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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. I kinda like it?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE14pDaiGBY
  2. Real random but here : http://instagram.com/p/B-UU7hWHqoq/ I feel for the girl, forsure. but I'm thinking maybe they're on to something. Hang tight Lanagirl we're here for u.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2AOjb9HW2E
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bXWWqeo-hE
  5. Ah jeez so like. I was listening to the asib soundtrack, that's some great music right there. n I remember the times I met her for filming. Watching the film again, and wanting to just travel and go outside, doing things that I love doing. The NOSTALGIA. Idk what's goin on w her, maybe more charity work and so on. I genuinely hope she finds a way to meet both sides, w like the business n artist aspects surrounding her music, and giving her fans what she wants. It must be exhausting having to be that bridge. Apparently, she's supposed to b making an announcement this coming Monday. The "finished" cover is starting to look a lot more appealing for me, for an album cover, so I wouldn't mind it if it were. It takes it from magazine page, to an actual cover, looks good regardless. I know the length of this makes it feel like I'm sentimentalizing, but nah just reminiscing about everything bc i think it's nice to. Looking forward to the music that'll make me cry and dance. Need it so much rn. Maybe I just like seeing the upside of things, but her timing's like scarily amazing sometimes, hope we get some good news soon
  6. I mean when u put it that way-
  7. This beautiful man's being slept on. Mr. Salvat ur love is showing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5ogYY8Se5Y
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGPgxoIPY6Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYNznNBeDnQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBQsLKcLeUU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAgbZdrWiN4
  9. I know u basically wrote a mini-review on it (well done btw :applause:) but yes yes YES to this film. One of my favorites. and it IS magical. It's it's own world
  10. I was going to like this, but then, the California diss kept my finger from the mouse
  11. Even w you i've got no one to lose so you'd better believe that nobody can make me feel lonely bc I hear (sweetest melodies) even when you talk that talk w the lights on I still somehow know that I'll never feel, ever feel lonely I have no fear (it's got me thinkin')
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBAHqRnSgRw
  13. Same !! I love how beautifully quirky it is. The SKILL. Imagine Lana singing Cola high notes like that, disco flair. The echo, juxtaposed in some sort of space castle. Needs to happen
  14. So. which songs have ya guys changed opinions on? songs ya used to hate etc. ?
  15. Stache, Ratchet n Red Flame, even solo version. whyyyy
  16. So. this is gonna be totally random but what happened w ARTPOP act 2 and can that leak
  17. Ok. so straight up, does anyone have any updates on whether the virus is ariborne or not? edit: read up. currently, not enough evidence that it is. the newss
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2XUvtimg5g
  19. I'm not even kidding. Space station disco queen needs to happen: Cola high notes. damp clothes. steamed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnTE2h0ZY74
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