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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. I definitely do think that LfL really was a kind of breakaway album from everything she's done so far. I mean sonically, it's kinda like she summed up so many parts of herself, and made a album anthology of who she is. I guess it bridges together as growth, and really, kind of piecing things together to find out who you are hazily. It wasn't as cohesive from what we're used to. I think the problem was that it was trying to have itself aged, while still being current when it came to the cover. Sent mixed messages imo Yess on Get Free, but wasn't it originally based off of Change? I'm getting classic vibes too, more heart-tugging, but honestly, we'll see whenever she decides to tease something concrete. Honeymoon from UO was amazinggg. I've only got that version on vinyl YES. I was thinking more along the lines of Paris Match mag vibes too, to lend to that. HBTB was amazing. It looked like a cover of a romance novel but honestly, she made it work
  2. I like the soft glow vibes, and the vintage feel to them, especially with the bold colors, but I feel like it'd be too pictorial for an album cover. Maybe, for the booklet. I loved how realistic and grounded BtD's cover was. Paradise, lush. How hazy heated nostalgic UV's was. How classic oceanic HM was, and how LfL's cover reminds me of an American Anthology especially. I'm kinda hoping she'll incorporate some sort of warmer colors if she's gonna release an EP, and maybe some lavender and neutral tones for the album. But I mean, seeing how we don't have anything solid yet. Who knows where things will head.
  3. I want a Lana track moment that'll break me like Cap'n does to this log What feelings?
  4. "You're burning up, I'm cooling down. You're up I'm down, you're blind I see" vs. "Lead me to war with your brilliant direction"
  5. Well I mean some people equate Cher as god so I guess in that way it fits the theme
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8AWFf7EAc4
  7. Red is the color of your mouth when you drink rum punch You like to lay, in yellow sun And red are the color of your eyes when you drink too much You pack your place, you pack a punch
  8. I know there've been so many Lizzy Grant leaks going round the net, but I really hope that we get a reworked song, kinda like Black Beauty or something. Hint. Angels Forever would be THAT SONG.
  9. (I know I've said this before already, but really for u) Groupie Love
  10. Carmen makes me feel uncomfortable sometimes
  11. ^ thank u I swear if she pulls out the adidas promo
  12. I think it'd really depend on how the album would sound, but if she was going to bloom LDR6 through LfL, then I'd love like a warmer strawberry blonde comeback, with touches of 1970's fashion.
  13. Ok on another note, I loved her Cherry Blossom Lullaby, I hope she has at least a demo of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RttrlShvNII
  14. She was testing out her vocals of "it's fucking hot, hot" from Heroin and we haven't fully recovered yet since
  15. It's 2018's first pop coy anthem
  16. It's 80's groovy, I think it'll be more of a slow burner. Wonder which remix I'll like best
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