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Everything posted by ADDICTEDTOLANA

  1. At the end of the snippet you can hear drums that kick in, i’m really excited
  2. She is in fucking Genoa and I live in fucking Genoa... I’m literally dying
  3. Actually she said that Change was the inspiration for the new album, in terms of musical content and words. Doesn’t mean that LDR6 will be all slow
  4. Guys she looks a bit off only because she’s wearing no make up at all. Usually she puts a little make up on as well with fake eyelashes or mascara. Here she is bare face
  5. She nailed the Christian religious theme of this year Met Gala. Not like other people that are just dressed with long ass sparkly gowns that did not fit at all this years theme
  6. I don’t know... it seems like she get out of breath so easily compared to the past years... idk. But I love her stage presence now!!
  7. Are we sure it’s not like a “canvas” a fan gifted to her? I’m just afraid to hype for nothin lol
  8. Where you guys found that? I can’t see it on her story
  9. Yes, but if she pushes through it she risks to get worse and cancel a lot of dates
  10. Her nomination is for herself as an artist, not a video or a song. Best alternative singer
  11. The first seconds it's obviously CGI... then there is the close up that is the real house
  12. I hope it won't have that ugly square shape and it will be full screen
  13. Do you guys think she has a deal with adidas? Cause now it's like about 3 months that every time she is outside she's wearing something of this brand. One day is a shirt, the other one is leggings, the other one a sweater... sometimes full adidas
  14. Yeah i know :/ but now he is saying that he will leak those two songs... so we'll see
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