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Party Favor

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Everything posted by Party Favor

  1. Well this opinion lost all credibility the minute you included beautiful as a highlight of the album
  2. Party Favor


    the way this author wants me to be enraged like that site didn't have it coming for writing that weird ass shit about her
  3. Party Favor


    ive heard nothing but awful things about her
  4. YES I would snatch up a sirens vinyl in a heartbeat
  5. they're just fucking stupid, nothing more, nothing less. edgy little cunts desperate for validation on the internet
  6. putin apologists always actin like they arent the biggest boot lickers out there LMAO
  7. Probably because it’s been the same recycled joke for the last 10 years I doubt it’s that deep, y’all just need new material
  8. 7/10 points docked for still referring to Marina as + the diamonds
  9. Party Favor


    So is she never gonna acknowledge the postponed tour?
  10. Party Favor

    Hikaru Utada

    Put her whole utadussy into simple and clean
  11. Party Favor


    You’d be surprised on how many people froth at the mouth waiting for this dude to post reviews. And the majority of his bias is towards female artists. Shocking LOL
  12. How is she not embarrassed LMAO
  13. using songs such as meet me in the pale moonlight and every man gets their wish to post their tired pink 'lolita' aesthetic, using little girls to trauma dump on the internet instead of going to therapy. just to name the most recent trends that involve her music. the Little Girls one is particularly annoying because you also get the wannabe pop music commentators discussing how nobody should be using the song at all because it glamorizes pedophilia even though nobody knows wtf that song is actually about because lana has never talked about it. that, and it's very possible that she, you know, just wanted to write a song with darker undertones
  14. The issue here is that people do not know how to form connections/their own ideas about lyrics. That’s it. Social media has rotted the brains of most people under the age of 30 to the point of no return. Everything must be agreeable and everyone MUST have the same opinion on a niche unreleased Lana del rey song bc some tik toker who has 50k followers said so. It’s honestly jarring seeing people take lyrics so literally and not even attempt to use an ounce of brain power to think beyond what’s written. I say this as a 24 year old, not some bitter boomer lol. Everything centered around Lana when it comes to SM is bc of stereotypes put in place by locals / Stans with too much time on their hands.
  15. I’ve never seen a messier drop than this one. I was one of the few who got thru this unscathed apparently Hope y’all get your money back!!
  16. Y’all talking about UO, but I’ve luckily never had any issues buying vinyl other than them pushing dates back. Actually seems to be a running trend with them in general. I’ve bought clothes n furniture from them online and all either ships late or gets pushed back. it’s a shame vinyl scalpers upcharge the fuck out of UO exclusives.
  17. The 13 year old watching me snatch up the only bf no time to die 7”
  18. ya'll must be on drugs cuz this isn't any better than the original cover lol. excited for new music tho. i loved this album until i got bored
  19. Party Favor

    Taylor Swift

    I bet you think about me mv incoming, y’all
  20. Party Favor

    Taylor Swift

    I bet you think about me supremacy
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