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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. so the insiders mentioned this was just the start n there was more. MORE? gimme
  2. HOT FIRE. HOT WEATHER. HOT COFFEE 'M BETTER w yyyaaahaaaa but u know what rite now I really think the atmosphere's most sim to BTD. give us rugged Lanaaaaa
  3. u may not be the most cohesive but i love you lfl i really do this is a love confession fuck the pretension ur amazing u lovable mess i still appreciate u may u have a re release though w the demos included w them u future anthology record let this be the day I draw my words of the future
  4. lets go into the fake tracklist portion of our pre release program. 1. Blue Banisters 2. 3. 4. Wildflower Wildfire 5. Text Book 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
  5. that and how in norman she literally sings so many blues on it, to end w it w hope. it all connects
  6. wish a special version of the vinyl'd be like the pattern of pansies:
  7. i wouldn't mind BB being the opener, it'd be great, but my thing about is that how would that fit w the album and the story it might share
  8. Summer comes, winter goes, spring i skip spring i sleep god knows I think the track may be a great unusual way of opening the album, but I think it might be best if it were second. the heartbreak factor fits perfectly for the 3 track placed ballad, but 2nd feels like the best nested fit
  9. I might've mispoke but I meant the vinyl box set w the FLORAL vinyl ahhhhhhhhhhh and yeah I got both versions so so good the chemtrails box set was actually pretty cute I liked it and the logo gave it a great vibe. SERIOUSLY tho. we need at least diff location pics or, just more photos to supplement another vinyl box set. UV. more of that quality
  10. I need UV BOX SET TIER for this one. yes bc i want it, but also bc the music's just been so good
  11. so we just got 3 new songs. is that gonna make me not ask for the tracklist? no. ON the contrary
  12. . . . . just realized that her mom's born in december.. her opposite sign. damn was the chemtrails title track like a contrast to her, bc if so. damn. heartbreaking especially w the follow up from ww just teared up a little.
  13. i love this queer bitch kween i really do. I really do. damn. btw re-imagined ohFUCK FUUUUUUUUUCK. gives me BTW video outtake vibes FUCK!
  14. maybe like this kind of violet can't see it happening w the other colors for a serious look
  15. u got a thunderbird mah daddy had one too lets re-write history i'll do this dance w youu
  16. finally i met you so im not wonderin why ya got a thunderbird mah daddy had one too let's rewrite history i'll do this dance wit u old maaaaaaaaaaan river keeeeeeeeps roooooollllllinnnnnnnn I screeeaaaaaaamed for theeeeeehhhhheeeeee heeeeeeh eeeem oooooooohhhhhhhh
  17. so classical sound for the next. cording ta Mikey supposed 14 tracks? LIKE HM? 3 new songs that actually came out, none being filler. we just keep winning
  18. maybe lana'll have a megan fox moment in the future bc unless u have a keen ear for what she's doin, it'll completely go over ur head. w even how LFL was trashed on here, there's been a trend of it being not so bad after all. also just WW is godly. there's absolutely nothing wrong w anticipation, in fact it can be sooooo great. this ain't no fast food drive thru, this is a (french) restaurant (which we need more music like)
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