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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. the guitars. the cinematography, the sound juxtaposition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrSX_OcpeJg
  2. i'll just say it, I need an update on the record. Stream Stupid Love
  3. ok. So. The Sims 3. I started playing. Opinions on sims 4?
  4. The special edition looks so beautiful tooooooo
  5. I just got into her like, late last year and I regret it sooo much. Pop 2's been my favorite so far. Charli (the album) looks great, but wanted Pop 2 bc of its aesthetic, that's pretty recent tho, and the price hike's pretty fast -
  6. I still kinda wonder what ever happened w the animated(?)/painting vid for Love song .. I mean yeah granted we got videos for 7 tracks (which is- wow), and personally, already have imagery in my head for it, but just makes me wonder. There isn't a track on this album that I really skip HtD and California just scream video worthyyy. I remember how random the MAC video seemed (it's perfect as an interlude vid) Wish we got a HiaB video by itself, but then Bartender could confuse some fans on wth was going on by itself Venice is still so cathartic, and just builds on nostalgia as time goes on. it's kinda like this record's thematic counterpoint where there's the least conflict/tension Wish she sang more tracks from the record, live studio sessions/ performances. it just seems such a waste, and correlationally inconsistent it seems w how in ur face the album logo(?) is like it were just some yard sale sticker rather than the POP! -ness it could be.. not ungrateful, but just sharing some thoughts, n forsure things have been postponed due to world issues, which is a total rapid shift of focus- but pretty sure the people who missed out don't have their hopes up. what's horrible is that it really can't be helped, most physically real, true so so much I totally get the restlessness even boredom of how things are right now. it's like the longest *insert ur awkward measure of time/distance* we're all on. so much can still b done w the record, since the album material's her most contemporarily solid especially but we just don't know rn. maybe some kind of chord'll string within her and have her inspired to do something, but truth of the matter is communication is strained if that was even a method to be relied on to fit this in, personally, this album cycle's been the most magical imo.. we got a pink vinyl. the videos. the concert (fireworks on Venice aloneeeee) the pop up making friends and just being able to connect w the record thru multiple layers, the numerous vids we've got, even concert vids, n of course the music. i'm a happy camper, but, and i say this w respect, free of any sarcasm, that others still want more/feel unfinished w the record era and that's still a very fair n valid perspective. what we do know, is that she seems to be alright. she's already started (at least in creative theory/process) w WHF, a poetry book, and w/o a doubt, objectively more time to maybe tweak, better plan events during downtime, when specifically mentally veined w the work aspects of who she is. tl;dr oc there's more that could b done, we could still chat about other things regarding the era/album, maybe the downtime's a good thing
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8D8jJALJ0c
  8. I think this might be really weird to say, and i'm not ungrateful. But. I think this record taught me what love isn't. and maybe on some better day or something, romance can be alive again, but. it helped me realize the non-spectacular aspects of love and strangely reignites how love is more of an act and to just enjoy putting it out there like a steady stream. especially for yourself does any of this make sense lol
  9. The lowest one's actually in my country, maybe urs too lol haha but that's still 120 for a vinyl. Not the most practical imo, but! Thank you, that's like over half off from what's listed on amazon
  10. I mean- I don't think it's good to sort of want to be able to be responsible for others n dismiss and decide what everyone deserves. I mean if u were, wouldn't u want to move things towards a brighter direction .. ? edit: that sounded philosophical what are we talking about exactly ? annd to keep things ot, what' everyone doin? how's ur guys' areas? how's everyone taking things ?
  11. Yeah I was wondering how to get my hands on it. Amazon's got one for like 225, hope she has them re-pressed or something cant find them anywhere else
  12. So, kinda new to her, but whats up w the Pop 2 vinyl? Is it rare or something by now?
  13. West Coast v Cruel World
  14. I acutally like the version of Fiily that we got on the physical copies.
  15. Not downplaying anything, I actually had a post sourced from med lab reports etc the other day) edit: might as well: Classes got cancelled, went grocery shopping yesterday. There really is no tp, santizer and pasta. I usually get baby wipes bc they're better for just cooling urself down aside from hygiene. Those were getting thinned too, which was annoying. Was making casual jokes w a cashier and they were so OVER it lolololol. Sending memes to friends and just messaging each other. I know i'm not really the target age range for the virus, like so many others here I'm guessing, but just important to say, that the older folks in our lives still only of course deserve their chances to be as healthy as possible, just like any person. So be careful peeps what's frustrating is how it's basically cold/flu season here, which only makes people panic a lot more. ok. to end things on a visual note. also, bc this woman is amazing, ICONIC, have a good chuckle:
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd_Wf9aj53U Forsure forsure, was just comparing this potential thread to the others we already have on here, so it doesn't seem redundant and not have participation I'm all for animals without a doubt, but I personally wouldn't really know any songs about our cuddly buds.. I do think cars, flowers, even women's names have a good shot of having plenty of songs tho. Why no death metal hahahaha (i don't listen, but i'm down to listening to it and seeing what i might like, possibly just like other members) maybe the poll option could be utilized to have the theme selected? just an idea I've some themes we could work w if u wanted. I'll wait for u to make the actual thread unless you wanted me to. Lets pm bout the specific details u wanted on it?
  17. I'm not gonna lie, I kinda hope she touches on star signs or something. and something that'll finally top West Coast
  18. California sounds a lot more progressed than Video Games, as classic as it is. So.. California California vs. Freak
  19. I'll have a read of the link later. it's got to do w concepts, right? I do know we've already got this thread, and a song history thread (game-like, works thru alphabet recs). What'll make this one different? Also it'll depend on what you'd wanna make for the thread and how the thread'll b easy to participate w. I think it might be off the bat strange to sort of have to include oldies music, but maybe let others just post what they'd like? I like the idea behind concepts tho, that already sounds interesting. Maybe the weekly thing'll work, but I'm already guessing we'd need just you and me taking part hahahaha, but either way, I'd be down. What's ur first theme/concept? edit: OP : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPpe0495IxI
  20. Maybe im not as deep a stan, but not sure where the lyric comes from. Reminds me of sweet n low sugar packets.. ah hm imo a 6..
  21. @@maxthehitman I actually wouldnt mind if u started a book club type of thread, but for music. We could choose a theme or something per week/month and have other users contribute? Dk the mechanics exactly atm, but thatd b a good start what do u think?
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6G1uwe20wg
  23. I've been saying this for a while, but WHF reminds me of Saturday Night Fever, dk why, but some kinky disco and soft rock would b AMAZING
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