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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. I'm not really good w how that works exactly, but if she owns her art I'm super glad to know that she does.
  2. As much as I love L…Woman, and even if it feels like a UV period song, Pink Champagne deserves some kind if official release. An outtakes compliation’d be lovely. and this is me saying this as someone who usually just takes things as they are from a listener perspective. It’s just too good
  3. Im never gonna let that story fade it’s just too random too funny
  4. Oh and that story where she lied about falling down a well and the priest asking her why her voice was so airy and it was because of that
  5. I always loved when she posted random photos of the blinds and that one time where she was on the couch (visit the couch thread) like it was part of the sons of anarchy set
  6. I'm making up a music video for fishtail in my head right now, it starts off black and white, and begins with the camera zoning in on Lana posing like Aphrodite in the middle of an island, with shark fins encircling the small pedestal of an island, and scenes begin to silhouette in the ocean water like blades of grass/ petal shaped scratches, to then portaling into a scene where Lana sings from a faded cool toned red/ grey home balcony, curtain billowing against a diamond sized twilight pistoled sun. Her and her friends to another scene, start fishing for pearls in the LA river, and it turns out that the pearls are tears from heartbroken lovers, and eventually Lana writing in a studio. There's petal-shaped portals, a montage of moving scenes, with her and the man she loves in different billowing frames. One with them being centered in different locations, but filling the same room, one where they're dancing and Lana's dress twirls and turns into another petal-shaped portal to a silhouette with the man just leaving from their dance. From the river, the last scene then frames lit only the singer's window where she begins to record. Camera pans out from projector lights above to white, and Lana then smiles to the camera, last frame as she says "one-two" to signal her singing for the next song. It's starts off a bit semi-animated similar to a kind of living collage/ comic world, to something current, real-time reality looking world, and then turns/ edited/ tailored classic 2012 looking black and white for the last part trailing to the studio scene (for a classic, rock feeling timelessness to it) I can see it so vividly I kinda wish I could see it now.
  7. The title, aside from the literal lyrics, sounds so well supported in providing the beauty, and cathedralic kind of imagery that the entire song's drenched and is caught up in. Like rainclouds crying upwards altogether against a softly pasteled yellow, iridescent curtain of a rivered midmorning sky.
  8. u know what I'm high, listening to Fingertips and what I really, additionally, love about it past it's first frontier of a beautiful warp of space of sound, is how the parallels of neurons in the brain can similarly be found in form to hands, and how they reach out to other neurons/ synapses and neuro-plasticity , in a way that Lana also parallels reaching for her family. It's the perfect hammock of themes. It flows and swims well with the broader theme of the importance and respecting and the carrying of memories (past the easy fore-fronted material, but what really matters in toward a more purposeful, post-just existing mindset and life). It's like the song's a beautiful thread swimming and extracted freshly from your subconscious space, to also, almost expanding into external galaxies. Like a perfect, resounding modicum of origin to then the swooping promises of limitless possibilities, real similar to the Hero's Journey. It has it's own, very much deserved, universe in and of itself. It's so clear; kinda how water can be so refreshing and purifying.
  9. was sky-staring to this album and it felt like I was about to fall into it with the soft gusts of wind. so pristine
  10. her team needs to make the string of shows into a film somehow, if even for a tour music video
  11. she was so playful I love the energy, the little side comments, the vape, the dances/ production details, and then the little comment about the outro honestly iconic
  12. Brazilian fans really getting riled up n crying everytime the camera panned over like damn they know what's up
  13. I was getting emotional n tearing up cus u can tell that she was really feeling it, I guess returning to the stage dk exactly but then I started laughing when she was pulling that move towards the end of singing BTD lol
  14. I know she’s not the most extroverted, but honestly watching the start so far, she belongs on stage. It’s been so long and the crowd seems so respectful and entranced. Brazil’s audience looks so grateful and cherishing it’s all so beautiful to watch
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