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Everything posted by ADDICTEDTOLANA

  1. Well that cover is on Amazon and Google play... I think it is the official one.
  2. Omg it will be released 240 days before my birthday! Thank you lana, queen. Slay.
  3. I don't understand how random people can have access to her vevo account tho...
  4. I hope she will sing this song on some Tv show
  5. Maybe it is only the audio cause otherwise it would have been leaked the video too (I think?)
  6. Now I just hope she don't get pissed and cancel things like happened with black beauty
  7. Please don't Leak anything really. I don't want her/her label to cancel something please
  8. honestly if i were a girl i would wear them lol.
  9. Yeah but the official video of west coast it was released in May and UV in June. Same with Ride, the video was release in October and Paradise in November
  10. If it's true that the album will be released in september then the first single will be out in late july/early august. Because usually the first single is released one month before the album release.
  11. MTV italy wrote: "the new Lana Del Rey song used in the trailer of age of adaline, probably it will be in Del Rey new album Honeymoon" but idk maybe they are reaching like us. And they wrote it the same day the trailer was revealed.
  12. Lana revealed UV tracklist like 1 month before the release date. I don't think we'll have a tracklist any time soon
  13. I bought it in iTunes and it says that the composers are Emile and Lana. So yeah she wrote it too.
  14. Ok the snippet is good!!!! And i think i heard some familiar sounds in the production .
  15. What the actual fuck at that tracklist I Know What You Did Last Summer - *dead* ahahaha who can came up with these things...
  16. Here she seems to have boobs... but probably it's just a push up lol
  17. BBCR1 said in a tweet that she will perform. @BBCR1 IS LANA STILL PERFORMING ON TUESDAY? @BlEBERDELREY Yep - tune into Fearne from 10am!
  18. I'm ok if she does classy nudity like the GQ photoshoot. But trash nudity is the worst i think, like playboy or something like that. It's not her style.
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