doing on NFR.
  7. Why do I kind of like the cover. Yeah it's lazy but she looks amazing
  8. Uh so my boyfriend was on my laptop and made this post.
  9. Lana should cut a lot of her hair off for her next album cover. Shake it up a bit. Maybe even fully shaved? She could pull it off. Who else is with me? EDIT: My fucking boyfriend made this post. Smh.
  10. The fact that people in the comments are still running with the Karen and MAGA Del Rey comments.. Even if they're jokes they're just tired at this point.
  11. Y'all know she hates Trump and isn't a Republican right
  12. Good catch. I thought it may have been about Chase because he's an actor but this makes sense. Francesco also got engaged fairly quickly after he and Lana separated.
  13. Doll Harlow

    Song vs. Song

    The Greatest vs. Terrence Loves You
  14. They kind of made a point with "LA Who Am I To Love You?" It's one of those poems that sounds better with the audio rather than when you read it imo. Overall, I really do like her poetry book but a lot of it is an acquired taste.
  15. This thread is about Lana. Could you post this in another thread or as a status or something
  16. She should just take a video of her throwing the mesh mask away. Would be satisfying at this point.
  17. She looks like an Old Hollywood star. I love how she's been styling her new hair this week (minus the mask).
  18. I think they are a troll who is actually trying to sound like they could be a real person. But they're a troll. If not, sorry Socrates.
  19. she either doesn't read her comments or she doesn't give a shit
  20. Yeah I just saw that on reddit lmao I should have read the COCC thead first. I was so into the idea of an October release but at least this is something
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