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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. REALLY liking her voice skills, she sounds very very talented. Not sure I like her song-writing, I hope she impresses me! And her visuals are kind of tacky and not really original at this point... But she has caught my eye (or ear, in this case). Thanks for mentioning me! Will keep her pinned Love how, although I keep on blogging and always updated by several sources, this forum and you people come up with new and really cool artists all the time! I almost don't visit this for Lana, but for everything else that's shared
  2. Deleted User

    Charli XCX

    can anyone please spare me a link to every instrumental?
  3. Deleted User


    I HATE her album/single covers.
  4. How can I change my username? I have my account connected to my twitter account and I'd like to refresh my username to the one I'm using there now (88AYM)
  5. ok! So here's the video where you can HEAR ME SING with HER in the front row at 2:20 <3 <3 <3 I just can't believe someone filmed this <3 And these are three crappy videos I shot from the front line. I was more interested in the concert so I didn't really pay attention to fiilming well or taking photos...
  6. The new video is p e r f e c t
  7. Deleted User


  8. I know right? I waited like FOREVER. I wish she collabed with Soko. And I'd love a new version of "Ritalin"
  9. Something popped up in my soundcloud home screen
  10. Is the American Dream demo leaked fake?
  11. Hello everyone. Sting's tomboy daughter, Eliot, is back with new music. It's been an eternity, but she's finally here... And I'm loving the new sound.
  12. Deleted User


    It has leaked!
  13. OMG You heard me? I'm so happy right now <3 Where were you?
  14. I LOVE Tough Love. But I just can't get over Wildest Moments. That song never gets old for me.
  15. @ man, I'm so really happy for you <3 It seems the management for the whole Latin America tour tends to be the same because the guards and the producers all had the same attitude here.. They rushed her in and out of everywhere, and brought her at last minute for the sound test. I ALSO heard the backing vocals during the sound test and yes, 24 Hous has LOTS of stems and it's SO amazing (you can hear different levels on each and every Redken chapter). I also met Johnny, he's SUCH a laugh <3 He was looking at me while they played Omanko and we mocked each other and we laughed... Anyways, Friday was the best day in a LOOOONG time <3
  16. I just stil CAN'T believe it... Here's a photo of the poster sold and my signed booklets plus the setlist (so shocked it even said when she was supposed to talk) By the way, after Omanko she added Sad Dream and Werewolf because we asked her
  17. SAW HER LIVE. WAITED FOR HER SINCE 13. THE CONCERT WAS GOING TO BE AT 20. Some people went to wait for her the day before at the airport and the ones who brought her to play say they scared her, or something of the sort. And they did all they could so we wouldn't be able to meet her. But I squeezed in somehow to have Cole sign my DIIV Oshin copy, and Sky to sign my NTMT after the sound test. Althought they brought her at the end of it. The whole band play the sound test without her because of that and they rushed her in so she could play at least one song. I gave her a letter behind a print of when I talked to her in 2009 via facebook. So, the club opened the doors at 20:20, Manta Raya opened for her, a local electro rock band (they are cool, I guess), and I took a photo with Sir Johnny. I spent the whole concert FIXED to the fence. During the whole concert she looked at me, gave me her hand, then she received a flag we gave her with some of our names (her biggest fans here). She took all sorts of gifts during the concert. Bracelets, flags, letters, even PANTIES. She laughed it out. Along with Johnny. Cole played with Manta Raya and said he'd be back (since he cancelled a concert last year). At one part of the concert she took my camara off my hand and took TWO photos onstage Then, in Love In Stereo I screamed "SKY, I WANT TO SING WITH YOU" and she handed me the mic and I sang a little part. And then, she asked us what songs we wanted her to play and we SCREAMED Sad Dream and Werewolf. After I saw the setlist and saw they weren't included.... I couldn't believe it. <3 After that, I stayed near her little band's dressing room and the producer let me come in because she called for me. I thanked her so much, showed her I had the setlist and bought a serigraphy a guy made of her and was selling in the club. She looked kind of frail... I was kind of afraid. I felt she was sort of ill... But anyways, here's one of the two photos I could take with her They were REALLY rushing me. She didn't look SO good... So I couldn't really talk to her. I asked her earlier for the part 2 b-sides and she like nodded that they would "sometime" come out... I STILL can't believe it.
  18. Deleted User

    Charli XCX

    yeah how silly, I noticed it after I saw the whole thing! hahahah Lucky girl
  19. Deleted User

    Charli XCX

    Why does "Cuts Like Diamonds" begin to play at 2:29 in the background? Isn't it supposed to be unreleased?
  20. I'M SEEING HER LIVE THIS FUCKING FRIDAY. And I'm almost SURE I'll be able to meet her.
  21. Oh I see, since I do not watch TV that means I live under a rock. That's nice. I wonder who actually does live under a rock because that type of judgement is plain stupid.
  22. Is this actually Danny Noriega as drag? Shocked.
  23. You're not the One remixes came out?
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