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Party Favor

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Everything posted by Party Favor

  1. Ok, I'm back with more because I finally remembered I have a Dall-E account. I like Dall-E, but you have to be pretty specific or use famously known composites/artists in order to generate good results. Not that I'm complaining since it's impressive as is, but still....some results can be pretty janky and not in a cool, abstract way I digress....... Lana Del Rey in the style of Salvadore Dali these are iffy.....then again i don't really like Dali in general so perhaps im biased lol Lana Del Rey painted in the style of Claude Monet incredible, astounding, never been done before, iconic, beautiful, the best things ever Lana Del Rey in a baroque style painting in a lush forest this was the only noteworthy photo, the rest were........something
  2. Party Favor

    Taylor Swift

    Is Lana the only feature on the album or are there more? Excited regardless! Bought all the vinyl so I have no choice but to stan!
  3. everything after imagining is a bore. like they're cute but they don't have replay value
  4. Party Favor


    anyone have an up to date masterpost? currently redoing my music library
  5. Party Favor


    i see poppy is yet another artist who has whiny ass fans
  6. did anyone receive their music set and signed postcard bundle from dirty hit? bought it back in june, obviously the august 28th shipping is wrong since the album got delayed but there's zero updated shipping estimates on it
  7. only people who care about grammys are stans on Twitter trying to dunk on other artists
  8. literally a week babes
  9. imagine disrespecting devil in paradise and portrait of a female and hatefuck and i don't love you like that
  10. Party Favor

    Miley Cyrus

    Deleted that bitch the minute PH came out
  11. If it doesn’t sound like Johnny cash, Dolly Parton, skeeter Davis etc then keep it
  12. Lana Del Rey Heardle #111 🔊🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ https://lana-del-rey-heardle.netlify.app/
  13. i became a kim petras fan and all i got was slut pop
  14. if that’s the case then she’s failing horribly hold the girl is the best out of the singles, but catch me in the air is…rancid. Still holding out hope for the rest of the album
  15. Party Favor

    Song vs. Song

    I talk to Jesus vs. ultraviolence (demo)
  16. he said, “Lana Ray, will you serve me lemonade? / I said, “yes, Bill, I will, it’s the day of the parade.”
  17. I only ever hear “shady boo” but shady blue makes sense in context of the lyrics
  18. Lana is a great example of someone who shouldn’t have become famous. Not in a “she doesn’t deserve it”, but in a “Hollywood eats people like her alive” kinda way. I will say tho she, like many rich artists, needs to learn how to tread the line of vocalizing struggles vs just straight pity dumping on fans. she’ll never escape the “industry plant” trope either. It is what it is and you can argue literally any singer is one.
  19. category is: "Noir trailer park escape to bright futures, on a stranger's motorcycle" per kahne's description of yayo
  20. just got my invite to the DALL-E full AI so of course im gonna use my free credits for lana related concepts description was 'lana del rey, art deco' "mermaid motel" trailer park with christmas lights "oil painting of lana del rey holding a cigarette to her parted lips with eyes closed" these are actually my favorite and i wish i could paint like this
  21. We need bass, we need synths, we need live instruments, we need sultry, we need strings, we need
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