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Party Favor

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Everything posted by Party Favor

  1. anyways im about to lose my virginity to lana's cocc in 30 mins a monumental momemt edit: did this site actually just fucking tell me that is doesn't ship to fucking arizona, a state in the fucking united states
  2. why are you guys acting so perplexed about a celebrity getting random articles written about them
  3. i dont rank them because my favorite album depends entirely on the personality im projecting that week to cope with my mental state
  4. Electra Heart still being that bitch in 2021. What an amazing conceptual album. Even better when you delete Lies
  5. i have no listened to the leaks, but im assuming either 1) artistic choice or 2) flows better. There are also people that pronounce Arkansas the way it is written.
  6. the way some of yall obsess and romanticize old lana is weird af lol
  7. an artist promising the release of a song means nothing lol
  8. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    this thread is a riot
  9. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    What is the point of mentioning it if you can’t say anything
  10. there's still people in 2021 thinking celebrities sold themselves to the devil? as if the king of demons gives a single fuck about rich people
  11. Using lady Gaga as an example of an artist out of touch with reality is a joke in it of itself, but I’ll keep it cute as arguing with Lana stans over Gaga is a never ending circle jerk that I refuse to participate in. I will agree that Lana definitely has lost touch. I don’t think it’s a matter of her not caring though, I believe it’s just that she’s adapted an attitude of “it is what it is”. I guess you could argue that’s not caring, but I think she’s becoming a person who wants to do a whole bunch of things, but the thought of actually doing them and the effort that needs to be put in or else it’ll be a disappointment (in her eyes or the fans), stops her. We see how many things she’s scrapped over these last few years and blaming the record label can only go so far considering they pretty much let her do whatever she wants. She use to really bite the bullet when she was younger. Perhaps it’s an age thing where she just doesn’t feel the pressure anymore to go above and beyond. Which I get. I think she’s truly just slowly burning out as an artist, but it’s understandable. or she just doesn’t feel the need to go big anymore which is also ok, but girl has gotta stop promising her fans shit that she knows isn’t gonna come out on time
  12. brite lites and mermaid motel with an autotuned loon every 10 seconds
  13. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    are you referring to poppy who was under contract and was also emotionally abused/manipulated by titantic sinclair? victim blaming isn't cute, teddy bear you stan melanie martinez, let's not even try it with the morality bullshit stinky
  14. sorry to quote an old post but i thought she was saying 'like a tropic one two' and then 'death row'
  15. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    And what would those moral differences be?
  16. dragging eclipse like ya'll aint gonna be kissing his ass as soon as he hops on it's the 24/7 switch ups for me which is exactly why this boards obsession with insiders ends in drama
  17. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    how long can this thread go without complaining about keenan i wonder
  18. Party Favor


    Her baby daddy is a dude who’s against all the shit she stood for, that dick must truly be a wonder
  19. Party Favor


    do we have any clues as to what the theme of the album will be?
  20. Party Favor


    150K for a grimes song... sweetie i love you but edit: the fact there is a person on there selling 5 decorated cans for 14k is sending
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