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Everything posted by ADDICTEDTOLANA

  1. Yes there is a snippet of B A R going around on twitter. Why our girl and her team can't avoid leaks?
  2. Does she things that promo means putting a bunch of pictures on instagram??? Ahahaha I love her so much
  3. Where did she found the picture of the hand with the planets? Or they did it for her? Cause I'm in love with that picture and I would like to have the full image
  4. With that comment I meant that since it's just a video for a song it doesn't need to show social and political things.. that's all. I myself I'm gay and I'm not that mad or disappointed that there isn't a gay couple... cause as I said before it's nothing of important it's just a music video
  5. It's just a video guys... I don't think it's really that important to have gays and black people... like it's a video made for a song not a political&social speech or a social debate...
  6. I love that the video is so positive... with guys and girls and everyone is happy omg I'm crying
  7. First time that I'm happy to live in Italy ahahah when she'll go up it will be 5 pm over here and I can watch her without problems
  8. I hope they're kidding... cause truly that is a mess
  9. Why is everyone saying "omg now the snippet it's everywhere!!!!!" And I'm like... bitch where? I searched everywhere and still got nothing... so I think we are exaggerating a bit
  10. Maybe Lana is not too much interested but her label surely is. But yeah they are different markets so I hope that too
  11. I don't think she will release anything soon... cause now that Katy Perry will release her new single, and maybe in a few months the new album, i think that all the media's attention will be towards her
  12. Billboard just shared on Facebook a gif of Lana blowing a kiss... I know that 99% it's just a random thing and it doesn't mean anything... but a gurl can dream
  13. AFFA, Black Beauty, JFK, Hollywood, Starry Eyed... untouchable because they leaked when they were supposed to be on an upcoming album that Lana was Making... after those songs leaked she ditched the album and made ultraviolence... that's kinda how it went...
  14. yes i know... But still... I was hoping for something new
  15. I was hoping for a teaser today... Lol i don't even know why
  16. Here It's already 5 pm... Gosh I hate time zones
  17. Lol just watched their site! It's a mess... But funny.
  18. I have such a dirty mind... When she sings "when I'm down on my knees you are how I pray" I can't stop to think about sexual things ahaha.
  19. Metacritic gave her 79!!! Her best score.( on metacritic I mean)
  20. Honestly who cares... She don't care about charts, we shouldn't care about charts, no one should care about charts. The only thing we should care is her music and since so far it's beautiful i'm happy that soon we'll have a new album. I don't care if she will sell millions as long as the music is beautiful
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