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Party Favor

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Everything posted by Party Favor

  1. Party Favor


    Bringing up NFR is really a mute point since we been knew that she created that album to be extremely digestible by the GP. I say that as someone who adores the album. anyways, lorde always delivers so I’m excited to see what she brings to the table with her the new sound she’s going for! Still have no clue why Lana stans are bitter towards her in 2021
  2. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    oh the girls are fighting again
  3. the way ya'll have no idea what an industry plant is
  4. Party Favor


    *new victim
  5. Keep rina out of your mouth
  6. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    artists use working titles for songs all the time. usually to keep it under wraps
  7. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    Nothing sounds nice to you based on your post history
  8. purge the poison is one of her best songs in a while. i actually like how on the nose it is
  9. Party Favor

    Charli XCX

    this is from a taylor swift concert tho. i think they were saying marina has played bigger venues by herself
  10. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    teachers pet if im so special why am i a secret? yeh why the FUCK is that?
  11. Party Favor


    the masterpost link isn't working
  12. The bare instrumentals (I suppose you could consider the album entirely acoustic since guitar is the only thing present lol) really give me melancholic vibes. There’s an air of sadness mixed with hopefulness that makes it a good album to listen to if you’re feeling down or happy also reminds me of driving through the Midwest, specifically, past corn fields and run down towns with populations of 300
  13. 'certain user' you mean 80% of the people in this thread
  14. who do you think you aaaarrrRRREEEEEEEEE
  15. Another day, another discussion on how marina tries too hard to be woke
  16. alexa play queen of disaster
  17. You’re gonna say Lolita is trash then in the same breath say DLMBM is good?
  18. we're gonna pretend we didn't see this bestie
  19. Barrie needs to come back to California STAT
  20. don't let salvatore see this
  21. I’m pretty sure sputnik hates every album a successful woman releases
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