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Everything posted by Valentino

  1. That's an interesting point, and it does sound like a real parallel. I haven't read Lolita (yet) so undoubtedly I miss out on a lot of the references like "light of my life, fire of my loins." Nevertheless, I think Lana's lyrics are a lot of mixture between reality and fantasy. Little Girls is from the point of view of the little girl, who is asking this guy to put her in 'a movie.' She is actively seducing this guy with her sly insinuations 'come on you know you like little girls' and 'you can be my daddy.' From what your post says, it seems that Dolores was asked to do this child pornography and didn't want to do it. Maybe it's an inversion - Dolores begging a man to put her in a movie. Considering Lana's references to sleeping with guys in the industry (probably not for favors, imo, but she's talked about it enough for it to be worth noting), I don't think Little Girls is just a retelling of Lolita. It could be her drawing from multiple sources, mixing something she or someone else experienced with one of her favorite books. In one interview she says that the verses are "based in reality" and the chorus is "fantasy." Now, she says a lot of contradictory stuff, but she said this about both Video Games and West Coast on two separate occasions, so maybe there's something to it.
  2. The producer she's talking about is probably Rob Fusari, an early "boyfriend." They worked together on The Fame. She's dropped hints before.
  3. I'm curious - Why do you think Put Me In A Movie is about Jimmy? That song doesn't really sound like a relationship, either. It's exchanging sex for favors. Maybe it's about the "handsome record executive" she made out with... or a reference to "sleeping with the boss doesn't get you anywhere nowadays. " And it's not shady because what he said was true; people were misinterpreting it for whatever reason. Or do you think there's reason to believe he IS trying to say he met Lana there for the first time and never before?
  4. "meet" doesn't just mean "encounter for the first time." When you say "guess who I met at the market today - it was Chris!" you're not saying this is the first time you saw Chris. When you say "let's meet at 10," you're not saying "let us encounter each other for the first time at 10 o clock." When you say "I saw my friends last week; we met at the Chateau Marmont," you're saying "my friends and I got together last week at the Chateau Marmont." Jimmy said "I met her in January of 2014." That usage would not be inconsistent with any of the examples I mentioned above. He never denied knowing her before, and I'm not sure why that's the interpretation people are jumping to.
  5. Jim in Ultraviolence, not every Lana song. I don't know if I trust that explanation, but Lana has talked about singing to alcohol before, so it's not totally random. One thing I'm confident about is that UV is not about Jimmy. I don't know about HDB, but UV is not about him. it's a different Jim - it's not exactly an uncommon name, after all. Poor Jimmy, Lana writes a song and her "fans" attack him for domestic abuse. The Mr. Campbell effect in full (ultraviolent ) swing.
  6. I loved Froot, but the other 3 songs haven't impressed me yet. I Loved TFJ, great album, I liked EH. If this album is just mellow songs, I don't think it will be my style. Froot was a really misleading first song. I used to stan hard for her, but I think I'm falling out of love with her.
  7. I don't want Auerbach returning just like I don't want Haynie returning. Either one would color the sound too much and it'd sound either like UV2 or BTD2. The one producer I'd like to return is Kahne because he was able to produce the widest variety of tracks. Unlike BTD and UV, none of the songs on AKA really sound like each other, but it's still a cohesive work. Unfortunately, I don't think that's ever gonna happen again.
  8. Burning Desire: dark red, black. Gods and monsters: dark gray, silvery Ride: light brown Dark Paradise: dark Violet Diet Mountain Dew: silver Demo of DMD: gold, brown trash magic: dark blue back to the basics: light blue
  9. I didn't know about FIMH. I'll have to look his statements up, that's cray. Thanks for the tip! When you say rocky past, what do you mean? Where can I look this up? I don't know much about Gnecco, honestly; most of what I know comes from your Lanalysis post actually *hides under covers* And when you say "going on tour with her," what tour is this referring to? I know he opened for her once, but I looked it up and only got stuff about 2014. I don't know her tour stuff very well, so maybe it's just recent results covering old ones. The instagram post did not deny knowing her prefame. He said: "I met Lana in January of 2014." Meeting someone does not entail "encountering someone for the very first time." Meet (heading) Of individuals: to make personal contact. ​To come face to face with by accident; to encounter.  [quotations ▼] Fancy meeting you here!  Guess who I met at the supermarket today? To come face to face with someone by arrangement.  [quotations ▼] Let's meet at the station at 9 o'clock.  Shall we meet at 8 p.m in our favorite chatroom? And to avoid confusion... are we talking about the same post? I didn't know there was more than one Instagram post. "I met Lana in January 2014. The Jim she sings about is Jim Bean." He's saying he met with her and she told him she was singing about alcohol. I can get why people think he's saying this is when they first met, but I don't think that's what he meant at all. This is a Facebook post, not from Instagram, but it's still relevant because he says "on the night we met in January of 2014." I guess this photo is to prove that he never abused her because she wouldn't take a photo with him all smiley if he hit her and it felt like a kiss? I'll look up Jimmy stuff when I have time. He does sound oddly inconsistent about his relationship with Lana - "she's a crazy stalker but I wrote this song about her but we had a rocky relationship but thanks for letting me tour with you but we never dated."
  10. I took the "we met in Jan 2014" to refer to talking about the song Ultraviolence. He says that and then he says that it's about Jim Bean the alcohol. I don't think he was trying to say "I met Lana for the first time in January 2014" but "I met with her in January 2014 (and she told me about the song)." It's awkwardly phrased, but I can't imagine he's trying to pass off as never having met Lana before. Remember that one guy who posted on Lanalysis saying that Lana was "obsessed" with Jimmy? I guess it's up to anyone if they believe this random user or not, but I feel like the evidence (or rather, lack of) is really suspicious. We have pictures of her with Arthur Lynn, but little to none with Jimmy. Most speculation involves having a 'secret affair' with Jimmy or something along those lines to explain the lack of photos. Arthur Lynn is also a guitarist and could fit most of the "Jimmy" tropes of being a local rockstar and 'violent' (praying that's a metaphor). I don't know much about her and Reeve Carney, just that he and Jimmy knew each other. I don't know if there's any consensus on what her and Reeve's relationship was, if there was any relationship at all, but it might be worth pointing out. I think there could have been something between them once, but I don't think there was a long-term relationship. Maybe not even a relationship at all; it could have been one time thing she hung onto. It would explain why she wrote a song about him (he has the dubious honor of being the only person she's known to be explicitly named in a song) where he 'kissed her in the dark.' I think she had a fantasy about him, like she had about Mr. Campbell, and maybe the fantasy was sparked by an experience, but not a real relationship. He is definitely a mystery.
  11. @@lmdr I didn't mean to say he was an ex, hence why (ex) was in parentheses. I just didn't want to make an entirely new category that would only ever be occupied by one person at a time.
  12. @@lmdr I have no idea what her romantic situation is at this moment, but she was dating him for at least some time, right? He even shows up in the UV video as the finger suckee. On the list he goes!
  13. Derp, can't believe I forgot Mizrahi He's one of the big ones. So here are confirmed (ex) boyfriends: Steven Mertens Arthur Lynn Mike Mizrahi James Barrie O Neill Francesco (the italian photographer, I forgot how to spell his last name sooo) Rumored ex-boyfriends: Reeve Carney Bradley Soileau (sp?) Van Wilson? (I read something in Lanalysis once so don't take my word for it) Do these even exist? mystery nameless ex-boyfriends K Millionaire electronics gambling guy Record executive for seven/eight years Jossed (deconfirmed) - never boyfriends (but maaaaybe relevant?) Jimmy Gnecco (Lanalysis weeps at this loss) Mr. Campbell (it was all fantasy on Lana's side. let's hope. but he is basically mentioned in her songs so) Chris C (really unimportant but for completeness's sake I felt like putting him here)
  14. She never dated Jimmy, confirmed by him (plus never really any evidence besides the sing Jimmy Gnecco). If you need evidence, give me a while since I'm away from computer. You're also missing Steven Mertens, Arthur Lynn, and maybe Reeve Carney.
  15. PWYC is repetitive lyrically and melodically. Don't tell me it doesn't sound similar to "his Bonnie on the side, Bonnie on the side" from Sad Girl. Cruel World, Brooklyn Baby, Shades Of Cool, West Coast, Florida Kilos, these are the least repetitive and most varied choruses on UV. The rest feature varying levels of repetition, on a scale of Guns and Roses to Sad Girl. Lana has mentioned coming up with melodies and then someone else creating chords and such for it. Pretty clearly cowriting (And they supply "just" the musical composition? That's arguably the most important part of songwriting). In any case cowriting is so common nowadays I don't think anyone can "fault" her for that. And the insecure should be happy to know about Lana's early songs like Axl Rose Husband that show her lyrical creativity on her own.
  16. Probably not. There's a 1933 song called Boulevard of Broken Dreams and a 1988 movie. The expression exists long before green day, although I can't find where it originated from right now (on mobile). I also don't think queen of the night is a Whitney reference. Mozart had a character called the queen of the night in one opera, but I'm pretty sure she's not referring to that either. It's probably not a reference to anything. She calls herself queen of so many things. All she had to do is combine it with the euphemism woman of the night for prostitute.
  17. EDIT: Double post. (could we maybe redirect discussion of Mariah Carey and other artists to some other thread? it seems to be causing a lot of trouble here and it's not even related to the topic. maybe entertainment or the general discussion forum whose name i forgot)
  18. I'd like to say that "Honeymoon" is such a nice title. It's a bit literal of me, but the "honey" makes me think of warm, golden tones. To the people who want jazz on Honeymoon, I have a question... precisely what do you mean by jazz? It is a diverse genre, after all. Do you want swing? Bebop? Free jazz? Cool? Smooth? Or are you referring to a feel or influence instead? Genuinely curious because I feel like I'm misinterpreting what people mean when they say they want jazz.
  19. Lana's pop songs are great and I feel like people avoid them because they're "too mainstream." Hit and Run is one of her best pop songs. It is my most played song. Go go Dancer used to have that honor. I don't like LoD that much and I'm not thirsting for the demo that much. Emile Haynie improved Lolita. I can't stand any of the demos. Match Made In Heaven is hilarious. And that makes it awesome. "I'm not a trick but I'm a trick for you, " the terrible autotune. the spiritual successor Ghetto Baby is too bland in comparison. Puppy Love is underrated. Back to the Basics is incredible. Her white girl rapping is cute and I need to hear it more.
  20. I died when I heard the loon. I started liking it ironically but now I like it unironically. Ah, the majestic loon. If Emile Haynie produces a song and there's no loon on it, does it really exist? Lana's dying animal noises at the bridge got me in a bad way, but I like the verses. Maybe that's what she thinks jazz singers sing like, since she does the same thing for Million Dollar Man live. It's less bad here, though, so maybe I'll get used to it. The chorus is underwhelming, but maybe it's a grower. I used to dislike Blue Jeans, so... In any case, I'm glad we have this. A little gift for Emile Haynie fans here. Now deliver on Last Song and Riverside and we'll be home free, Lana.
  21. Valentino

    Charli XCX

    1. Nuclear Seasons 2. Set Me Free 3. Heatwave 4. Sucker 5. Superlove 6. You (ha ha ha) 7. Breaking Up I only recently got into Charli so excuse the lack of songs.
  22. EDIT: Can anyone find the interviews where Lana talks about this new 7 year relationship? I don't remember which ones they are. + the one where she talks about how OTTR is about a guy who would gamble in Vegas while she chilled in the swimming pool. And what are the receipts for this one: "It's a song about a man who thought I was one of the most exotic things he had ever seen and me indulging in his appreciation and love. On the outside he was handsome and wholesome, but under wraps he was running an illegal electronic business which ended up taking him and his friends under." I think it's about Million Dollar Man but I can't find the original interview anywhere. So I'm throwing around this theory that BTTB, BCD, and HDB are all about the same person. HDB would imply that it's Jimmy Gnecco, obviously, but since we have no evidence showing they dated and Gnecco seems to have denied this, I've got this theory that maybe Lana fantasized about Jim while dating Reeve or Arthur. They're both musicians with long hair, and Reeve was Jim's acquaintance, at the least. At such, some songs and traits we've ascribed to Jimmy might actually be about Reeve or Arthur. In the DMD demo, she says "hit me, my baby, tonight, I don't know why but I like it" and we got evidence for that being an Arthur song. In HDB, she sings about a guy ("Jimmy") who treats her mean, just how she likes. Also, in Get Drunk says "I am sleeping with your best friend" - pretty appropriate if she was mentally cheating on Reeve with Jim or maybe she actually had a one night stand with him one. And Get Drunk talks about a guy who wants to get drunk, and the guy in BTTB would get "wasted." Here are the lyrical ties between the three songs: Back To Tha Basics: trailer park love (I am the trailer park darling = HDB) everybody's saying that you're no good for me (almost verbatim from BCD, plus a guy who's violent and "the worst she's ever seen" would probably not be held in high esteem by her friends) nobody does it like you do wrong side of the tracks (verbatim from BCD) best i ever had (verbatim from BCD) you can sing for the neighbors (song is about a musician) Behind Closed Doors: i like 'em mad, bad, baby you know i like em bad boy (compare I like 'em tough and mean) wrong side of the track (BTTB) everybody's saying you're no good for me (BTTB) best i ever had (BTTB) Hundred Dollar Bill: i like 'em tough and mean jim is the worst that i've ever seen i am the trailer park darling Every time I listen to a new unreleased song, I make some new connection. Lana, ha power. I'll have to review the Reeve/Jimmy connection as well as Arthur to see what I'm missing.
  23. I'm pretty sure the jazz snippet I have is ripped from the movie because I can hear mumbling voices and laughing, plus Lana's voice is really low in the mix.
  24. The Jazzy one. It's not really long and has like just a verse and a chorus, but I loves it.
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