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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. ok cool yesss can i ask for the link?
  2. do we have like a masterpost thread of allowed outtakes etc. ? @Hundred Dollar Bill is that allowed on here?
  3. sundaymondaytuesdaywednesdaythursdayfridaysaturdaaaaaaaaayyy sundaymondaytuesdaywednesdaythursdayfridaysaturdaaaaaaaaayyy sundaymondaytuesdaywednesdaythursdayfridaysaturdaaaaaaaaayyy
  4. i just wanna make myself better - sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturdaaaaaay sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturdaaaay sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturdaaaay sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturdaaaay sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturdaaaay feel so high on the trolleeeeeeeeeey everysingledaaaaayyyyy feel so high on the trolleeeeeeeeeey everysingledaaaaayyyyy
  5. i dont give a fuck what u think about me what u think about me cus i dont give af i dont give af
  6. imma continue being honest i cant put the album down but im gonna save it for later ty
  7. i'm actually a newer fan but i'll take ur word for it. and honestly tho, it takes a certain control to express the TYPE of moan, like it might sound funny, and that can be good, but like- it has to feel right and appropriate for the sound. imma google that song
  8. souuuunds gooood felt that
  9. i honestly love how weird melancholy moaning noises are an actual valid sound component. like it's dynamic. it's modern. it's obvs evocative. so much depth
  10. is that a song title or laughter
  11. how can i not know what i need right now is the one
  12. does anyone have a vault recap post? nvmd! A fan account has uncovered the different codes for four new songs. 232 plays a preview of "Selfish Girl", while 357 unlocks a snippet of "I Don't Give A Fuck". 352 reveals a preview of "How Can I Not Know What I Need Right Now", and 336 unlocks a preview of "Sorry If I Hurt You".
  13. imma bout to crash imma bout to crash imma bout to craaaaash
  14. hmmmmmm wisdom teeth are meaningful cus ur gonna have to get them out at some point or not if your lucky. but, they're meaningful to your dentist/ dental surgeon cus it's probably something they had to learn while studying to dent. for like creative use, u can put them in a jar or something and intimidate or just plain ass creep someone out with them by displaying them or something next object: Silly putty
  15. Title. How to play, someone has to name an object, or any kind of summed up noun. The next user has to define why said object holds meaning, is meaningful. Can be profound, or real simple. Can be a why, or how something is meaningful. So, first object: a paperclip. User below has state why a paperclip is useful then end the post with another object for the next user to follow suit.
  16. when did it get awkward lol
  17. ah ah got me on repeat got me on repeat got me on repeat peat peat
  18. i've been streaming this album like a river does water . . .
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