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Everything posted by Valentino

  1. What in the world is happening, honestly? Who thought having so many versions of a song at the same time would be a good idea? And they removed the tempo change in that Swiss radio version, noooo What in the world is happening, honestly? Who thought having so many versions of a song at the same time would be a good idea? And they removed the tempo change in that Swiss radio version, noooo
  2. yass, I hate her beauty queen hair. Sirens-era Lana is very interesting and if you look beyond the arrangements, I think you can enjoy the songs. For K/Sirens/Drive-by is one of my favorite Lana songs. I LOVE the tempo changes in WC. I wish she titled Y&B will you still love me when... like she wanted originally. Same with G&M. And I'd have liked "Down on the west coast" as a title. I don't mind leaked songs on albums. BB + AFFA 4 UV 2014
  3. I don't buy from iTunes. So is that Soundcloud link someone posted the new iTunes version? That means so far we have... Radio Mix from BBC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N86FqCA-XIk 1st Single Version 1st Dan mix? https://soundcloud.com/igapromotion/lana-del-rey-west-coast 2nd Single Version/2nd Dan mix? (can't find link anywhere) I'm not sure what the Soundcloud versions people are talking about are. I assume the one I linked to for 1st Dan Mix is earlier because the new one is a second longer. And apparently there are more Soundcloud versions??? I'm a bit confused. The one I bought from Amazon says "Rob Orton Mix." It sounds like the video version. Is this the 1st iTunes version? I was scared when I opened the file that I had bought a remix, lol EDIT: At 4:05 on this upload, I hear some backing vocal with reverb that I don't hear on any of the others. Does anyone else hear it or is it just me? It also happens a few seconds before.
  4. So once a song meant for a new album is leaked against the artist's wishes, it can't be used ever again? We weren't supposed to hear BB, after all. I'd like to hear a finished version with a different bridge because it's a gorgeous song. It shouldn't be abandoned because Rick Nowel can't be bothered to properly secure his website. The same goes for AFFA.
  5. So... did you ever get these? Bumping this because I'm on a Flo kick and there are no forums for her. Well, the official forum is dead since 2012 and inaccessible since you need a website account, which you can no longer make... and I know of no fan sites for her (FloBoards???). I kind of have a question. Is F+TM really a band? It's supposed to have other members like Summers and Tom the harpist, but Florence is the only one who appears in music videos (except WTWGM which is recorded in the studio) and she seems to do a lot of solo performances. She's the only one who shows up in photos, the two album covers so far, she's the only one interviewed... is this a case of everyone but the lead singer being ignored or is this a purposeful arrangement where Florence is supposed to be the one at the front.
  6. I seriously need to take notes when I go through this thread so I don't have to keep re-reading it.
  7. Didn't like it on first listen, but now that I'm listening to it with earphones, it sounds better. It'll probably take a few listens to get used to. I mostly hate the effects on her vocals. The 's' sound is way too prominent, the verses sound... altered, and the chorus vocals sound too far back. I do like the "mood" of it. Lana plx release single soon (omg riff from "And I Love Her" at the beginning of the chorus. Get that Beatles reference Lana)
  8. West Coast makes me think of that lazy guitar sound of the 70s as well as the surf pop of the 60s. It's interesting if she decides to go that route; she started incorporating more electric guitars into Paradise iirc. Can't wait!
  9. Valentino

    New US Tour!

    The only tickets I can find now are $950?! Even the scalping tickets are totally gone! Ugh.
  10. Valentino

    New US Tour!

    Doesn't Livenation have credit card entry? You have to have the same credit card you used to buy tickets present to enter the show. How would scalping work like this?
  11. Valentino

    New US Tour!

    Same here. Cheapest re-sale is $350. It's absolutely ridiculous.
  12. Valentino

    New US Tour!

    I'm really hoping I can get tickets tomorrow. I've seen them resold for like $500, which is ridiculous. Curse you, Cedric Gervais!
  13. "She hasn't gone all trap if that's what you were hoping." That doesn't sound like something someone would be hoping from Lana at all. Has anyone expected her new album to feature trap anything? "A little darker" Doesn't match with "unlistenable," which suggests "so dark you will want to take your headphones off and walk around in hopes of becoming the person you were before you heard this album." Then again, Lana loves to exaggerate. "guitars, I'm afraid" Has anyone been anti-Lana doing guitar stuff? She's done it before and I don't feel there's an anti-guitar sentiment among Lana fans. "continuation of last album" Born To Die? Paradise? And didn't Lana bid goodbye to the BTD/P era with Tropico? A more psychedelic Lana sounds interesting, but I'm not holding my breath that this is about Lana. It's about someone people expected to go into trap and is going into guitar stuff instead, to the disappointment of many fans. (Lady Gaga? She had been messing around with trap for a while and a good portion of her fanbase dislikes her guitar rocky stuff, plus she intends to release a continuation to ARTPOP. Katy Perry, what with Dark Horse and all? Seems way too soon for a new Katy album, so I doubt it). Lana should just bring back David Kahne and do an AKA continuation
  14. Someone took a photo of her listening to music and said "probably listening to her new music" and Lana replied "I am." It was on Instagram, I believe? It wouldn't be too hard to believe a fan ran into her while she was listening to her new stuff.
  15. It was word of mouth, so I can't give you any sources. Wiki tells me the video shows suicide, but idk any concrete sources. Googling 'summertime sadness suicide -video" gets me a lot of... weird stuff with no interviews or helpful forum links, so I guess it's someone's conjecture. I have heard from more than one person that she mentioned a friend committed suicide and you could assume this friend is the one in SS, but I haven't been able to find a source for this. SS, regardless of the friend/K angle, might be about suicide anyway. "I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight." Maybe Jump: "do you wanna jump?"
  16. Don't know anything about this guy but I love Eurobeat which I've been told is just sped up Italo Disco. I can't imagine Lana doing it; she likes that faux serious artsy aesthetic. But then again I love campy things, which is the only reason I can stomach every Eurobeat song rhyming "fire" with "desire" (hmm maybe Lana can do it after all...).
  17. Okay, I haven't had time to respond to any of this, but I wanted to drop something that I heard. Apparently Summertime Sadness is about a friend of hers committing suicide? A quick search shows that this is what the video depicts (I haven't watched much of her official videos). It would really knock my summer=K theory out of the water. Nevertheless, I take things she says about her songs with a grain of salt (Video Games was the first song she wrote! And it's about staying sober. But it's also a sequel to Yayo. But it's also part of a trilogy. But it's also about two different guys. she's such a complex writer gais). It makes it really hard to string together anything she says and pick out the truth in her tales. I guess that's what makes Lanalysis fun, after all. Haven't heard the two leaked EPs yet. Curious to find more K songs on there Sirens gave us the original K song, after all.
  18. I still hear it as "juxebox," but I can hear Tupac too. Are there official lyrics out there, though? I thought they were all done by ear.
  19. I used to buy those Kidz Bop CDs and accidentally got my sister into it... I basically bought them because they had a couple songs I liked on it and I didn't understand the concept of buying the actual albums with the real songs on it. This was when the WWW and digital music were in their infancy though, so kids today don't have that excuse. (also forever pressed that the SS remix doesn't include the best part, the bridge!!!!!!!)
  20. Ah, I get it now. Yeah, "Lorde is ugly and should shut her mouth" isn't something I'd expect from a feminist. Or any decent person, really.
  21. I was disgusted at some of the violent comments here as well as people poking fun at Lorde's face. That is not cool. Yes, her eyes are far apart; you don't have to compare her to a cartoon character or repeatedly call her ugly. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that. You don't have to find her pretty (I don't) but some of the sentiments here kind of shocked me. I don't understand what's wrong with the Lorde & feminism thread? Nothing she's said indicates that she has more than a shallow understanding of feminism. That's normal. Yes, there are teenagers who are familiar with the tenets of modern feminism and have an understanding of it that's more intricate than what she's shown. As intricate as an adult's? Of course not, they don't have the life experience to have that nuanced understanding. But they have some "book knowledge" at least. Lorde's mother has said she was reading Kurt Vonnegut at age 12 and Lorde is often praised for her intelligence, so I don't see anything wrong with pointing out that what she's said so far about feminism isn't novel or shows an unusual understanding for her age. It's one thing that's at odds with her image of child "prodigy" (once again, I disagree with that phrasing, but that's another topic for another time), not an attack on her character or intelligence. I will say that that topic contained a lot of hostility towards Lorde, including on my part, and I don't think she deserved it. It's clear that she's one of those people that inspires great love or great hatred and since she's been pitted against Lana and has said a couple of unfavorable things about her, it seems that great hatred has blossomed here. When discussing her, it's important to honestly look at one's position and think "how much is my conclusion influenced by my feelings about Lorde? Is my conclusion at odds with the evidence available?" It's definitely difficult to do (some sources would say it's impossible, even when one is aware of one's own biases). But I think it is possible to discuss Lorde's statements and her music without devolving into blind praise or blind hatred. Unfortunately, it's too easy to ruin the balance and inspire feelings of fanaticism on all sides. Also Lana please win a grammy
  22. Thanks, this was it! So basically she only had the chorus written (consistent with what she said in the radio interview about having written the chorus for a song). idk what this means for the Oscars, but recycling unused melodies and lyrics isn't unusual at all (the chorus of "I Know Him So Well" went through about three different incarnations before finding its home as the Chess showstopper) and it seems the rest of the song was written for the film. Rather different from "she wrote the song beforehand and it just happened to fit the film." But I don't know anything about the Oscars or the guidelines so this is just total speculation :v
  23. I don't understand. Are you saying you served me humble pie? I did the best I could with the Catalan translation and trying to hear Lana underneath it. I missed the "summer with the windows open" part, but other than that I did surmise that she listened to a soundtrack or classical music and that she was out on the terrace. EDIT: Is this a response to mickos57 "eating humble pie are you"? I'm not sure who you're aiming at with the humble pie comment and I don't want to get all defensive if it's not even aimed at me.
  24. I don't speak Catalan, but I do speak Spanish which has some similarities, so I could kind of understand the translator at times. She was talking about how she needs a special atmosphere to write. The guy then asks her if Barcelona inspires her to write. And she says that last night she was out on the terrace. I'm pretty sure she said "something that I ???( like?) like a soundtrack" and the translator mentioned something about classical or classic music, so I guess she listens to that for inspiration. After that, something about "I wrote three new songs that I love" at 6:11, "I Sing The Body Electric" and "In The Land of Gods And Monsters." The guy asks her if she writes the music and lyrics, and she says "yeah, last night I wrote a song called WYSLMWINLY&B." I think she said "last night I wrote the chorus" right before the guy asks her to sing a piece of it. She doesn't mention if they're for any specific project, just that she wrote them. Being that Y&B is mentioned alongside the early titles for Body Electric and Gods & Monsters, I imagine it was probably intended for Paradise. When did she start working with Baz for the film? I recall an interview with him where he said that Lana only had the chorus written and they worked on all the rest. Trying to find it now. That would mean that until she started working with Baz, she only had the chorus of Y&B written, not the whole song.
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