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Party Favor

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Everything posted by Party Favor

  1. Party Favor

    Miley Cyrus

    bumping this to ask for an updated masterpost in general
  2. No, it’s not even 12 EST time lol
  3. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    well shes a female artist which OBVIOUSLY means that everything she does in life is based on her flopping or not
  4. she’s not big enough to “flop” lmao
  5. Y’all will not let this girl have anything LMAO
  6. Party Favor

    Miley Cyrus

    we NEED more leaks from dead petz
  7. you put my faith back in boys
  8. is there anything marina fans don’t complain about lol
  9. Party Favor

    Charli XCX

    you guys really just be saying whatever shit comes to ur head regarding christ (deluxe) huh
  10. the only time it matters what 111 says is when a charli xcx leak is attached idk why you guys have let their cringy essays go on this long
  11. Party Favor

    Charli XCX

    charli being added to my list of artists who don't even attempt to tour Arizona <3
  12. Party Favor


    Her tickets in the US are outrageous for no reason. My Lana tickets were cheaper than Lorde in 2018
  13. This is literally 90% of the album LMAO
  14. Tbh I hope Jack is the sole producer just out of pure spite
  15. ready for her to finally add to the 80’s synth pop trend
  16. Well this opinion lost all credibility the minute you included beautiful as a highlight of the album
  17. Party Favor


    the way this author wants me to be enraged like that site didn't have it coming for writing that weird ass shit about her
  18. Party Favor


    ive heard nothing but awful things about her
  19. YES I would snatch up a sirens vinyl in a heartbeat
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